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Tags: self-indulgence, si, Star Wars, Worm CYOA v.3, lewds ahead



Chapter 0: I Will Not Bow

“So you just plucked me out of my bed, didn’t even bother to copy my mind or kill me or anything that might help the situation back home… and brought me here.”

“And you don’t intend to send me back home.”

“No, I’m not going to just do as you say because you’re powerful. You may alter my mind or puppet me like a meat socket, but I won’t obey you just because you are powerful.”

“What the hell do you mean that you can’t send me back?”

“That’s bullshit. That’s utter bullshit.”

“So what, this is just your thoughtless attempt at trying to give someone power?”

“I’m not going to respect you just because you are powerful. I’ve said this already.”

“Then kill me. I’m already dead to my family because of what you did; they’ll never see me again. You can send me elsewhere and I’ll live, but I will have you know regardless of what you do that you caused undue suffering with your thoughtlessness.”

“Why would you want to make up for it? It isn’t like you sounded caring just until now.”

“... Is this a joke? A Worm CYOA? Fuck, you’t not me, are you?”

“Life is a cosmic joke, isn’t it. At least, you’re not me.”

“I never asked you to confirm, you idiot. Ugh, of all people to kidnap me, it is an idiot. A powerful idiot. On top of that, I’m not even able to use this properly because - as you said - some asshole needed an Enemy.”

“Go ahead and crush me then-”



Chapter 1: Thrown Into Enemy Territory

Nar Shadda
82 BBY / 24,961 GSC

I shot up from the makeshift bed, mutely screeching in panic, nearly tearing the front of my shirt in pain, and thinking about how hard I was going to miss my family.

Because the Galaxy Far Far Away was not home. 

Groaning as the pain subsided, I pushed myself off of the bed and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the light to this dingy and cramped living space people here called a livable apartment unit, and looked at myself. 

The first two things I noticed was that I was bald and white as in bone white. I blinked and stared at what I knew and rejected simultaneously as myself. This was where the identity crisis reared its ugly head. 

I was … this body belonged to a criminal named Farittan Joldu Manuas. He used to work for the Hutts-.


Wait, wait, wait. Used to?

You don’t just walk away from working with the Hutt, especially not if you live in Hutt Space!

… What did this guy do?

… Oh. 


Oh Fuck.

Excuse me, Mr. Manuas. Why the FUCK did you steal from the Hutt?

“Fuck-!” I hissed as I realized just fucked I was. I was on Nar Shadda and I had stolen from the Hutt, who controlled this place. I began to panic and looked for things to grab and run…

And then I remembered. I wasn’t just Farittan Joldu Manuas, a Rattataki mercenary and thief. I was also Alan Marris, a man forced from his home and dropped to this galaxy with powers its never seen before.

I had powers.

I had superpowers.

I grinned, which quickly turned into attentive scowl as I heard quick footsteps of multiple people rush towards my apartment unit. I felt the scowl turn into an apprehensive focused stare with lips stretched and eyes narrowed. 

I took a deep breath as they began to pound on the door. 

And let a deep breath out as they switched from demanding that I open the door to smashing it with whatever they carried. 

I walked out of the bathroom, and pointed a finger gun at the door. I felt the Shards come to me, feeling my desire to use them. I needed something that would remove my current threats without causing too much ruckus. 

I needed … I needed … a freeze ray? Maybe.

A freeze ray worked.

A Shard answered my call and greedily absorbed the energy provided to be by another Shard, one intimately connected with me, as a reward for its service.

The door burst inward, and from the tip of my finger gun, a blindingly fast ray of whitish blue beam fired.

By the time the door landed on the ground, it cracked into a thousand little pieces as did the five gangsters on the other side of the doorway. 

I blinked at the scene in front of me before a breeze of really cold wind whipped by me. 

“Okay, very cold. How cold…?” I shivered with clattering teeth.

The Shard - I was going to name it Cold - answered. It didn’t lower the temperature so much as it drew away all of the kinetic energy in everything its beam touched to its own energy reserve. 

So absolute zero.




It wasn’t long before more goons were coming.

How did I know this?

I asked another Shard to give me an “understanding of threats aimed at me.” A Shard that acted as both an empathy field and sonar answered my call, drinking in the nectars of energy provided. 

As soon as I knew they were coming, I began to formulate a plan without any assistance from Shards, which many Shards did want to provide for that nectar.

So. I was in the Star Wars universe. 15 minutes away.

What did I remember? What date was it?

14 minutes away.

12 minutes away. 

9 minutes away.

6 minutes away. 

2 minutes away.

30 seconds away.

I pointed my finger gun at the doorway and fired again just as they appeared in the doorway with their own blasters drawn. All four of them froze to death, shattering into ten thousand pieces each as they dropped from their uneven distribution of weight.

No immediate threat.

Good. Anyone watching me, electronic or naked?


I dismissed those three Shards and called up another one. A Shard capable of moving me from habitable planet to habitable planet.

Fifteen answered.

I chose the most detailed of them all.

It cheered as it drank the nectar from the infinite pool of energy, though its share was limited for now. It gladly wrapped me in a bubble of space-time and shifted me, for a lack of better word, from Nar Shadda to somewhere else. 

The scene change was abrupt, filled at first with the visage of my apartment unit in Nar Shadda that bled away and bled into a forest. 

