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Benezia looked at the sexually hyperactive man on the other side of her bed. 

Yes, her bed in her penthouse on Noveria. 

She’d become - let’s say enamored - with the man after a single dinner. It was rather embarrassing that a matriarch like herself would take such a short time to take a lover - and have to share him - and out of a short-lived human no less.

Yes, they were the most physically similar ones to the Asari behind the Quarians and yes, the humans weren’t as physically impaired as Quarians were, but humans were also brash, crude, and proud.

But she would retort that they hadn’t tasted his dishes yet. 

‘It was … ‘ She shivered, cutting off her own attempt to describe the sensation to herself. Merely thinking about it sent pleasant tingles along her spine like nothing else. 

And speaking of pleasant tingles, little Maiden Fuynou just finished. Well, she finished, climaxing rather dramatically for their shared lover’s sake, but Steven was still going at it, using Fuynou’s tight hole as he pleased. 

Then he cummed inside her, just like he’d cummed inside of her. Embracing eternity was great and all for connecting with their partners, but physical sex wasn’t bad either. She’d certainly enjoyed it today. 

.. Maybe she should loosen up a bit. It’s been a long time since she’s talked with someone in the family. Or Liara. She sighed, wondering about how Liara was doing. It’s been years since they talked with each other. Yes, they had their spat, but perhaps not speaking to each other in years was perhaps too long. A year, yes. Half a decade, maybe. Two decades? No, she would have to rectify this soon. 

When she heard him sigh and then saw him pull away from incessant and unresponsive Fuynou, she looked at Steven’s glistening chiseled body and grinned. She crawled across the bed. When he saw her coming, she smirked and pushed him down gently upon reaching him. 

“How do you humans call this?” she asked sultrily as she guided his stiff dick towards her vagina while she crawled on top of him. “Ah yes, I’m going to ride you, wasn’t it?”

He just smirked when she plunged herself down on him.

‘I will call Liara tomorrow. I want to enjoy this again.’


Side Quests for Harem and Powers
Chapter 12: Discussion


Letting out a sigh of satisfaction, I allowed myself to lounge on Benezia’s penthouse extra King-sized bed with two very satisfied women, one on each side of me. I was glad that I kept up my workout routine on the ship, because the two of them had pushed me to the brink of my endurance with this threesome. 

Hiari Fuynou, a young Maiden by the standards of the Asari, was inexperienced. That had been so readily apparent - to my surprise - because it didn’t take much convincing on my part to get her to agree to become my lover. 

Benezia, on the other hand, drove a hard bargain. She certainly wanted me as Hiari did, but Benezia didn’t seem to want a deeply romantic relationship like Hiari did. Hell, I knew for a fact that I was Hiari’s first (or at least, that’s what she said). 

Was it fast taking a relationship like this? 

Hell yes. 

Did I care about how fast I was taking it? 

Yes, if only because I didn’t want an irate ex-lover after my head if I messed up (and both of these women could certainly become so). At least, I told them I had another lover, and they were fine with it. Or as Benezia said, “we’re lovers, not partners.”

All of that aside, I had things to do, but I couldn’t bring myself to get out from under these two sleeping women.

One hand each on their busty breasts (Hiari was bigger) certainly didn’t help matters. I absentmindedly massaged and knitted their breasts while I thought about what kind of direction I wanted to take. 

Cortana promised to share some technologies and blueprints of both the UNSC and the Covenant. I wanted them all, but realistically, there was only so much I could use at a given time. After all, I had only true control over one ship and its crew. There was also the ramification and consequence of using such technologies. For example, MACs, otherwise known as Magnetic Accelerator Cannons, were big in comparison to Mass Effect cannons. Unlike spinal cannons, MACs could be made into turrets that had three hundred sixty degree motion, allowing for harassing attacks that could not be countered or returned by most Mass Effect ships with their spinal cannons. Being both magnetically accelerated and coil gun, MACs could be reloaded faster and didn’t need extra Element Zero in their make or usage. It would be more expensive to make and use.

‘… Actually, now that I laid it out like that, there’s not much cons to consider about using MACs,’ I thought to myself. 

“You seem to be thinking hard.”

I blinked in surprise before looking to my left, where Benezia was resting her frills on my shoulder and looking up at me. Did I mention that Asaris aged really well? Even though she had to be well over seven hundred years old, she looked really not much different in age from late thirties human women. 

“I am. Just thinking about a new concept for frigate weapon systems.”

“Oh? You’re an innovator?”

“Less innovator and more a salvager,” I replied. “I have a friend who designed a new weapon and I’ve been wanting to try it out.”

“For a frigate? They must be someone who you trust to get you to think like that.”

“I trust them deeply.” And I left it at that. 

“... Why don’t you share the design with me? I may not be a weapon designer, but I have picked up quite a few knowledge from being around for so long.”

Seeing as Hiari was also waking up, I decided that there was no need to hold back on details I was going to talk to her about anyway. 

“Essentially, I want to remove spinal cannons and replace the main weapons system of frigates to turrets.”

Hiari looked surprised at my suggestion. 

“But why?” she asked me, still a little blearily from just waking up. Benezia didn’t ask, just waiting for me to answer the question.

“Because it limits the combat ability of frigates too much,” I replied. “Spinal cannons, however short or long, limit the frigate’s firing line to just the front of the ship when frigates are known to be fast and maneuverable but not so fast and maneuverable as to beat fighters’ maneuverability.”

“That is correct.”

“And frigates almost never engage in long distance sniping.”

“No,” Benezia agreed. “They do not.”

“And most recorded frigate combats are in brawl or knife ranges, leaving their spinal cannons useless for most of the fight outside of initial exchange of fire.”

Hiari seemed thoughtful. “That is true. Why is it so?” she asked, questioning the concept as well. 

“Because at that range, fighters make up most of the fight,” Benezia replied. “While frigates opt to stay just out of the reach of anti-craft defense systems, fighters have to get closer. Due to high energy requirements of fighters, frigates can’t fight each other from too far; fighters would be left vulnerable. Also, spinal cannons are very accurate. More often than not, it will end a fight before it truly starts. There is also the fact that Element Zero prices are way too high to be used in anything except eezo drive cores.”

I supposed limitations of eezo played a big role in how ships were designed.

“Then why not use separate energy systems for the weapons?”

That caused the two Asari to look at me funny.

I grinned. “I imagine a full three hundred sixty degree turrets that could be used in brawls would be far more useful even if it makes frigate production just a tad bit more expensive, especially when it uses alternate power sources.”

“Such as?”

“Antimatter reactor for each of the turrets, of course!”

The two gawked at me in horror.


AN: After looking at the replies and comments I’ve received regarding the technological errors I’ve written down, I edited the latter quarter of this chapter to reflect my corrected knowledge of Mass Effect lore and technology. Thank you all for the constructive help and for not blasting me.


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