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Better Gardening

Chapter 11


The foreigner with a strange pokemon - which looked like an Alpha Donphan in Giovanni’s eyes - just looked back and forth between him and the charging Johtonian soldiers.

Snarling, Giovanni snapped back toward the raiding force. “Nidorina, Nidorino, poison sting swarm!” 

His first two pokemon, the siblings, quickly stepped up. Their back ridges briefly lit up before they aimed forward and launched a single sting each before firing again and again at the charging Johtonians and their pokemon. Multiple Yanmas rose up from their ranks, flying forward and then turning on a dime before launching air cutters. The visibly sharp winds blew into the trajectory of the poison stings and sent them astray. But the second wave and the third wave of poison stings kept coming, and the Yanmas were losing out on the fire rate, despite the fact that he only had two pokemon attacking to their defending four. 

But in doing so, they left themselves open to additional attacks.

“Graveler, rock throw!” 

His trustworthy rock pokemon groaned out before it grabbed rocks around them and threw them with deadly accuracy at the Yanmas. The Yanmas failed to deflect the rock throws with how they had been so preoccupied with the poison stings and a few went down. Damaged but not out of the fight yet. 

He snapped back to the stranger, who hadn’t moved at all. Or rather, he was observing.

“Are you going to help or not?!” he demanded. 

“Neither place are my country, son,” the guy who looked as young as he did hummed. “I don’t have a right to interfere, though it does make my job harder now that I know there is a war going on.”

Growling in frustration, he turned back to the Johtonians, who were now within shouting distance. He pulled out his flare gun and fired it up into the air. His gun popped and a red flare whistled as it flew up into the sky. 

His eyes widened in alarm, realizing that he looked up just in time to see the Johtonians launching their own attacks with rock throws. He snapped down toward the ground just in time to see a trio of donphans come out of their pokeballs in bright lights before charging forward and curling up into rollouts. 

“Graveler, stop them!” 

His Graveler raised its hands up and then slammed them down onto the ground. The ground cave away, and the dirt road caved in, allowing water from the rice field to his left to rush in. The donphans, unable to manuever in time, splashed into the muddy water. Nidoran and Nidorino immediately fired down upon the struggling Donphans. 

The Yanmas recovered and began to shoot even more air cutters toward them, now that the poison stings they have been shooting down rained down on the donphans on the ground and not on them. A trio of Pikachu, Raticate, and Quilava quickly moved on, jumping across the small gap in the road and slammed into his Nidoran and Nidorino. 

The skirmish was now going to be close quarter combat…

And he watched with a bit of glee as the idiotic Johtonians launched attacks against the foreigner. Rocks, poison stings, and even a few lightning bolts slammed into … a barrier?!

The foreigner frowned as he turned to look at the Johtonians. 

“I’m going to warn you. Do not attack again,” he ordered firmly.

The lead Johtonian, a blue-haired old man with a pair of Pidgeots, barked out a laugh. “You think you can order us around after stepping into our land?!” 

“You can shove that claim up your ass!” Giovanni shouted back at the man who was definitely a part of the Falkner Clan. The blue hair, focus on Flying-types, and their arrogance gave that away. 

“Left, Right!” the old Falkner shouted. “Give that dumb gaijin a taste of your twisters!” 

The supersonic Flying-types rushed forward …

The Alpha donphan turned toward the Johtonians… and trumpeted. 

Saying that it trumpeted in his mind underplayed the actual impact of the barrier of sound the Alpha Donphan with tusks unleashed. It blanketed the area in some kind of paralysis that left him able to move but just barely. It was oppressive!

Giovanni stood his ground but there were some of the pokemons and Johtonians who ended up falling to their knees. He smirked but it was an empty victory for him because his own pokemons were pinned to their locations by the same attack.

“This is your last warning. The next time you attack me will be an attack against a representative of the NLS Administration and all of hte consequences of attacking another nation,” the foreigner threatened. “Unless you intend to declare war, leave before I change my mind.”

The man definitely had spine. Someone without it would have just mowed down his enemies and fled instead of sticking to the rules, even if it wasn’t to Kanto’s benefit. It would have been much better if the man was spineless and implicated Johto into a war with another region.

NLS Administration… he never heard about it. It had to be from a very far place. 

“Your empty threats do not scare me, boy!” the Falkner roared as he pulled out a new pokeball and threw it. 

Giovanni’s eyes widened as a Pidgeot that was almost twice as big as the other Pidgeots came out and flew around despite the dampening field made by the Alpha Donphan. 

“Hiro, use -!” 

“Open fire.”

The Alpha Donphan’s tusks changed shape into-.

Were those guns?

Giovanni briefly got blinded by the sheer firepower and deafened by the noise of the tusk-guns. 

There was a thunk and he snapped back to see the -.

He felt bile rise up briefly before he shoved it back down.

There was less of the Pidgeot on the ground next to the Falkner and more of it spread across the rice fields.

“N-Nooo!” the old man roared and his pokemon…

The Alpha Donphan - or was it a new pokemon that just looked like a Donphan? - turned toward him.

“Is that an empty threat?” the man drawled as if he hadn’t just killed a pokemon, one that belonged to one of the strongest combatants of the war. 


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