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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 16: Young Things do Young Things


With the death of Kaiser and much of his capes, the Empire Eighty-Eight, a criminal white supremacy gang that had stood since the dawn of parahuman age, fell apart. Its fall signaled a change in history for the city and the surrounding region, and perhaps signaled a change even beyond New England. 

For now though, its death meant that I could rest easy … for now. 

I planned to spend the next week fixing my house along with hired help from the Dockworkers. Say what you will about a union without a purpose, but most of them had a firm grasp on being a handyman. I digressed. The E88 gangsters hadn’t done my house any favors by riddling her front wall and windows with bullets, so there were a lot of places I needed to fix.

But I also knew that Leviathan was coming, so the future value of my house was in question, primarily due to the fact that the house sat in the area that might or might not become the future “Leviathan Lake.”

But I began to fix her up anyway; I don’t think Amy would like it if chilly wind came into our room during the night. 

As it was, we were spending our nights in a nearby hotel while my house was getting fixed. It didn’t exactly stop what we usually did for our nights, though.

Our tongues slid and danced around each other. Amy sat on top of my lap with her legs straddled over mine. My left hand gripped her hair and head together while my right hand kept a firm hold over her left ass cheek. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders and neck, and her hands gripped my own hair. 

I stayed still while she grinded her naked clit against the length of dick. 

Our kiss broke when we broke for air, and I immediately attacked her freckled neck, biting and sucking. Amy giggled and pushed her boobs against my upper chest and neck, enjoying everything that was going on.

We were just loving each other right now. We didn’t care about the crisis the city faced or the fact that we were ten years apart in age or anything else that might cause us grief. Right now, we just loved and loved and loved.

“Alan, put it in already~” she whined when I got lost in thought and just loved cuddling her. 

“Is my Amy becoming naughty for my dick?” I asked playfully as I pulled back.

She bit her lips and blushed. “I’m always n-naughty for you,” she stuttered, and honestly, I loved how cute it sounded.

“Are you wet even when I’m training you?” I asked as I gently laid her down on the luxuriously soft bed (it was so worth the one hundred fifty dollars a night I was spending for this hotel room). 

She wasn’t going to let herself be beat in a battle of words, though. “You mean, you don’t e-enjoy training me? I thought you loved it when our skin s-smacked and grinded~!” she asked with a coo. But the way she was blushing up a storm and stuttering told me enough about how embarrassed she was saying all of these things. 

I laughed and kissed her again.

At the same time, I slid into her wet folds, earning myself a moan from Amy.

I broke the kiss and opted for a tight hug sex, wrapping my considerable frame over Amy. Amy squeaked as I pinned her between myself and the bed. Only her head, arms, and legs peeked out from underneath me. Even her big boobs found themselves completely covered by me. 

Amy squeaked when I thrusted into her roughly.

“Amy, I think I want to make you a teen mom,” I whispered into her ear as I started pounding away. 

Amy moaned, completely incoherent from this point, as I began to push her towards her climax. 

My arms and hands slid down from her mid back to her lower back. Then I bent my back forward and pulled her towards me.

Amy gasped and moaned at the same time as my dick penetrated deeper into her, and almost became a putty in my arms. Her arms gripped my arms now, and her nails dug into my skin. 

“C-Cum in me, ‘lan-!” she whimpered. 

Her words spurred me on, and I began to almost falter in holding my strength back.

Amy shrieked as her vagina tightened around me, and I climaxed together with her. 

We laid there on the bed, unmoving yet gasping for breath. 

Then I moved first. I turned her around with my dick still inside of her. A bit of my cum dribbled out, but I didn’t care. I pushed her onto all four of her limbs, and grabbed her hair. I kept my grip slack but my thrusts were anything but.

Amy began to mumble and whimper incoherently, only making sense when she was begging me for more. 

Seeing her in this state, I actually gripped her hair tight and began to pull her back to me.

She shrieked but didn’t tell me to stop. 

I came into her like that. 

Then I was giving her the mating press.

And finally, I finished off the night while giving her the full nelson. 

Satisfied with my repeated conquest, I finally let her rest and fell asleep with my arms secured around her. 


Amy tried not to blush from her sister’s teasing during school lunch hour.

“He must be great at bed, isn’t he~?” Vicky cooed while poking her cheeks. Thankfully, they were sitting a bit far from the rest of the school, so no one was hearing their conversation… hopefully. 

She half-heartedly swatted her sister’s hand, but really couldn’t stop the blushing.

“Did you two do it raw, too?” 

“Vicky!” she shrieked in annoyance.

“Oh, you let him … do it inside you?”


“You’re louder than me, Ames. Are you that loud too when he’s in you?”

Amy stood up and ran.

Her sister flew after her anyways, rendering her efforts moot. In the end, she gave up and offered some details. 

What she didn’t expect, however, was for her sister to return the day after she “confessed” about her nightlife to Vicky to find her sister sullen and pouty.

“What happened?” she asked her beautiful blonde sister. 

“Dean didn’t want to do it with me.”

Amy blinked before frowning. “Didn’t want to or couldn’t?”

“What’s the difference?”

She sighed. “Vicky, you know that he’s not exactly as free as you are. I suspect me may be busier than I am.”

“So?!” Vicky shrieked. “He’s just ignoring me because of his duties and I’m here just -!” Vicky stopped, cutting herself off. “I know that he’s busy,” she grumbled with bits of tears in her eyes. 

Amy sighed.

In the aftermath of E88’s fall, a lot of things changed - and that was putting it mildly. 

With the Empire gone, the centralized nature of Brockton Bay’s white supremacists was broken, and they had fractured into at least nine different feuding groups. Of those, only two groups had capes. The first group, which called itself the Pure, was led by the largest gathering of former Empire capes who had survived the previous slaughter or had come out of retirement: Purity, Night, Fog, and Crusader. 

The other was a newly parahuman-centralized Herren Clan, a white supremacist family that had jumped into the cape scene upon realizing that Kaiser and his dominating influence in Brockton Bay was gone. Led by Othala, she had Rune and Alabaster with her, latter of whom had been broken out of prison merely days ago.

Unfortunately, these two groups lacked the high numbers of regular gang members. As such, while they maintained control over the territory they claimed, they held little to no influence beyond that. 

And this complicated explanation was just for the remnants of the Empire Eighty-Eight.

Lung and his ABB was expanding crazily, constantly fighting the rest of the E88 remnants but leaving Purity and Othala’s groups alone; they were far from his core territory anyways, so news analysts explained that they weren’t his concerns.

The true headache right now, though, was the Merchants and the resurgent Teeth. Upon the news of the Empire’s death, the Teeth came roaring back to Brockton Bay. The Butcher, thankfully, remained in New York City. 

If that wasn’t all, then some of the villains from the Anti-Empire Coalition had decided to move into the bay. 

The result? 

The PRT and the Protectorate was hemorrhaging manpower patrolling, intervening, and fighting. Not many were dying, thankfully, but it felt like everyone working for the government had double shifts now.

But Amy didn’t care much about all of that aside from the fact that her own volunteer shifts were now packed with injured PRT, Protectorate, and civilians.

No, she cared more about Vicky. 

Or rather, getting Vicky to join her and Alan, because despite how she felt about Alan, she still loved her beautiful blonde sister (just not as much as Alan anymore).

“Then … why don’t you hang out with us?” 

Vicky looked up. “Huh?”

“Dean might get jealous if you hang out with me and Alan a lot, right?”

“... Maybe.” A pause. “Okay.”

Amy grinned.


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