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Commissioned by Southmonk

Debauchery Worlds

Chapter 35


Alan Marris

David II, Federated Suns


With the conquest of Proserpina system and the handover of the Proserpina VI to our control (it was going to be a landhold) while the Federated Suns took control of Proserpina IV, we had gotten busy setting up our space station. 

We’ve already had a number of our ships come and go with supplies to expand the base, and our manufacturing capabilities have been skyrocketing. We’ve already produced a Stomata assault dropship, and this particular one was going to be shipped to the First Prince, who requested to purchase one. 

We were already harvesting all sorts of materials. Without needing to transition from space to atmosphere to drop-off the material, we were able to cut down a lot of time. 

Even better, we found germanium sprinkled throughout the system. Since Quantum Drive was still not good enough for interstellar travel, germanium was a valuable resource to us as well as the locals. 

However, we didn’t want to continue on this path with our current levels of technology right now. We wanted to take the fight straight to the Draconis Combine (and eventually, ComStar) but we were outnumbered. Like always, we needed to bridge the gap with much more advanced technologies. 

And this was why we began extensively exploring the multiverse again to find more technologically advanced universes like the United Earth Empire. We would have liked to go and get more technologies from UEE universe. However, their military technologies were actually extremely well guarded. We actually wanted to get our hands on the Javelin Destroyer from Aegis Dynamics, one of the premier spaceship manufacturers of that verse. But we were rebuffed. Hell, we couldn’t even purchase a Hammerhead, which wasn’t a capital ship!

The closest we came to for purchase of a local capital ship was for the Polaris from the Roberts Space Industries, but even they were wary about selling to complete unknowns like us, no matter how much we were noted to have been raw ore suppliers in Hurston area. Even so, this wasn’t enough for RSI to sell a Polaris to us. We would have asked Hurston but they didn’t make ships. 

… In the end, we went back to Drake Interplanetary, the developer and seller of the Catepillars that we based our Crawdad mining ships off of. And, well, they were more than happy to sell us one of their capitals ships, a multi-role carrier called Kraken. The waterborne ship lookalike space carrier had enough platforms and hangars to field eight fighters. But they would only sell one to us, who were non-citizens as we didn’t exist in UEE database, for a steep price.

So we paid triple what it was available on the market for, and came back home with it.

With a “capital” ship secured and being reverse engineered, we heavily focused on our reconstruction and exploration, more latter than former. We were so focused on exploring that we were spread thin on the ground on David II, leaving us to depend on our refugee-employees, not the locals, for all non-security related work. 

Normally, this would be inadvisable because we should build up our defenses more in case of another attack. However, we considered ourselves in a “safe” position where no one would dare attack us again because we survived two separate attacks, even if most of the Inner Sphere didn’t know it. 

We were safe for now.

We intended to ensure that we would stay safe for as long as we could make it. 




Inner Sphere 2981.07.01 / Local ???

Exploring new universes always came with challenges to overcome. 

The first of these was if the universe in question even had the same level of physics. Because that’s how more than a few clones died before we started sending automated drones first (You will be missed, 5V4. You made the best ramen out of all of us. Somehow. Even if you were technically us and we were you. It is a mystery we still haven’t solved).

This universe, temporarily labeled as U-A2-4, or the fourth universe explored by him, had the same physics as most universes we visited, or it did as far as we understood it. 

The area they landed in was a place of red deciduous trees, grass, and grey rocks. He looked around, accompanied by two other clones, and began to activate the long range scanners. The now wrist-mounted scanners came alive and displayed a flat and vertical holographic display of the terrain. As his sensor sent out pings, recorded the terrain and objects, and mapped it all out, A2 began to feel … oddly familiar. 

“No, we are not in any of the old universes we’ve visited,” one of his fellow clones responded over question lingering in the hive mind. 

A2 didn’t respond, instead continuing to watch the increasingly growing map for himself and rest of the hive mind to see. 

The map continued to grow and grow. And then -.

“Fuck,” all of us muttered as the region of Azshara showed up on our map. The least visited and appreciated area in all of Azeroth. 

We were in the World of Warcraft universe.

Yes, fuck indeed.”

A2 froze only for a moment before he turned around. 

Standing there and looking down at the three of them was an adult blue dragon.

A very familiar dragon.

Tell me,” Azuregos the bank alt- coughcoughcough - we mean the Keeper of the Blue Scepter Gem loomed over us. “What was that portal you used to arrive here?” The giant blue dragon, who was comparable to a flying battleship thanks to his natural meat defense, magical defense, and thousands of years of experience, stared down at us. “You wouldn’t be … demons, are you?”



Thinking that there is too much different stuff in the pot already to adding more.