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Jessica stared at me with wide eyes before she scowled and shot up. “You can’t lie to me-!” she began but cut herself up when I brought out a tape recorder. Not one of those tape recorders apps on the phone but a physical 1990’s tape recorder with cassette.

She stared at the old thing, one that my “brother” knew nothing about; it had been recording when he and I talked. It was a blackmail of the highest regard, if one could say.

But instead of using it to pressure Max to give me something I wanted, I used it now to give away something valuable to Jessica and Nessa: leverage. 

People start to trust each other more easily when the other side offers a piece of themselves first. Trust can only grow when trust is given first. 

And this? 

This was me giving her that. 

(Besides, even if she reports this back to Max who would undoubtedly try to have me killed for my attempt at fracturing what was his, I had a power that directly countered their heaviest hitters and inconvenience the rest; any fight was my victory especially if I decided to go for the kill right off the bat. So was I really giving something away? Not really. It was the illusion of giving something away because to Jessica and Nessa - who would surely learn about all of this once she wakes up - I was still nothing more than a powerless normal.)

I played the tape.

Jessica’s eyes widened slowly but surely and at the end, which did not include Max and my discussion over Kayden, she sat there slack jawed on the couch.

“You were nothing more than an asset, not a comrade. One could even say that he considered Medhall’s stocks to be a bigger asset than the people who trusted him with their lives,” I added.

She sat there with dazed eyes.

I delivered the coup de grace.

“It’s not like he ever believed in your cause in the first place.”

And the shock warped into anger. Anger directed at Max.

Good, good!

Abruptly, she turned her focus onto me. “And what do you get out of this…?!” she hissed out. “What do you get out of telling me this?!”

I didn’t smile, because that would betray the serious and dazed mood that had settled between us two. 

“Your trust.”

“Ha?!” she uttered angrily. “What is that supposed to mean?” 

“I don’t lie,” I replied. “And you can trust that I care enough for you to show you what I could have used to make Max do a lot of other things for me.”

Jessica snorted. “Because he might kill you?”

“You’re not dumb, Jessica. You and Nessa never were despite what others may think of you for your … appearances,” I told her. It was a flattery, and flattery always stroked people’s ego, and doing so would ingratiate myself to them more often than not. “So tell me, do you think I’m so unwise as to antagonize Max over little pittance.”

Jessica stared at me blankly before her face darkened and she bent her knees just a bit. 

Hmm, not good. She was turning aggressive.

Instead of showing my displeasure at her aggressiveness with violence as most capes would have done, I snorted back. Instead of answering verbally, I pulled out three iron beads and tossed them lightly in the air. I let my hand drop and reached out to the beads with my power. 

Instantly, they stopped mid air.

She stared at the beads and then it clicked. 

“You’re Eisenfeld,” she muttered.

“Correct,” I replied. 

“Y-You just unmasked to me.”

I laughed. “Come on, Jessica. I just said you’re not dumb. Put that brain to use.”

“... You want to usurp Max.”

Close but also far from what I want. I chose not to respond to that statement. Instead, I crushed the beads together and formed a single needle as long as my forearm but nearly as thin as hair. 

“It’s very funny how I was considered to be the weakest in the family, something I’m sure Max has regaled you two time and time again,” I replied. “Yet here I am with a power to surpass all of theirs.”

I stood up.

Jessica flinched and stepped back, running into the couch that Nessa slept soundly on. 

“I don’t like Max, Jessica. He is manipulative, he is callous, he is cold. He doesn’t deserve loyalty, yours or Nessa’s.”

“And who are you to decide?”

“Someone who cares.”

That brought her up short. 


I knew their history. They were abandoned more than once in their lives, and trusted each other implicitly. Their membership in the E88 was them having onto dear life by hanging onto a group that would support them in return.

They weren’t that much different from Max. To them as it was to Max, Empire Eighty-Eight was a means to an end; Max got power, and the Biermann twins got safety. I wasn’t even sure they cared about white supremacy. It too was a defense mechanism for the twins who were beaten, trapped, bullied, and abused. 

I opened my hands out to her, palms up. “I don’t care for your power, Jessica, or your sister’s. I extend my hands because I care.”

She looked down at my hands and then up at me. She gulped before settling back into her glare. “And what do you get out of keeping us by your side?” she demanded. “Bodyguards? Sex toys?” 

