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Welcome back to Garden of Enchantment

Margaret = Faultline’s civilian name for this story


“... But past glorious doesn’t necessarily translate to today’s skills and strength,” Faultline spoke up. “I know we’ve seen some, but obviously not all.”

“No, not all,” Talrith  admitted to his lover. He didn’t want or need to hide anything from her and her crew. They were loyal to her, and she was loyal to him just as he was loyal to her. That was, she would stay loyal to him as long as he did not damage her or her team without just cause. Unlike the prostitutes, whores, and cheaters he’d drained before, Margaret was something more than a passing lay. “I could show you my memories of the past all you like, but it wouldn’t ever satisfy you.”

“No. If you want to really push us out of our zone, then there has to be something powerful backing us.”

“What I have is versatility, my dear,” he replied with a smirk. “What would you like to see?”

“... I want to see how well you do against some of the bigger players.”


“I got a job yesterday,” she said with a blank look. “I want you to complete the job yourself with no support from us to prove that you indeed have the skills you say that you have.”

He whistled. “You really don’t take chances, huh? What’s the job?” he asked. He wasn’t irritated. Being someone’s lover didn’t mean blind adoration or submission. It meant that the lovers involved supported one another with whatever was necessary. In their case, Margaret was asking him to prove that he was capable of following through with what he desired. 

After all, one did not lay down their life in the hands of an unproven and unaccomplished. 

Smirking, Margaret pulled out a file from seemingly nowhere (probably the space inbetween the sofa) and then presented the file to me with a pfoom of paper snapping the air. 

Talrith took the file and opened it up.

It was a mission from … Accord. 

“Who is this Accord?” Talrith asked.

The name of the client brought some grimace from the rest of the crew. It was Gregor who spoke up. “We worked with him a few times. He is … meticulous. Also very homicidal.”

Talrith raised an eyebrow. “How homicidal?” he asked. 

“Say the wrong thing at the wrong time, wear the wrong matching suit, be rude, be impolite, be asymmetrical… the list goes on.”

“... So he’s on a trigger hair of homicidal mania?”

“Something about his power, yeah,” Newter responded from besides Gregor, though it was not touching distance. Talrith knew Newter, while he could be mischievous - the most mischievous of the crew, actually - and unprofessional most of the time but sampling Gregor’s hallucinogenic sweat right now was not professional, not when the job was being discussed. Or at least, that was the gist of Newter’s character that he learned so far. 

Newter was also not one to understate or overstate things, so if he said it was related to his power…

“Then how should I approach him? What’s his power?”

“He can make plans.”

Well, that’s underwhelming.


“Plans so well crafted that he could feed the world twice over with the current resources available to our world.”

Never mind.

“‘Feed the world,’ huh?”

“The rumor is that he used to work for the government but they kept rebuffing him.”

“Makes little sense why the government wouldn’t want to employ some of those plans,” Talrith muttered.

“Which is why they are suspicious,” Margaret agreed. “And its parahuman agency was … only too well equipped to handle Case-53’s.”

And investigating the origin of Case-53’s was one of the main drivers of this crew, which she explained to him before. 

“So Accord?”

“Talk smoothly, politely,, and respectfully. Don’t make symmetrical movements if you don’t have to, and don’t try to apologize too much. He hates apologies,” she replied with a sigh. “The man hates anything that is disorderly, which is why he couldn’t get along with him.”

“The Case-53’s.”

She nodded grimly. 

“So how did you even end up working with him?”

“Random encounter with his Ambassadors. That’s what he calls his team.”

“Certainly makes his team sound eloquent.”

“All of them dress eloquently,” Newter giggled. “Like ballerina~!” 

All of them stared blankly at a giggling man. And then they saw that Newter had accidentally touched Gregor; he was high right now.

Margaret sighed in exasperation. “Someone take him to his room.” She then turned to me. “So do you accept even with a prickly client?”

Talrith smirked. “I don’t think it’s going to be an issue, not when it’s about hunting down a woman. Just so we’re clear, as long as the target of the mission is removed from the city of Boston, it doesn’t matter the condition they leave it, right?”

“No.” then Margaret narrowed her eyes. “What are you thinking?”

Talrith hummed. “Let’s go talk in private so I can show you-”


“- exactly like this!” he growled as he slammed into Margaret from behind. 

She shrieked as he slammed into her, pushing against her cervix in one stroke. Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly while his own hands held her by the hip and waist. He pulled her up as he pulled himself out, and then slammed her down just as he thrust forward. 

Her mouth was in a tight ‘o’ shape as she moaned with her eyes rolled up into her head. Her legs remained tightly locked around his waist, though it provided little resistance against him when he pulled her away only to slam her back down on him.

He stood just off of Margaret’s bed while she hung onto him in the upstanding citizen sex position. 

Finally after thirty minutes, Talrith climaxed. He groaned as he ejaculated into her vagina, pulling her close to him to hug her tightly. She wrapped around him even more, whimpering as she climaxed too. He felt her vagina quivering tightly around him while she felt his dick bulge and spurt into her.

“I don’t want more competition…” she whined while her body trembled against his, happily fatigued. 

“I’m not leaving you,” he assured her. “You’ll always be my first lady.” And then he gently let her down to the bed. Then he gently caressed her belly. Her slightly swollen lower belly. 

She blushed. 

He smiled. 

He kissed her… and went right back to plundering her vagina with his dick.


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