Thanks to having been reincarnated into a body of a native with all of his memories, I knew my around the Star Wars universe. He didn’t know all there was to know about the Star Wars galaxy and certainly didn’t know a quarter of everything useful in “modern” Galactic Republic. 

I also didn’t know jackshit about the Star Wars galaxy beyond a few (many) tidbits about its history, several protagonists, and whatnot. 

Today, when I woke up, was 24,961 Galactic Standard Calendar, fifty years before the start of the Star Wars prequel canon. The galaxy will experience turmoil in the coming years which will culminate into the Clone Wars a from now, a period of time I was sure that I will not die simply because of the power I have in my possession.

Why die when I had an entire galaxy’s worth of luxuries, adventure, and power to enjoy?

This was what I intended to do. 

‘I intend to live like a king.’

Easier said than done, am I right?


Thanks to the veritable map of hyperlanes and stars known to this body prior to my hijacking and the numerous Shards capable of bestowing superhuman feats in exchange for energy, I found myself at what I considered to be a fertile system in the galaxy to start my new life. 

I appeared in a dusty alley of a busy city on a planet still in the Outer Rim.

I was still hunted by the Hutts so I chose a place that wasn’t right at their doorstep or that of any other powerful player. I wanted to thrive, and even with my powers, I didn’t feel like taking a chunk of the galaxy’s criminal elements, not until I established myself as someone not to be messed with.

This city was a little out of the way on a planet even more so, but the Gordian Reach provided me with ample space to work with.

First thing first.

I needed to check how I have been changed.

I took a deep breath in and took a “dive” into my mind.

Oh. Oh that son of a bitch. He gave me a Geas without the points.

Be a slaver

The fuck?

Oh fuck no.

No. no no no no no-

I’ll find a way to hurt you, you son of a bitch, just you wait!



I still had all of the Twin powers and their upgrades. I had Panacea with Negentropy, Dauntless capable of changing myself back and forth into the Kronos Titan, and Eidolon with conscious control over all 20 Endbringers. Oh, and I am a Special Snowflake.

And I was an Enemy of someone else out there in this galaxy.

I am Wanted by the Hutt Cartel, was Without a Map by being dropped into Nar Shadda, Reincarnated into a very humanoid species called Rattataki, and got two Geas metaphorically nudging me into action from the back of my head.

The first was more benign than the second, and also the only Geas I chose: Be My Own Boss. 

The second was malevolent, and gave me no points on top of being chosen against my will: Be a Slaver. 

To say that I was pissed was an understatement, but I funneled that rage into a productive task. Instead of stewing in that dusty alley, I teleported myself out into the wildlands and used my power as a test.

First, the context. I stood on the surface of Feldwes, an industrial world within the Gordian Reach. Just like any other industrial worlds like Eriadu, it was a heavily polluted piece of shit with barely any of the native fauna or flora surviving much less thriving. 

Second, the reason. This world hosted seventy-two million people, and having arrived here instantaneously from Nar Shaddaa by Shard shenanigans, I was hidden as anyone could ever be until the Hutts put out a bounty with my face on it. 

Third, the vent. Yeah, I just wanted to vent but knew that to do so personally would be stupid. 

So I wrapped myself in a stealth field provided by a Shard and summoned the Simurgh. 

She appeared above and looked down. I looked up at her, knowing completely that she was under my command … and fine with it. 

Why wouldn’t she be? She was an Endbringer to a Host of Shards possessing Negentropy. Infinite Energy was at her hand, so why do anything else except obey?

“So this galaxy your power,” I told her the what but not the how.

She “giggled” and raised her hands up to the air as she turned to look at the sky as if she was singing or praising something. 

She sang.

And the thick fogs of black clouds and the raining acids churned. A vortex formed with the Simurgh underneath at its center. The eye of the hurricane grew and grew until it covered a small village. It grew to cover a small town. A small city. And then the entirety of the wasted wildlands around us. 

This was POWER!

I will admit I laughed like a megalomaniac right there and then.


Worm CYOA v.3


Without a Map 2 (Nar Shadda)

Reincarnated 0 (Species: Rattataki)
Wanted: Hutt Cartel 2
Geas: Be My Own Boss 1

Geas: Be a Slaver 0 (From ROB to you, Fuck you, you rude motherfucker)

Total Points: 11

Panacea+ -3 (Negentropy, energy never runs out, and feeds other powers as well)

Dauntless+ -3 (can take on the Kronos Titan form)

Eidolon+ -3 (conscious control of all 20 Endbringers)

Special Snowflake -1

Cauldron Vials -1

Total: -10


This is the Enemy to the Master of Flesh.

Oh for the people who like some background data, this is what I am doing:

1,000 credit = $1,000 dollar
E-11 Blaster = 1,000 Credits

M4 = $1,000 roughly

HWK-290 Light Freighter = 135,000 Credits New

New Freight Truck in USA = $100,000~$150,000 

As usual, all of my stories will be updated first on Patreon before being uploaded on QQ.



Yeah... I think our 'Flesh Crafter' will be royally screwed if they meet each other. Panacea alone is a BIG problem. Maybe I should have picked Libriomancer, as it would give him bigger fighting chance. Although again it's whole Empire vs just one man. VERY powerful man to be fair, but still just one man.