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An Arcanist in Karakura Town
Chapter 6


I knew that in this world, the rules of “No Pain, No Gain” applied very strictly. 

It kind of made sense, once you applied that rule to the shinigami, why they took so long to achieve Bankai. Whereas Ichigo took maybe a month to get his Bankai, the captains gained theirs over the course of many dozens if not hundreds of years. 

While one could argue that Ichigo was an abnormality and thus his Bankai achievement shouldn’t be part of the average, he also went through hellish training that no other shinigami went through besides Renji and maybe Urahara and Yoruichi. 

Through said painful training, Renji too gained Bankai.

Since I lived in this world, the rule also applied to me. My constant preying of weaker Hollows didn’t do me any good in the long term.

So I steeled myself and went out hunting the night after I met Rukia to find the biggest Hollow I could find in these parts: Grand Fisher. 

And I found him.

Or rather, he’s already been looking for me. 

See, Karakura Town was “his” hunting ground and I have been repeatedly taking his prey.

“So that’s why you have been trying to kill me, huh?!” I shouted through the Hollow mask, which made me like a Hollow. 

In this forest right next to the cemetery where Ichigo was supposed to fight Grand Fisher, I stood here fighting it. 

I mean, yes, it sucked that Ichigo was not going to be solving his past issue so easily but my life was on the line here!

“Fire bolt, fire bolt, fire bolt!” I launched three spells in quick succession even as I prepared for my fourth spell by pulling Grand Fisher towards an area where it won’t be able to dodge. “Frost ray!”

Its eyes widened as a ray of freezing beam struck it, and it roared angrily as a thin sheet of ice appeared where my attack struck. Its fur became heavy with ice and it slowed down considerably. 

“You brat!” 

“Frost ray, frost ray, frost ray!”

The thing about being struck by a movement debuff in an area where it couldn’t dodge was that it couldn’t further dodge more of the debuffing attacks.

Soon, Grand Fisher was shivering wreck unable to move.

“Thanks for coming after me like this,” I grinned beneath my mask as I used a new spell. In essence, it was a light spell that burned but kept its shape in the form of a javelin in my hands until I threw it. “Solar Spear,” I said. 

And I can’t make it without my Hollow mask.

In my free right hand, a spear made out of light zapped into appearance, sizzling the air but not me. It was made out of my own mana, after all. Though once I threw it and I somehow got teleported to its destination… 

I might not survive this as I was.

Grand Fisher tried to flee, but it was too slowed down; it had underestimated me. Played with me. And now it was paying for its mistakes.

With a roar, I drove the spear through Grand Fisher’s mask.

It screeched as it died, and I drew in all of its essence.

Did I mention that Grand Fisher could have killed me easily? 


Yes, he could have killed me easily if he went all out, but he was so fucking used to ambush and psychological warfare that he didn’t. 

And now he’s dead. 

And part of me.

I grinned as I felt my meager reservers of mana and spiritual energy climb, doubling itself in an instant.

“Ooh… that feels good,” I cackled quietly to myself. 

I went home after that. No point sticking around, after all.


When I came home, I was surprised to see Tatsuki and Inoue there. 

Inoue looked up when she heard the door open and smiled at me. “Welcome home, Alan,” she greeted me.

“I’m home,” I replied back with an easy smile of my own. “So your friend is here.”

A very red faced Tatsuki sat on the couch right next to Inoue. I began to grow suspicious.

“Yup!” she cheered. “And she’s here to apologize.”

“Oh?” I turned to Tatsuki.

“I-” she began and then gulped. “I’m s-sorry for calling you by a racial s-slur.”

… Good enough.

“And I thank you for doing something that is hard for many people to do,” I replied. 

This was a Japanese girl I was talking to after all. An apology was to take responsibility for whatever slight or misdeed someone may have done, and the Japanese were loathed to truly apologize. 

Correction: an apology from a Japanese was culturally avoided due to the implications that goes with it. It wasn’t uncommon for Japanese during the 20th century to apologize for something that might not have been their fault - like a company going bankrupt due to bad economy or losing to a competitor, or a school principal apologizing after some idiot high school freshman from the boonies went off to Tokyo and got themselves killed, drugged, or kidnapped - and then kill themselves due to “crushing responsibilities.”

A “tradition” that was passed down by the samurais, the very leaders of Japan who led its people in World War II, that got off scot free from trial due to overarching concerns of the USSR and its communism.

Tld;dr - Apologies in Japan killed people.

Tatsuki relaxed upon hearing my answer. 

“To show her sincerity, she’ll give you her virginity,” the ginger haired girl chirped, causing her friend to jolt in surprise.

