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Commissioned by Southmonk

Debauchery Worlds

Chapter 36



Azshara, Kalimdor, Azeroth

Inner Sphere 2981.07.01 / Local ???

“... I didn’t think you would be the one we would meet,” A2 replied to the dragon’s question. He wasn’t sure how he could understand the big blue dragon, but he was grateful for it; it may be why he and the other two clones were getting blasted straight off the bat. 

“You know of me?” Azuregos asked as he loomed over them.

“Yes,” he replied. “Precognitive and narrative view of another world’s future. Can I ask when we are on Azeroth’s history?”

His words brought the dragon short. 

“... Time travelers?” he asked. “Certainly not demons. You lack the fel. You lack magic, period, yet you were able to use a space time gate.” He looked very interested, but A2 knew that slightly wrong answer or hesitation may spell their deaths.

… Would it? They didn’t know how their tinkertech would go up against Azerothian magic. Would their shields even register magic or would magic just phase through the shield? 

“Well? I am waiting,” the dragon rumbled. 

“Technology,” A2 responded immediately. “Magic is rare or nonexistent where we originate from and have our home at. Most of the people thus operate their daily lives with the help of advanced technology, though this is not always the case for everyone. We just happened to be … much more advanced than who we normally deal with.”

“Truly? Technology that allows for long distance movement… it must require an immense source of energy.” He looked at us expectantly. 

A2 wasn’t sure how he was supposed to continue on from here. It was obvious that this dragon was trying to determine whether or not to erase them (dragons of Azeroth weren’t the cooperative kind at the best of times), but he was here to explore. Actually, he felt a really deep desire to go out and explore this world because he wanted to compare the real thing to what he knew from the games. 

“Then I want you to prove what you said earlier. You said something about … precognitive and narrative view of this world?”

“Sure. I just have to know when we are,” he replied. “What year is it according to the humans?”

“How should I know that?” Azuregos drawled. “I am a dragon. I do not keep track of time in increments too short to matter.”

A2 wanted to comment how his humanity went developed city killers in the span of a single generation, but also didn’t know how sensitive the blue dragon was to antagonistic rebuttal. Belligerent elderly were kind of like that. 

“Then have the orcs arrived on Kalimdor?”


“Have the bugs started to dig out of their prison?”

Azuregos froze. 

“The qiraji undo their seal?” he asked irritably. “Ugh. The elves are going to get annoying again.”

… that’s your response? 

“Well, if the orcs have arrived on Kalimdor and the qiraji have yet to break out, then the most relevant information I can give that may be able to convince you… Deathwing should be recovering in Deepholme.” 

Azuregos stared at him only briefly before he unfurled his wings. 

“If you lied to me, then I will personally kill you myself,” he hissed out before he took off. 

A2 stared up into the sky as the dragon rapidly disappeared toward the horizon.

“Well, that’s one problem dealt with,” 5B3 hummed. “Let’s move on. The original wants … what did he want again?”

3A6, the last member of the exploration squad, spoke up. “Girls if any want to leave this death world, samples of all of the common and rare minerals, individuals capable of magic who’s willing to migrate, flora and fauna samples…”

While he rattled off a list of everything they wanted, they also began to move south. Their first destination was Theramore. 


Alan Marris

David II, Federated Suns


Our arrival on Azeroth was … great. And also bad. 

Azeroth had a tendency to suck in those who visited into untimely deaths and infestation of all kinds. I was actually unsure about whether we would stay there for the long term like the outpost we set up on Falmart in the Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There universe; we had territory there, refugees and ex-slaves wanting to escape and thus a source of manpower we could recruit, and natural resources that we could sell for a high price in the Inner Sphere. 

But there were just too many tempting things on Azeroth for us to ignore it, even if it risked the Burning Legion catching onto what we were. 

But right now, that was neither the priority nor even one of the main operations. 

No, the event holding my focus were the three people in front of me who’d arrived in a Union dropship ferried by a Federated Suns Invader Jumpship. I, of course, came out not with my original self but one of my clones.

“Major Anderson, welcome back,” I - clone 5H8 - greeted the man with a handshake. “And these two are …?”

“This is Light Commodore Gidd and Leftenant Colonel Yeslie,” he introduced the taller gaunt woman and the shorter man. “Since you agreed to sell us one of your Stomata-class Assault Dropships -”

“Patrol ship,” 5H8 corrected him with a glare.

“Right. Patrol ship,” the major smoothly agreed but the other two frowned minutely. “The light commodore is here to captain the ship from here to New Avalon. The leftenant colonel, on the other hand, is here to act as David II’s military commander until the situation on David II stabilizes.”

I frowned from where I sat in one of my lovers’ bed. After General Jamakawa left and Polis got nuked, I more or less had run of the entire planet. I did provide policing, even if that wasn’t part of my garrison duty, which was also no longer applicable as I had rejected an extension of the contract. 

“I see. So we will be working together then?” I had 5H8 ask. 

“Yes, the Federated Suns and the First Prince are very eager to continue working with you,” Major Anderson responded with a big, fat smile. The major was the one to respond, not the leftenant colonel. In fact, the leftenant colonel’s frown deepened by a tiny margin. 

… I wanted to poke at him. Ultimately, though, I was more interested in not making him antagonistic toward me, and picking a fight over a few frowns will push him toward being unfriendly with me. 

“Wonderful,” 5H8 grinned. “Then you wouldn’t mind joining me for a testing of new battlemechs? Wholly our own design.” 

The major paused and in that moment the leftenant colonel decided to speak up.

“What weight class and role, commander?” he asked. 

Oh, he was very interested in mechs, eh? 

“Lower end of heavy. Melee.”

“Melee mech… like the ones that you deployed at Proserpina.”

“Similar, yes. Unlike our personal mechs, these are designed for mass production,” 5H8 nodded. Were videos of the Shielder already circulating down from the higher-ups to the middle managers of the AFFS? 

“Yes, I would like to join if you are willing to let me observe.”

As even the naval commodore joined us, I briefly heard the major groaning. Something about mass production being bullshit…


Marris Mercenary Company Holdings:

Name: Holding Size, Main Operation

Prosperina VI (Giant Arid World): Planet Landhold,  Large scale weapons and ship manufacturing

David II (Arid World): Large Landhold, Headquarter

Alnus Hill, Falmart: Outpost, Resource Extraction 

MMC Non-Property Assets:

Clone Count: 344