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Chaotic Clusterfuck

Chapter 13 (NSFW)


To Anne’s surprise, Marris was a great cook. 

The bulgogi was a dish of pan fried marinated beef slices. It was savory and sweet without any of the toughness. How long did he marinate the beef? It couldn’t be anything shorter than a full day. 

The dish was great by itself, but he got her to try something called a ssam, or wrapping up the bulgogi and half a spoon of steamed rice with fresh lettuce. 

Yeah, that… That was quality. It tasted so great. Anne wondered about when she last ate something this good. 

“Koreans have a concept called son-mat, which, if translated, literally means hand taste. But less literally, it means “taste from hand” where the food that you eat tastes better when both the hand and the food has had time to mature both physically and metaphorically,” Marris narrated. “We Americans don’t have a word for that, but we know what it is like when we eat our grandmother’s Polish zurek soup or mother’s cookies.” He took a bite, briefly scraping his teeth against the metal spoon that had rice and a strip of glistening bulgogi. After chewing and swallowing, he spoke again. “It’s nothing revolutionary but it is certainly a revelation to have a word or solid concept that can be applied in a more general sense.” He paused. “Case in point, this bulgogi took me four hours to make and has been marinated for over a week in the most perfect condition that I can create.”

Anne almost choked. 

How long?! For both?!

She lifted the milky white beef broth soup and took a long, warm drink, and let out a sigh of relief and satisfaction. 

“The soup took me four days.”

She nearly coughed it back up. 

“It’s a beef tail bone broth soup called gom soup. I had to stew it over low-medium heat for … three days. Have to watch it occasionally, skim the fat that floats to the top, and whatnot. It’s not exactly the kind of soup you have with marinated beef, but it’s a warm soup you serve at your home, not outside.”

After she glanced at Marris and then the soup, she took another sip.

Now that she was looking for it, there was definitely a deep flavor that she wouldn’t find in most other soups. Each sip was heavy and filling like a stew lighter and easier thanthe stew. 

 It was good.

“So you’re the cook of the house?” she asked because that had been her mom’s role back at home. 

“Kind of,” he replied. “I can afford to spend a lot of time at home, so I cook sometimes. That’s one of the perks of being rich.” He paused. “Not that everyone uses the perks they get. You see plenty of rich people who don’t stay home around here.”

She didn’t know about that, but Anne nodded along. 

“Yeah. You kind of … shot up to the top, huh?” The last time she saw him with mom, he was living out of an apartment unit. It wasn’t a bad apartment unit but he wasn’t rich. This was one of the points that led her to believe he was a cape. No one got that rich that quickly unless they were a cape or related to one. “So what is it that you exactly do…?”

“Business, but that’s a very broad term, isn’t it?” 


She noted that Emma and mom were talking to themselves. Were they just letting her question their … husband? Polygamy was illegal, and from how close the three of them were, she knew that Emma and mom both had to be pregnant with his baby.

“Well, the new water treatment plant is mine,” he said. “I’m also setting up a defense company. The batarians down south is making me nervous, and you probably heard about how much they love their aerial shuttles.”

She nodded. “I think I read somewhere in school that they consider any job related to water as inferior.”

Marris rolled his eyes. “Probably something to do with their home planet or whatever. Anyway, so the company …”

The more he talked, the more she realized that … that just maybe, his wealth didn’t have everything to do with his power. He definitely had a sense of business. If that was case, then was he a Tinker or a Thinker who can improve on what’s already built? That might not be great for fighting, but it would be great for business.

And if that was the case, then he most likely wasn’t a master.

If he wasn’t a master, then mom and Emma … um … got seduced the old fashioned way. 

… Ah, fuck it.

“... You’re a cape, aren’t you?” 

Emma and mom stopped talking and glanced at her, but anne didn’t see any worry in their eyes or body language. Just amusement.

Marris didn’t look worried either. 

“Yup,” he replied.

“What kind?” There were like four different “kinds” of parahumans. The “older” and unorganized single power parahumans, the ridiculously expensive and niche magic-people, the one that pops up as a genetic mutation, the inner energy one, and the “System” parahumans who have digital interfaces only they and their “parties” can see. 

“Now, that would be telling, wouldn’t it?” he tutted. “But I can tell you that I am a grab bag.”

Grab bag? That’s the old term people used to describe parahuman capes who had more than one power like Eidolon. 

And that was the last he talked about his power or who he even was as a cape. He surprised her with his admittance, but now, she found herself even more tied to the mystery. Now that she knew for certain, she wanted to know who he was. 

It was going to be a challenge.


Anne watched as Alan pounded away into Emma, who was resting on her back at the edge of the bed. Around them were more clones, some of whom were caressing her while she rested on the couch. Everyone was naked, and even though she felt exhausted, she wanted his dick back inside of her and fill her with his cum.

Seriously, when there wasn’t anything else to do and her “husband” could fuck her brains out, why wouldn’t she? It wasn’t like she worked.

But she noted his behavior and smirked. “You wanted to fuck Anne, too, didn’t you?” she asked. 

While not all of his clones reacted, the one currently cupping her tits did pause for a moment. 

“She is beautiful like her mother,” he deflected before he continued fondling her. 

She hummed as she leaned back into him and allowed herself to feel good. 



“Do you have any other mistresses other than me and Emma?”

As if on cue, Emma squealed as she came, spasming on the bed as Alan slammed into her and jizzed. He groaned on top of her little girl before pulling out and another clone got into position before plunging into the still orgasming girl. 

Yeah, Alan ruined men for them. There was no way that she would ever think about men in any sexual way if it wasn’t Alan. No one could measure up to him, never mind the fact that because of his clones, he technically didn’t have a refractory period. 

“No. Why?” 

“Just asking.”

She hoped that he told her the truth.

“I guess Anne could do far worse than getting seduced by you. There just aren’t many boys her age worth even considering.”

He just hummed. 

Minutes later, she was squealing along with her daughter as he pumped her pussy raw.


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