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Hello, the preview for the September set is ready over at Invictus Miniatures!

The new set is called "Lands of Madness" and is about Mad Wastelander. Please enjoy!


Mad Punk Girl - You want to survive in the post-apocalyptic Wastelands? Just forfeit your sanity and you will have it much easier!

Wheel Tank - A tank on wheels is much more effective to travel on the empty Wasteland areas. Especially if you consider how much time you save with the additional speed alone.

Mad Leader - Many anarchy cults formed after the apocalypse. This insane leader of one of those cults demands blood for his rituals.

Wasteland Scout - Aiming with a sniper is easy on the empty wasteland. Just calculate with the extreme winds and you will hit your target!

Mad Warrior - A Chainsaw on a stick? Yes! And it turns out that it is very effective in getting rid of wasteland pest!

Armored Mad Guardian - He has a knife, he has a gun and he has a shield (sort of). He is prepared to survive in the wastelands!

Wasteland Turbo Car - Travel through the wasteland fast and always have something to defend yourself with. This turbo car is enhanced with a self-made Gatling-gun and extra fuel tanks.

Wasteland Bandit - A Bandit tribe that ambushes unexpecting travelers of the wastelands. Since most travelers are prepared for a situation like this, the ambushes almost always end up in fights.

Apocalypse Survivor - A survivor that lives in the deserted city. His hidden supply stock might help you to survive another week or so. You have to convince him to share first though.

Mad Gladiator - The cult leaders love their cage fights to the death. Two Gladiators go in, only one (sometimes) leaves it.

Wasteland Explorer - This explorer has many survival skills and travels the wasteland. It looks like he is looking for something, but what it is remains a mystery.

Fallout Scientist - This scientist works in a hidden facility that stayed operational past fallout. Their research should cure the wasteland of the atomic radiation, but it might take decades.

Death Bus - A repurposed school bus, a must have in every apocalypse!

Mutant Wasteland Insectoid - These things are BIG and they are hungry for human meat! After they feast, they bring the remaining human captives to their hive to feed their young.

Nuclear Ape - Mutated huge monster that hunt in packs. Only the heaviest guns can stop them.

Atomic Centipede - The guardians of the Insectoid hive. Not many humans have seen one, managed to leave their territory and lived long enough to tell the tale.

Revealed 32 of 32 new September models.

Thank You!



BarelyA Survivor

Very nice. I mean, fearsome and frightening!