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Miss Jeanette Evergreen was a lively woman. A dark skinned, hour-glassed, 38-24-35, full-lipped, spicy, beautiful, and smart enough to get herself a doctorate at the age of 26. Unfortunately, no one wanted her and her degree (a PhD on Xenoanthropology with focus on the many Turian cultures) on the breadbasket world of the Systems Alliances. They had no use for her anywhere. 

All she had been looking for was a ride to Earth or Arcturus System, where people would hire her for the simple fact that there were jobs for her degree (though not the lack of experience), and so when she saw that I, a captain of a ship, was heading through the Arcturus System towards the Citadel, she signed up for a temporarily position as my tutor.

Educated Steven/I may be, those education was focused on hobbies and interests of Steven as well as what was expected out of the sole heir of a rich family whose holdings were all on Earth and very few colonies; there hadn’t been much need for Steven/me to be educated on frivolous aliens who Steven/I was not going to talk to for a very long time.

Well, I was going to be sooner rather than later, so I decided that instead of letting the Extranet, internet’s equally trollish older cousin, educate me, I decided to do the prudent thing and hire someone competent to teach me.

It was better for me 

Of course, I had been expecting some average looking Jane when I read her resume. Why would hot girls go into xenoanthropology?

OHHHHH boy. 

Had I been so wrong. Of course, that didn’t matter to me. I was focused on getting the right person for the job, and her grades were good enough for me to hire her; she was now one of many women in my crew. In fact, women made up more than three-quarters of my crew. 

Something about the lack of opportunities on the breadbasket world. 

Ah, yes.

This colony was the rural equivalent to California, if California was just the Central Valley. Yes, it had spaceports. Yes, it had cities. 

No, it didn’t have a lot of opportunities, or would anyone describe Stockton and Fresno as bastions of opportunity? (Maybe for drug peddlers, but definitely not for the average Joe and Jane!)

That was fine with me. It was more than fine with me. I was ecstatic to have a hot, young, and fit woman teaching me. She couldn’t just be my teacher, though, because a spaceship didn’t need a crewmate who could only do one thing just like how even the merchant ship owner/captain knew how to do more than just command people on boats during … well, since the start of sea navigation.

So she was also my aide.

My aide/teacher who had a sample of my cooking. Someone who I’d convinced - without coercion - into taking a massage from me (for another bowl of my cooking), and had more or less become putty for me to do as I wished.


So. I scored.

Locked in my new captain’s quarter with my new teacher/aide, I kept my hands gripping tightly around her waist as I pulled her towards me for another thrust. What we were doing wasn’t anything romantic. It was straight up fucking. 

Laying on her back with her firm breasts jiggling on top of herself to the rhythm of my thrusts, Jeanette squealed and moaned wantonly with crossed-eyes. Her hands gripped the bedsheet rightly, pulling them towards her, while I pounded into her repeatedly. 

My arms and hip moved tirelessly, pulling and thrusting as our sweat flew with each joining of our hips. She moaned as I pulled my dick pulled out of her up to the rim of its head before splitting her apart again as I thrusted back in.

“How much do you like this, Jeanette? Do you want to be kept in my room and fucked out of your mind?!” I growled. 

Jeanette mumbled out an incoherent answer between her moaning yes’s, and whimpered as she orgasmed for the second time. 

“Fhuck m-meh mo-!” she shrieked as I continued to pound into her. 

Mercilessly, I repeatedly pounded into her, fully aware of the fact that I was driving her ecstasy higher and higher. Her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me in deeper and deeper, even though I didn’t have any condom to keep this sex safe. 

Did I fucking care?

Fuck no.

I thrusted in one last before I shot into her a short burst of my semen, painting her womb white with it. I moaned as my dick spasmed and spurted out more of my cum, and Jeanette panted heavily as she finally stopped moaning and begging for more. Her legs finally loosened, and I pulled out of her, leaving a thick trail of cum to dribble out of her vagina. 

She gained enough sense to finally look up at me, and I met her eyes. I only saw lust in them, and I was sure I had the same thing flashing in my eyes. 

“You are one sexy beast,” she cooed. 

“Really? I haven’t noticed. You must have some good eyes,” I chuckled. 

Then she looked worried as she sat up weakly before looking down at her crotch. “W-We did it.”

She had been so fucking tight. I wanted to bury myself back in her, but she probably had something bigger in her mind.

“Yes,” I said, still between her legs with my own legs underneath hers in a kneeling position. 

“I-I pulled you in and y-you came inside me,” she whispered. “T-that’s not good.”

“Why?” I asked.

Her eyes snapped up. “B-Because I’m going to be pregnant!”

“You’re not going to take pills?” There were plenty of pills that aborted very early stages of pregnancy very easily.

“...” she muttered something.

I leaned in. “What was that, dear?” I asked.

“... Because it’s yours.”

Ohhh…. That only got my dick hard. 

“You want my baby? Even though you barely know me?”

She suddenly looked afraid. “Y-You’ll take responsibility… right?” she asked me.

“Of course… but would you want to stay? I don’t think you alone can satisfy me.”

She looked stricken and then looked down at my still throbbing dick. “I-I can try!” she retorted half-heartedly. 

I leaned further down on her, making her lay back down on the bed. 

“Then it’s time for a round two.”

I slid right back into her, and enjoyed her moans. 


In the end, Jeanette failed to satisfy me. She laid underneath me with her ass in the air and her face in the pillow, sweaty, exhausted, and nearly unconscious. My cum stained her back, stomach, ass, and crotch white, and more of it dribbled out of her vagina. 

I’ve definitely gone overboard, and there was no doubt that Jeanette would be pregnant from this. 

I found the idea … sweet. And possessive. 

Jeanette was my woman, now. She’d agreed to it. Gave herself to me. 

Yes, she was mine now, and I loved the idea of my woman being pregnant with my baby. 

I stretched as I stood up. I certainly went overboard with her, but as exhausted as I was, I was just too satisfied to care about going overboard. Unfortunately for me, I was exhausted but I still had jobs to do.

Namely, talking with the rest of the crew. 

Just one more day before we launch back into space.

‘And hopefully, there won’t be pirates this time.’


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