I shrugged. “How about friends?” I asked with a sad smile. It was a genuine smile, because Jessica had to have a lot of bad experiences to have to ask those kinds of questions. “Maybe lovers.” 

She snorted before she relaxed. 

“Honesty. What a messed up way to manipulate us,” she mumbled.

I laughed. “Can’t help it! I’m a horndog through and through. I can certainly satisfy the both of you.”

She smirked. “And you think you can take on the two of us?” she asked while crossing her arms, pushing her already obscene chest size up. They drew my eyes but I didn’t linger there for too long. Lingering would show a lack of restraint while not looking showed little attraction, something a lot of women took as an insult. 

I chuckled, pulling the steel hair to me, and raising my right hand up while pulling my free left hand back, I caught and crunched it into a single bead in the palm of my hand. Putting the bead back into my pocket, I leaned back. 

“Hmm, I don’t know. I know I can last the night, but can you?” I asked. 

Her eyes narrowed even as her hostility waned and then disappeared. 

She walked around the table, but stopped when both of us heard a moan from the couch. We turned and saw Nessa starting to wake up. 

I turned to Jessica, but to my surprise, she sat down on the left arm of the armchair, and looked down at me. Her D-cup boobs pressed against my chest while she smiled coyly. Then she turned to her twin sister. “Nessa, Arthur here challenged us to a night long fun~,” she cooed. “He thinks he’s so good.”

Nessa rubbed her blearily eyes, but her lips quirked into a condescending smirk. She sat up like a cat, lounging yet attentive, before pushing off of the couch like a mesmerizing snake. She walked around the table. 

“Little Arthur thinks he can take on both of us?” Nessa asked, all traces of her previous sleepiness gone like they were never there. In its place was a practiced sly and sexy fox. I turned to look at Jessica to my left, and saw her smile down at me, her lips puckered out just so that they stood out without being forced. “I don’t think you can satisfy us, Arthur.”

I grinned. Wrapping one arm around Jessica’s back and back in front of her, I groped her through the cotton shirt. Nessa sat down on the other side of my lap with her back to me, and scooted to the center, pushing her butt against my crotch. She sat there, grinding my hip before twisting her chest around and looking at me right in the eyes.

I wrapped my right arm around her, groping her right boob and pinching her nipple gently. 

‘No bra,’ I thought as my dick got harder. 

Nessa’s lips twitch before she caught me in a kiss, bringing her lips down upon mine. Her mouth parted as did mine, and our tongue lashed out in a duel of dominance. 

“My turn,” Jessica asserted. Nessa pulled away with a pout and Jessica tried to kiss me. I stopped her though, and instead pulled at myself.

Another aspect of my power that I was discovered over the last week was the fact that I could absorb iron and convert it to biomass by some eldritch means. Eldritch, because attempting to understand the process gave me a migraine. 

And I had a lot of biomass in me right now. I stood up, and the twins watched amusedly at first and then in fascination as I pulled out another me from myself. 

So there stood two of me’s, connected in mind, and with a single goal in our mind: satisfying the twins.

My clone wrapped its arms around Nessa and kissed her, craning its head down to meet her, and I took Jessica in my arms. Nessa moaned as my clone’s hand reached down to her ass from behind and began to knead her ass cheeks like dough. Jessica chuckled as I pulled her shirt over her, showing me that she too was braless. 

All of us were stripping now, tossing clothes left and right, and at the end of it, the twins were laying down on the ground side by side while the clone and I were reaching down to their vagina with our mouths. 

The twin moans of the sisters spurred us on as we licked away at them. 

Our tongues first pushed and grinded against their clits. From there, we licked down and slipped into their dripping wet pussies, pulling her tongues up, sideways, and then in and out. 

Jessica and Nessa moaned under our administration, gripping our hairs and wrapping their legs around our heads. 

We pulled away, and saw their sweat glistening bodies. 

We grinned as we whipped out our dicks and lined them up. They grinned back, buzzing the air with their excited anticipation. We slid in, and gasped at their tightness. They squealed a little too, looking down with wide eyes as we pushed deeper and deeper into them. 

To my surprise, their vaginas were longer than most partners I’ve had. No longer they were going on about whether or not we could satisfy them. 

Even so, my clone and I felt the head of our dicks hit their cervix, and we gave them a little thrust at the end. The twins froze and then loosened up, moaning. 

