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Commissioned by Definitely not Dio

Chaotic Clusterfuck

Chapter 14 (NSFW)


Anne … ended up going to visit mom and Emma again afterwards. 

It really wasn’t to visit Alan, because she knew that Alan was … in a … relationship with both her mom and her little sister. Even so, they snuck glances at each other. Did little hand holds. It was heart racing. It was wrong…

At least it was until she stayed over for a night.

She looked up at Alan with wide eyes. She’d just come out of her guestroom’s shower. Wrapped in a towel as she was, she hadn’t been prepared at all to see Alan waiting just outside her bathroom with only a towel around his waist as well.

Had it been anyone else, then this would have been something far deep inside the danger zone.

But … it was Alan. She was ashamed to admit that she might have been wishing for something like this to happen. 

“Hey,” he crooned. 

A shiver ran up her spine.

“H-Hi,” she muttered. She gulped. “Um, aren’t you, you know, with mom and …?” She almost groaned immediately because instead of questioning, she sounded way too hopeful. At the same time, she was not interested in becoming a secret girlfriend or side piece.

“They were okay with it,” he drawled. “Zoe gave permission on the first day you visited, you know? We actually started a bet on who would be the one to ask.” 

She wanted to cuss out her mom but at the same time … well, she couldn’t exactly deny it, could she? 

Wait, this whole time she thought she was being bad, mom and Emma both knew about it?!


Anne almost whined when he pushed himself off the door frame and she saw how his muscles tightened and rippled. 

“But the question is whether you are interested, Anne,” he whispered as he leaned forward with want burning in his eyes. 

She held his stare for a moment before …

‘Fuck it.’


She moved her arms and loosened her hold on the towel. The wet towel slid down onto the floor. She kept her eyes on his, and fully expected him to look down. He didn’t. Instead, he smiled and kissed her gently. 

She closed her eyes and kissed him back, reaching up with her arms and wrapping them around his neck.

And she squeaked a little when he scooped her up and carried her over to the bed. 

As he set her down, he asked her a very serious question. 

“Are you a virgin or not?” he asked her, and she hesitated to answer. 

“I’m … not.”

“Good. Then I won’t need to be too gentle with you,” he growled into her ears, and she shuddered at how pleasant that sounded. This was nothing like her past experiences at all. All of those had been casual and for the sex in and of itself, but being in Alan’s arms and soon to be under him? That alone made her burn from the inside. 

Oh, she had it bad.

He pulled his towel off, and she found herself jolting when she felt his dick pressing down against her lower stomach. But instead of getting her minimally wet and just shoving in it like her last partner had done, he took her hands in his and kissed her again. Their chests pressed against each other, and she moaned as she felt her lips against his, and then felt his tongue slipping in between her lips. Her tongue was right up against his, and they danced around each other. 

And then he abruptly ended the kiss. When she opened her eyes, she found him looking down at her while licking his lips once.

She felt herself shudder even harder than before. 

Briefly, he let go of her hands and reached down so that he cupped her under thighs in his hands. 

“Ready?” he asked, and she nodded. 

And he pushed himself in. She hissed a little because, well, it’s been a while since she had sex, okay?! 

She bit her lips and leaned her head back as she moaned when she felt him spread her apart with his dick. She gasped and whined as he kept sliding in slowly until -.

“Oh!” she uttered when she felt him pressing firmly against her core. 

He held himself there for a bit, moving his hand off of her legs and back to holding her hands. 

And then he kissed her again just as he began to pull out. 

She whimpered as the dual motion left her limp. And then he drove himself back from the apex, and made her squeal. 

He pumped away into her, only breaking their kiss to breath, and kept her pinned to the bed. 

She mewled and moaned as she bucked her hips. She was cumming -! She was going to cu-!

She moaned into his mouth as she came. Her eyelids flickered and her entire body trembled as ecstasy surged through her body like liquid cocaine. 

But he kept going! 

He flipped her around so that her face, chest, and knees were on the bed, and her ass got pulled up. 

And she whimpered when he drove his entire length into her and ground against her folds in a way she wasn’t ready for. 

Unlike before, he went rough and hard on her. Their clapping skins echoed in the room, and she shrieked and mewled as she came again so soon after her first orgasm. 

She felt herself go completely limp, but Alan kept going.

And then she felt his dick throbbing before -.

“O-oh…” she uttered weakly as she froze when she felt hot cum splattering her insides. The sensation drove her over the edge and she orgasmed again.

He finally pulled out of her and laid down next to her. 

“Did you enjoy it?” 

“... Yeah,” she mumbled out. 

This was how mom and Emma got pregnant, huh? 

Yeah… yeah, she could see how he got them all.

Because right now, she felt too good to think. 


A/N: next chapter, we go back to see how Coil is doing.


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