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Commissioned by Definitely Not Dio

Chaotic Clusterfuck

Chapter 15


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♦ Topic: Mysterious Footprints and Invisible Capes

In: Boards ► North America ► East Island ► Brockton Bay

k@rak0um (Original Poster)

Replied On May 2, 2011:

If you do not live in Brockton Bay, then the title will be news for you. 

If you live here, then can you tell me how I can keep one of them off of me? 

So starting in April, people in Brockton Bay began to notice that things were moving about on their own. It was always out of sight or deep inside a building, but things began to move on their own. Like paper, fridge, cabbage, and whatever else. 

Then, well, you all know what’s been happening.

The footsteps on the ground. In the puddle. The rain. 

They ignore you as long as you ignore them.

But … 

But you’ve all heard about those who actively try to chase after the fresh footprints. The ones that keep getting made. There are at least a dozen of these pairs active at any time in the city.

And now, some of those footprints follow after people.

It can’t be a solo Stranger. 

Does anyone know anything about them?! 

I’m scared.


Posted on May 2, 2011: 

What did you even do to get their attention? 

Bagrat (Guy In the Know)

Posted on May 2, 2011: 

This is definitely a developing situation, but like all things, it hasn’t hit the national news because Brockton Bay has way bigger problems and none of these “ghosts” have been actively hostile to people according to my sources inside the PRT. 

The Batarians in Gerogia is what has people up in arms, though.

What is important, though, is that there are definitely issues with these invisible capes, but one thing is clear for those in trouble with them: they cannot cross bodies of water. 

k@rak0um, get to the Rig right now, because you have no guarantee that you haven’t pissed them off enough to disappear tomorrow. 


Posted on May 2, 2011: 

Bruh, wtf. Ghosts now? 

Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Posted on May 2, 2011: 

Parahuman Response Team would like everyone to stay away from the unknown invisible parahumans. You can’t interact with them but they can interact with you, and we currently do not have a method to stop them. So please stay away from them. 

As for k@rak0um, please go to PRT ENE’s headquarters or the foot of the Rig’s bridge. 


Posted on May 2, 2011:

The hell are people all slandering the Invis People? They’re good people as long as you don’t try to stalk them. They rescued my baby sister from a E88 s***bag.


Posted on May 2, 2011:

I can confirm that they are beneficial. They stopped ABB and E88 from wrecking my dad’s shop on three separate occasions. I only found out it was them because of the footprints. 


Posted on May 4, 2011:

Are you all sure you are all being punked? 

k@rak0um (Original Poster)

Replied On May 5, 2011:

Considering that there were three pair of footprints in the puddles followed me right up to the bridge that took me to the Rig and that even Dauntless saw it? No, I don’t think I am being punked. 

Bagrat (Guy In the Know)

Replied on May 6, 2011: 

Can confirm. Source said that Dauntless tried to place himself between K and the Stranger, but it just walked through him and walked toward K. Protectorate Thinkers also failed to detect them outside of the physical interactions that they showed.

So we have a multiplying (Master), intangible (Breaker), invisible (Stranger), and imperceptible (Anti-Thinker) cape(s) in the city. 

Things aren’t looking good.

And this also makes it the second new group to pop up after the poorly named Four Muskeeters. 

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♦ Topic: The New Money in Town

In: Boards ► North America ► East Island ► Brockton Bay ►Non-Cape Corner

Ananteshasha (Original Poster) (Gossip King)

Posted on April 28, 2011:

For those of you who are unaware, hi. I’m Ananteshasha, the guy who PHO has dubbed “The Gossip King.” And today, I bring you a gossip about the newest money in Brockton Bay: Alan Marris. 

First off, this guy’s fishy. He came out of nowhere and started purchasing properties, most of them rental apartments. He didn’t raise prices or anything but he did gain a whooping 2% of all rental apartments in BB in under three months. No one can tell me if he’s an old money offshoot or a foreigner. He just popped out of nowhere. 

Second, he got a contract with the city to build anti-air guns on the southern end of the city. Where did he get military hardware? What does he do now? What did he do before he came here? 

Third, he’s been hanging around three gorgeous gingers, who all have S-curve, big top and bottom asset, and hourglass figures, and look very similar to each other. How did he score a trio like that here in Brockton Bay without getting at least one of the gangs to mess with him at least once? 

Four, he has warehouses closer to the Docks that is guarded at all hours by Faultline’s Crew, who refused to comment on their current contract. 



Posted on April 28, 2011: 

Woo, those girls got some payday ahead of them~~!


Posted on April 28, 2011:

I wouldn’t mess with them if I were you. If they can hire Faultline and keep her in his retinue for months, then he is someone with enough income, infrastructure, and asset to make “people disappear” if need be.

Assuming that’s the kind of person he is. He might be a sicko pervert who likes delight in his perverse relationships getting out. 

And you know for a fact that people are going to be targeting the women and not him.


Posted on April 28, 2011:

O M G.

Do we actually have an open harem in the bay? And it’s with three gingers? 


Bagrat (Guy in the Know)

Posted on April 28, 2011: 

He is definitely an enigma. The PRT and the police doesn’t care about him, though, mostly because of those anti-air guns of his. He’s bolstering BB’s defenses with approval from the mayor’s office. They are upset with the mayor, not him.

Ananteshasha  (Original Poster)(Gossip King)

Posted On April 28, 2011:

Ooh~! A conflict between the mayor and the PRT? That’s gotta be juicy. They’re always so chummy, though.


Posted on April 29, 2011:

man, who fkin cares abt mayor and prt

someone post so deets on those red hair trio.


Posted on April 29, 2011:

Someone posted pics about em over in Yahoo Chats and I recognize the youngest. That’s Emma Barnes, a magazine model. 18 years old, 19 soon. 


Posted on May 1, 2011:

Master asked me to post the details. 

Zoe Perkins, formerly Barnes. Age 42. Normal.

Anne Barnes. Age 21. Normal.

Emma Barnes. Age 18. Normal.

Alan Marris. Age 28. Dangerous.


Posted on May 1, 2011:


DMAI thinks the Rich Guy is dangerous. That’s kinda … oof, yeah, I am definitely staying away from this.

Last time DMAI said someone was dangerous, Lung entered the town.

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wait... so Zoe Has Anne at 18? (+-1)