We started to pump them even as we groped them and massaged their tits. The twins moaned and mewled under our ministration, thoroughly enjoying this. 

“D-Damn, you’re good~!” Nessa moaned before she stiffened and mewled, completely loosening afterwards. 

“Ho, you came before your sister,” my clone coo’ed. “Let’s keep on going.”

“E-Eh?” Nessa mumbled out before the clone flipped her around, where she found herself on all four, and began to ram into her. “O-Oh! OH! OH!” 

“Yes, howl like that! Let yourself know you’re my woman!” the clone growled.

Jessica screamed before climaxing, but for some reason, tried to cover up her face with her arms.

“Did you like it?” I asked her, whispering into her ear. “Did you enjoy being taken by your sister’s side by the same man?” I asked even as I continued to thrust into her.

“U-u-u-” she uttered, close to moaning but quite there.

“Here!” I grunted before climaxing with a good thrust, ejaculating inside of her.

Her arms pulled apart when she felt my semen. “W-Wati, n-not inside-!” she whimpered, and I finally saw her face.

It was absolutely beautiful how honest she was being. Her eyes drifted to Nessa, who was still moaning to the rhythm of my clone’s thrusts, and I saw semen dribbling out of her vagina. 

“It’s not safe, is it?” I asked her as I pulled her arms apart gently. “Why not just give in? You’re not getting any younger, and I’m here. I can take care of you both,” I tempted her as I resumed thrusting. “Just say yes. I won’t leave you for wanting.”

Jessica just stared up at me with wide eyes, the situation suddenly out of her control and her twin sister in no condition to respond as she kept on climaxing and taking in my semen. 

“Y-You’ll take care of us…?” Jessica asked with a sniffle after climaxing for the second time. 

“Yes,” I said as I slammed into her again while groping her beautiful  jiggling and bouncing boobs with my hands. I squeezed them as I thrusted into her and stayed there as I ejaculated again.

Capes were emotionally unstable people as a rule. Even if someone was a second generation cape, they were prone to emotional outbursts far more than their mundane counterparts. Sex was also an emotionally high and intense moments for most. Pried prior with honesty and trust, capes were prone to influence during sex. 

“M-More!” Nessa screamed as she climaxed for the third time tonight before dropping her face to the rug. My clone pulled her arms back, pulling her off the floor, and pistoned her. “OH OH OH!”

Jessica looked to her sister with a hint of apprehension as her sister’s D-cup jugs jiggled back and forth. 

“You can be free,” I whispered even as I continued to pump her. I pulled her hips up and began pounding down into her. 

Jessica clutched onto me and stared into my eyes conflictingly while biting her lips. Then she squealed as she came again, far more sensitively and explosively. Her body arched and curled even as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled herself to press tightly against me. Feeling more of her pressing against myself, I pounded into her a few more times before I couldn’t hold back and ejaculated again.

My throbbing dick sprayed into her tightening pussy, and I moaned into her hair, causing her to shiver, as her legs wrapped around me and pulled me in deeper. 

“AAHHH!!!” Nessa screamed as she climaxed again to my clone before she flopped down, tears running down her face and completely soaked in sweat and her pussy dribbling down my clone’s semen - my semen. 

I grinned before looking back down at Jessica, who looked up at me with tiredly. There was satisfaction in there, but there was also something more. 

“A-Are you really going to keep us around?” she asked quietly.

“Yes,” I replied earnestly. 

“Max said that too when he made us his bodyguards,” she mumbled.

“He wanted capes,” I replied as I pulled her up from the floor and made her straddle me. “I want something more than that. Your cape powers are a plus, not the point. I want you and Nessa.”

She looked at me with disheveled hair, gloriously sweaty, her boobs pushed against me, her ass luxuriously pressing down on my lap, and looking vulnerable. 

I began to bounce her on my lap, and she moaned as she began to thrust down in rhythm with mine. 

She looked into my eyes, trying to discern truth in my words through the eyes. 

“Want us for what?” she asked, demanding to know but without changing her tone or the mood.

“For nothing,” I whispered as I brought her down for a kiss. And right before we kissed, I whispered the last words in our sex-discussion. “For everything.”


By the next morning, Nessa and Jessica agreed to be mine just as I was theirs. 

And when Charlotte’s involvement with me was discussed, they shrugged and said this.

“We’re already sharing and you can make more of yourselves.”

It was a good point, and thus, we became … family.


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