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Hello, the second update for August is ready. This preview post will show the remaining models of the first new set. We will make the post for the second new set in a few days. Please enjoy! 😃

Tower Knight - This knight got his nickname for being tall and "towering" over his opponents. Because of this nickname, the king jokes to one day play a chess game with living knights. He is joking, right?

Knight Lady Joan - A legendary female knight. She is skilled with many weapons and may also possess cleric skills.

Sloth Guard - Who would have thought that Sloths make the perfect guards? They can stand on the same spot for hours and it doesn't bother them. They have some trouble chasing anyone who runs away though, but they have steady aim with the bow. Pros and Cons. 

Knight Lady Gisella - A knight from the order of the Falcon. She can move swiftly with any weapon she wields. 

Horse Folk Knight - A rare member of the Horse Folk that serves as a knight. The king is happy to have him around too. If you think about it, this knight would make a perfect chess piece...

Knight Sir Rollant - Another member of the order of the falcon. He is mostly seen fighting together with Lady Gisella.

Knight Sir Lancelot - A legendary knight that is undefeated in combat. Some say he has something going on with the queen, but those are surely rumors, right?

Mirage Dragon - A very rare, multi-colored and intelligent dragon. It is benevolent to the kingdom of humans and its appearance is always a reason to celebrate. It is said that these dragons can outgrow every chromatic and metallic dragon, given enough time that is.

Revealed 46 of 98 new August models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!
