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Commissioned by InfiniteChaosRei

Dungeon Menagerie

Chapter 12


Finding a suitable pair of armor and weapon for Bell was actually hard. 

See, Bell was at that odd range of height among adventurers. Generally, small end shops for beginner adventurers tended to stock armor for three specific types: adult human adventurers, pallums, and amazons. People who didn’t fit into any of the three types had to custom order theirs.

Bell, being an adolescent human, didn’t have a lot of choice when it came to armor. Sure, the very basic beginner armor came in a variety of sizes, which was why Bell was using one right now, but, from her experience, those didn’t hold a candle to any monster below Floor 4. 

Yes, those beginner armors could withstand an attack from goblins and kobolds, but that’s it. 

… She’s come far, hasn’t she? From being an office worker to being … an adventurer.

God, she got so used to being an adventurer that she was making internal monologues about all of the things she needed to consider for what kind of armor Bell needed.

But then again, was society from before any different? 

Vestis Virum Facit. Or, roughly translated, “Clothes make the man.” The original quote was about how clothes determined others’ perception of the wearer and thus the kind of influence they might have in society. This meant that she and every other person who had a job wore clothes that suited them. An office worker wore business suits. A plumber had an overall and gloves. A carpenter wore cargo pants that let them store all kinds of things. 

There was clothes for all jobs and occasions. 

So her considerations for Bell’s armor was not only fair for the occasion but normal even if she were to go back home somehow. 

After all, it’s like why Congolese rebels used AKMs not for their precision and firepower but reliability and accessibility and American soldiers got big toys because they had the options. 

Bell was just like that Congolese rebel. Probably the age bracket, too. 

He wasn’t rich or connected, so the best he could get and replace were armors and arms that were mass produced and easy to obtain for him. Yet if he chose something too cheap, then he would get skewered. 

… It wasn’t like that was going to happen, though. After all, he was the protagonist of this goddamn universe. As long as she got him some decent equipment, he would go on and do his things. 

Which meant she had to ensure that Bell met Aiz. 


“What is it…?” he trailed off. “Sorry, I never got your name before.”

“Vanessa,” she replied with a smile. “So what made you become an adventurer?” she asked, even though she knew the reason.

He blushed pink. “I … wanted to meet girls. In the dungeon.”

She snorted, even though she was giggling on the inside. “I’m sure you will,” she drawled. “In fact, I think you definitely will.”

“You think so?” he asked shyly.

Stop being adorable.

“But you know something?” she said. “All of the girls worth chasing after are strong girls. They aren’t gonna want a wimpy kid.”

He lurched back as if he took an arrow to the chest. 

“Or someone who’s new to adventuring.”

He staggered back.

“Or someone who’s not even Level 3.”

He nearly collapsed to his knees. 

“So you better start working those muscles, huh?”

“Y-Yeah,” he muttered. Wait, was that blood leaking from the corner of his mouth? 

She stopped and leaned down to look closer. 

No, she must have been seeing things. 

She looked back up to meet his eyes, and saw him looking at her with wide eyes and a heavy blush on her face. 

Stop being adorable, you little fuzzy bunny -.

Vanessa pulled back and snorted. 

“Alright, let’s get going.”


When they arrived at the armor shop, Vanessa couldn’t help but look around. 

She … never came here before, did she? 

The armor shop in question was one run by a crafting familia’s Level 2 blacksmith. It didn’t have anything interesting, though it looked like a quintessential fantasy armory. 

She herself wore a leather armor much like Bell, but unlike him, she bought it along with her spear at a weaponsmith’s shop. 


She glanced over to her left at Bell, who was looking all over the shop with the sparkling wide eyes of a green adventurer.

Then she glanced up and saw the shopkeeper’s smirk.

She shook her head at him, and the bushy bearded man shrugged. 

Yeah, she was gonna have to haggle on Bell’s behalf. 

“Alright,” she said as she turned to Bell. “We’re at the armor shop that caters to Level 1’s and Level 2’s. Which means that unless you want to custom order, which you can’t because you don’t have money and you definitely shouldn’t get a loan, you will be getting yourself leather armor that fits you as best as you can afford. Even if it is leather, most armors here should be better than the beginner armor that the Guild provides… right?” she asked with a final drawl while looking toward the shopkeeper.

“Of course,” he nodded. “If I can’t even do that, then my god will beat the shit out of me for triyng to sell anything I make.”

“Good,” she sniffed. “So, Bell,” she said again as she turned to him. He was paying attention. Good. “The first thing we’re going to do is get your measurements.”


“Your bust, waist, and the like.”

In the end, Bell got himself a very basic padded leather tunic and a pair of forearm guards. 

As they walked out of the shop, the Celestial Menagerie blossomed again, shocking her at how quickly it was acting up, but then felt relieved when it calmed down after grabbing nothing.

Next stop: the Dungeon.



Bell jolted and looked up at … his senior? He wasn’t sure how to call her. Vanessa wasn’t part of his familia but her goddess was friend with his goddess. The two goddesses were apparently friends even before they descended.

Vanessa grinned.

And then the giant bird that followed her around also grinned.

He shivered. 

“This is not your first dive, right?” she asked him.

He shook his head. “This would be my third…?”

“And how did the first two go?”

His shoulders drooped in despair. “Not great…”

She hummed. “Yeah, figures. If it wasn’t for Mori, then mine wouldn’t have gone well, either.” 

“Since you insisted on using a shortsword,” she began. “The first thing you must be good at … is dodging.”

“According to my goddess, shortswords are great weapons when they are not the purpose of your job.”

“What do you mean…?”

“A shortsword is used for killing, yes, but it is best used with shields or paired with long range weapons like bows and slings. A shortsword is often the backup weapon… so she said. But you don’t have a shield and don’t have the strength to carry one right now. Maybe later but not right now. You also don’t wear heavy armor, which means you can’t take hits. Take all of that together, and you will see that your fighting style is that of a skirmisher, weaving in and out of battle, nicking away at the enemy. This means that you should focus on your ability to dodge. Because if you take a hit, you will die very quickly.”

He gulped. 

“So!” she grinned. “Imma show you around the first two floors of the Upper Floors. Mori and I will keep you safe and you get you learn how to fight, neh?” She then hefted her spear. “FYI I am a spearman.”


“For your information.”


“Any questions?”

He shook his head. 

“Great! Let’s get cracking, then!” 


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