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Hello, the preview for the June set is ready over at Invictus Miniatures

Julys set is called "Kaiju Attack" and is all about giant monsters attacking humanity! Hope you will like the models! 😃


Atomic Kaiju - An atomic accident created a giant, city destroying reptile. It is an unstoppable force!

Mecha Atomic Kaiju - To fight against the Atomic Kaiju, humanity created a fully mechanical Kaiju themselves. It is equipped with weapons like laser beams to rocket launchers! Will it stand a chance against the Atomic Kaiju?

Giant Kong, Kaiju Buster Armor - Some scientists equipped the human friendly Giant Kong with the newest "Kaiju Buster Armor". Will it be enough to fight the emerging Kaiju danger?

Space Spider, City Devourer - A Giant Spider like Kaiju arrived from space and started destroying human cities!

Sword Head Kaiju - A Kaiju with an extremely hard, sword like mutation on its head. It usually lives underwater, only emerging when it gets hungry.

Mobile Rocket Launcher - A bunch of these Rocket Launcher Vehicles are used by the Military to stop the advance of the Kaiju threat. They are less effective on the Atomic Kaiju though.

Recon Flying Jet - Recon Vehicles like this Jet are important when you deal with city destroying Kaijus. If you know where they are going, you can save more lives!

Coordination Officer - A military officer responsible for coordinating the "Emergency Kaiju Defense Force".

Drone Throwing Soldier - A Soldier operating drones to recon enemy movement.

Rocket Launcher Soldier - Rockets Launchers are a common sight if you fight city destroying Monsters!

Army Soldier Female - A soldier trained in using many different weapons.

Army Soldier Male - A soldier deployed by the army in case of emergency.

Scientist - A genius scientist that is responsible for the Kaiju research facility. He has a secret that is out of this world!

Giant Mutant Plant Kaiju - A genetically mutated carnivorous plant that grew to a gigantic size! Its tentacles grow back instantly when they get chopped off!

Mutant Sea Beast - A smaller mutated beast that follows the Atomic Kaiju and lives from its waste. They have some kind of symbiotic relationship.

Revealed 33 of 33 new July models.

Thank You!




This may have been asked before but if someone is a merchant here, do they need to be on the merchant tier of Invictus as well or could just having the merchant tier on one of them would be sufficient?


Hello Sean, Invictus Miniatures have a separate team of sculptors working on the models. To finance that, we don't mix up licenses with Epic Miniatures. That means if you want to sell 3D prints of Invictus Miniatures models, you would need a merchant tier there.