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An Arcanist in Karakura Town
Chapter 9


Orihime did something naughty.

She got Tatsuki to come back.



“ERRRNNN!!!” Tatsuki screamed into the pillow as I fingered her mercilessly. Her back arched and her naked body glistened with a barely imperceptible layer of sweat.

Underneath the black haired girl was my girl, Orihime, and she was sucking on Tatsuki’s tits.

Tatsuki shuddered as she climaxed and almost collapsed on top of Orihime. The girl tried to stop that, but her arms weren’t exactly angled right, so I stopped her by grabbing her by her waist and lifting her ass up into the air.

“I’m going in, Tats,” I warned her before I pushed myself into her.

She whimpered as my thick dick pushed her folds apart, and choked when Orihime decided to use that moment to kiss her friend.

While the two girls kissed, I slowly pumped myself in and out of the athletic girl.

Honestly, Tatsuki was a treat. Like last time, her vagina was tight and slick at the same time. I slid in and out of her, parting her flesh each time. From the sound of her whimpers and mewls, she loved it too.

Orihime went back suckling on her friend’s much perkier tit, and I … climaxed inside of Tatsuki.

The girl gasped and shuddered between us before collapsing on top of Orihime.

My dick continued to twitch with need, so I did the next logical thing: I pulled out Tatsuki’s quivering vagina and pushed myself into Orihime’s fold. My woman moaned as I took her, and I spared no time getting to the rough and fast action.

It wasn’t long before I was cumming into Orihime, filling her up with my seed again.

From there, I took turns with the girls.

Tatsuki got another dose while I took her in a missionary position. Orihime got her second doggy style. Tatsuki’s third came full nelson. I delivered Orihime’s third sideways with her leg drawn over my shoulder.

It was a … debaucherous night, and all three of us loved it.


It was unfortunate, then, that when I woke up to see who was knocking on the door the next day, which forced me to leave the bed where there were two girls perfectly willing to take it from me, I was greeted by a face that made me annoyed.

It was Sunday early morning. Sue me for being annoyed.

“Good morning, Marris-kun!”

“Good morning, Urahara,” I groused.

It’s been a week since he began to visit me each morning, and I was starting to plan for very nefarious traps.

“Before you close the door on me-!” he spoke up quickly as I was just about to do that. “-can you just hear me out once? If you hear me out and consider what I say seriously, then I’ll stop bothering you!”

“... How do I know you’ll keep to that promise?”

“It is a bother to get up every morning to talk with you, you know~!” the man laughed as he unfolded his paper fan and hid his grin.

I glared at him for a moment before weighing whether listening to him once was worth not having him come back to bother me. “Fine,” I replied after a moment. “Let’s hear it.”

Urahara smiled triumphantly before he closed his paper fan. “Let’s start with how I can help you!”

Oh God, it already sounded like a sales pitch.

“You haven’t exactly been keeping yourself hidden or your activities subtle, have you realized that?”

“Yes,” I replied. “But it’s not like it matters, right? I’m not disturbing the flow of souls between the physical and spiritual realms.”

Urahara nodded slowly but there was a hint of “No, not quite” in that slow nod. “That is very true, but unfortunately, even souls play politics.”

Please don’t tell me Soul Society-

“And the very thought that there exists individuals at the current nexus and bridge between Soul Society and the Physical Realm that do not abide by Gotein 13’s rules … has upset some individuals.”

Motherfucker- Wait.

“How do I know what you are saying is true?” I asked pointedly with narrowed eyes. “I may not know much about you, Mr. Urahara Kisuke, but I know that you’ve been exiled, and not on friendly terms with many people either.”

“This comes from the mouth of the first Shinigami representative.”

He meant Rukia, and I supposed that Rukia was close enough to the political fields due to her status that if she said something, then it would make sense.

“... I want to confirm this for myself later today.”

“That’s perfectly fine! As to what I was getting to, while there is a bit of a pressure upon the Gotei 13 to keep you in check, it hasn’t gotten anywhere yet. The Gotei 13 is too similar to the shogunates of the old, if you need an example, for mere politicians to dictate its actions. What it did get Gotei 13 to do, however, was keep a closer eye on Karakura Town.”

“And what does that have to do with me in the short term and long term?”

“Well, if you grow strong enough to match even a lieutenant, Gotei 13 might not be so happy with just watching!”

I grumbled. I supposed that if Gotei 13 did follow the old traditional Japanese model of governance, it would certainly make sense for them to strike me while I was still weaker than any of their captains.

“So, if you are willing to help me, I can help you by gifting you - for you to own - a device that would fool the shinigami’s sensors of your growth!”

Okay, he got me. Once I confirmed it with Rukia, I might go for this… if the next part isn’t too much.

“And what would you have me help you with?”

Uraharas’s eyes glinted with mischief.

“If it isn’t too much of a trouble-” You’re already trouble enough, hat-and-clogs. “- I would have you ally with me.”

I stared at him in surprise before my mind’s gears began to clink and clank away as thoughts and connections were made.

“I’ll tell you my answer tomorrow,” I stressed the last word.

The ex-captain grinned. “Great! I’ll see you later then!”

And he just shunpo’ed away, leaving me with my thoughts, a house, and two lovely ladies in bed.

My mind grumbled at me that it was too fucking early for this shit.

I conceded.

I went back in, closed the door, activated all of the locks (mundane and magical), and then walked back into the bedroom to sleep with my girls.


When I got up in the late morning, I fucked Tatsuki and Orihime once each and then made them breakfast while the girls recovered from the morning session.

(Well, actually, I spent more time sucking and fondling various locations of their bodies than I did fucking. Orihime liked it when I kissed her neck and fondled her tits. Tatsuki liked hugging and kissing me.)

It was only later that day that I got to seriously thinking about Urahara’s offer.

And I quickly rejected it.

First off, I had a spell called “Obscure Object,” which could be used against any kind of scrying. While it was a short duration spell of only 8 hours, and while it was a spell that didn’t help me with radar-like detection system used by Gotei 13 (and specifically Division 12), I knew for a fact that - if I wanted to - I could make myself an enchanted device to prevent detection.

Second, Urahara was asking me to be an ally. He didn’t ask me to work for him or work for a job. He asked me to be an ally. While I knew that the man was crafty with his words, there were some things that one had to observe when speaking. By stating that he wanted me as an ally, he was acknowledging me as someone dangerous. I might not be his equal, but I was dangerous enough that he would rather have me as an ally - and not piss me off on the off chance that I was a proud bastard - instead of having me as his employee.

If I had to guess, then I think that Urahara spent more time learning about me than Soul Society ever did, and he was twisting his words’ connotations to make it seem like I was a greatly debated topic in Gotei 13.

Now that I had time to think, I was starting to see how the ex-captain nearly had me fooled.

Yeah, I could stand by myself. With Hide - the Jin Shi Huang - at my side and Orihime’s future ability, I could take on what Gotei 13 and others had to throw at me.

“You won’t suck me into your conflict that easily, Urahara,” I chuckled lowly.

“Alan, get back to studying whatever your magic is instead of laughing like a villain,” Hide chided from the other side of the warehouse.

“Dude, I was in a mood!”


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