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Commissioned by Definitely Not Dio

Chaotic Clusterfuck

Chapter 12


When Anne heard from dad about mom, she … wasn’t sure how to feel about it. 

Sure, it’s been more than a few months since her mom and dad got divorced because dad cheated on mom, but hearing how broken up dad was about it also irked her. Like… it was his fault the divorce happened in the first place. What did he want? For mom to stick to him after he brought a different red head to her wedding bed?

He may be her dad, but he was such an immature idiot. She wasn’t going to go around saying that; he was still her dad. However, she also wasn’t going to give him any slack to begin with.

She also met the other Alan before, and Alan Marris was a decent guy. From what she saw, he was trying his best to not take advantage of her mom. Considering how emotionally unstable mom had been before she met Marris, he could have easily done things to her without anyone ever knowing about it.

Oh, she knew that he had the capability. After all, someone without that kind of manipulative capability can’t become one of the richest persons in the city within half a year of showing himself. 

No, mom just got really lucky with him before he became the multi-millionaire he was today. 

And Anne was pretty sure that he was a cape. 

Why did she think this? 

First off, Marris was way to casual about the violence that Brockton Bay regularly went through. In fact, his rise more or less coincided with the Band of Four’s fight with the E88. Most rich guys without roots to the city would immediately leave the city. That’s what more than a few of her “friends” did, and they weren’t even millionaires. 

Second, his business hired Faultline and her crew. Now, she wasn’t sure if there was any prior relationship between Faultline and Marris, but Marris was seen with Faultline in public on more than one occasion and didn’t behave like rich men did when they were showing off their girl-cape bodyguards: flaunting the girl as if they were their property. 

No, Marris acted casual. Most people didn’t act casual around capes unless they were capes themselves or spent a long time around them. Even people like Director Emily Piggot and Mayor Roy Christener kept their guards up. On top of this, no on ever heard about Marris before. He just came out of nowhere and made a shit ton of money. 

The city should have investigated how his machines worked and everything, but consididering that he was providing water cheaply to the city, no one on the city council wanted to investigate and potentially cause a disruption to the water supply of the city. This also allowed the city to preserve the water reservoir underneath the city that was deeper inland, so even the environmentalists were happy. 

Third and lastly, PHO was pretty sure that he was some kind of cape. Unverified Thinkers who were interested in the city posted about how whenever they tried to look into the city and their visions and calculations ran into Marris or any of the Band of Four, it would all go out of haywire.

… If that wasn’t an indication that he was a cape, then nothing outside of shooting laser or fire out of his mouth would make that clear. 

And … and it actually worried her. Was he some sort of Stranger or Master? Stranger would explain how he causes Thinkers to go haywire and Master … that would explain how mom got so attached to him.

Emma, too.

And it was really why she was now looking into Marris.

If that meant she was going to have to camp out in his mansion with Emma and mom so that she could see for herself if he truly was a Master? Then that’s what she was going to do.

Anne took a deep breath in and let it out slowly as she stood in front of the double doors that were the front doors of Marris Mansion. She saw a bunch of security stuff while driving here, and even spotted a trio of “security guards” who were armored and armed to the teeth. Like, holy shit, they wore black and dark green military body armor from the tip of their head to their toes, carried enough ammo to fill an orphange with new orphans, and their assault rifles looked like they were top of the line new stuff and not the AK-47s and M16s that the gangsters and SWAT carried around. 

She raised her hand and pressed the door bell button. She didn’t hear anything from the inside nor on the outside. Did the button even work? She pressed again and -.

The double doors clicked open.

She paused and stared.

Then the doors opened outward, and she quickly moved out of the way.

And standing in front of her was -.

“Emma?” she asked her sister.

She … She looked like she just had a tumble in the sheets. Like… messed up hair, heavy blushing, even a bite mark, and hickey peeking out from under the t-shirt…

Was Marris cheating on mom with her sister?!

Ah, hell nah-!

Then she froze when she saw mom step out from the side. 

She too looked like she had a good tumble in bed, despite the -.

Anne looked back at Emma, and Emma quickly tried to hide it but -.

“You’re pregnant,” she gawked as she looked at them both. “Both of you are pregnant!” 

And then he stepped out from around the same corner that mom came out from.

And Anne froze when she saw someone who towered over her family while wearing only a pair of basketball shorts. He looked like an adonis with chiseled chest and abs, veins tastefully crossing his body, and -. She tried to not look below his waist at the tent his baggy shorts had. 

Oh. Those were hickeys on his neck. 

“Ah, Anne. I didn’t expect to see you here today. What’s up?” Emma asked with a strained smile while giving her a distinctly frustrated stare as if Anne did something wrong.

“I, uh, I just came by to see how mom was doing…” she muttered. And then she couldn’t keep her mouth shut as she met Marris’s stare. “You’re fucking them both, aren’t you?”

“Anne!” mom gasped scandalously. Mom, what’s scandalous isn’t her asking but what you and Emma are doing with the beefy boy snaking his arms around your waists as he’s leaning toward her.

“And what if I am?” he asked with a grin. “Why? Wanna see why your sister and mom are sharing my bed?” 

“Our bed,” mom chided him.

Anne just gawked at them in shock. She wasn’t sure if she should be impressed, horrified, or some other extreme emotion, because she couldn’t handle this right now.

She gulped and then cleared her throat. “I… I guess I’ll come back some other time, then?” she said.

But Marris … Marris was giving her a look over.

And mom caught his stare. Instead of going off on him, she instead gave her a …

God, she did not want see that kind of a stare on her mom

“Only if she agrees, hon,” mom crooned before walking back in. “Anne? Are you hungry? It’s almost time for lunch!”

“Umm, yeah, sure…” she muttered, and Emma’s stare intensified into a glare.

Why did it feel like she was about to walk into a trap?


A/N: I actually debated the bit about orphanage because it was, as a joke/comparison, really dark in a way that I am not used to. But then I tried to think about the character, where she lived, and how she grew up… and she’s from Brockton Bay that is nominally shittier than canon version because they have literal super pirates crawling all over the place. So if she made a comparison about casualties and guns… well, orphanages are really not that hard to fill in her city.



Great Chappy. I think "it would all go out of haywire." sounds weird/wrong did you mean "go Haywire" or "out of wack" though I'm not an expert.


Wtf is this? Anne’s been involved with Alan for a while? She joined the harem like 3 chapters ago? Am I going insane or something?