I looked at Inoue in surprise.

Inoue, I didn’t know you had such a side to you.

And then I looked at Tatsuki. 

“I’ll accept the apology even if you don’t do it,” I told her.

Inoue pouted but didn’t reply. This was about our interaction, after all.

Tatsuki stood up and looked at me straight in the eyes with a flushed face.

“I-I’ll do it.”

Was this a hentai world? It felt like one right now.

“Privately?” I asked.

She nodded fiercely. 

I gestured for her to follow me with an open arm gesture towards the bedroom, and she did. 

Inoue sighed in disappointment.

‘Had my pheromone control messed up parts of her inhibition?’ I wondered even as I opened the bedroom. I stood beside it, and Tatsuki hesitated. There were tears in her eyes and she walked in.

I walked in after her and closed the door.

Before she opened her mouth, I closed the distance in a single moment and wrapped one hand around her back and clasped my other hand on her mirrored forearm.

She jerked on the spot, and struggled to free herself for a moment before she visibly stopped herself. She trembled and couldn’t meet my eyes.

So I released her arm and gently pushed her chin up with my index and thumb.

“We can stop now,” I replied giving her an illusion of a chance as I began to control the pheromones around her. I wasn’t going to let a beauty go so easily, especially if I could keep her around like Inoue.

She hesitated before closing her eyes. “I-I’m ready.”

I wanted to snark at her that she wasn’t, but I wasn’t an asshole incapable of reading the mood; I was just an asshole that would take advantage of a girl’s sense of self-inflicted responsibility. 

With a single sweep, I carried her in my arms. Tatsuki shrieked in surprise and then held onto me tightly, clutching the front of my shirt while I carried her to my bed. 

Setting her down gently, I sat down right by her ass, forcing her legs over my legs.

Her spread out arms clutched the sheets as my hands slowly made their way to her legs. 

They were long and smooth. 

My hands touched the middle of her legs and slid under. They moved up slowly, and Tatsuki shivered under my touch. She looked away from me, unable to meet my eyes while biting down on her finger.

My fingers ran over her knees and then up her thigh underneath her skirt. 

She whimpered as my hands reached her inner thigh, slid around, and groped her ass.

“You have a very firm ass, Tatsuki,” I cooed. Then I pulled her ass up and pulled her closer. Her ass was now firmly in my lap, and she shivered nervously. I pulled the hands from underneath her skirt and went to her belly. 

I undid the lowest button.

I unbuttoned the next and the one after. 

Now her toned stomach was exposed for me to touch, and I did. My hands ran along the sides and over.

“You are sexier and sexier as I reveal more of you.”

Then with a flourish, I unbuttoned the rest and tossed her shirt open. She finally looked at me, and it was with a pair of eyes too fearful to move.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” I said as I snaked my arms around and unclipped her plain white bras. With a flick, I tossed them aside. 

Her skirt went the same route. Her panties were pulled off slowly as were her shirt.

I pulled my own clothes off in seconds, leaving both of her naked on the bed.

She was already wet, but I didn’t want penetrate her right off the bat. No, I wanted to savor this.

So my left hand fingered her, pushing in slowly, while my right hand groped her left boob and pinched her nipple. 

Tatsuki yipped, which seemed to surprise herself, and I leaned down. I caught her lips in a kiss, and she closed her eyes as my tongue snaked into her mouth.

My fingers began to scrape and piston inside of her and my tongue caught hers in a battle of dominance.

Her eyes shot open as she spasmed for a moment, gripping onto me tightly by my shoulders, and I felt her climax.

‘Definitely a virgin,’ I thought delightedly.

I pulled back and whipped my dick against her vagina.

“I’m going in,” I whispered and pushed in.

She shrieked as I tore past her hymen, and then hiccuped with just a bit of sob coming out of her.

“Sshh, it’s okay,” I cooed her. Her vagina tightened and loosened around my dick, and then she finally relaxed. “Alright, I’m going to start moving.” With my hands clasped on her waist, I slowly pulled out and pushed back into her. 

Honestly, I just wanted to pound her and make her scream. Inoue wouldn’t like that, though.

I grunted as Tatsuki whimpered and her vagina wrapped around my dick like an iron velvet. I almost climaxed right then and there but I held off while her vagina quivered in her second orgasm.

Once I was sure that she was done, I moved again, making her whimper and mewl finally and then pulled out just as I cummed. Ropes of my cum splattered on her stomach, and she looked at me in full.

“Congratulations on becoming a woman, Tatsuki.”

She huffed and looked away with few tears in her eyes.


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