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Hello, sorry for the lack of updates. The November models are progressing good, we are just reformatting our work process on rendering, supporting and test printing our models. We are planning on offering our own subscription website (as an alternative to Patreon) in the new future, that's why all this extra work is necessary for us. 

Anyways, the first new November set is called "Justice Hills" and is about airborne creatures and entities. We will reveal the entire first November set with this update to make up for the lack of updates in the last couple days. Hope you will like the models. 😃

Tempest Dragon - The Tempest Dragon is a rare, gargantuan dragon that summons great storms everywhere it flies. Its breath weapon is a concentrated tornado.  

Owl Harpy - A mysterious armored creature that lives in the Justice Hills. Its sharp talons are only surpassed by its sharp mind.

Roc - We made the Roc in 3 different sizes, "Hatchling", "Young" and "Adult". In their adult forms, they are known to carry prey as big as cows to their nests. -A version of the adult Roc without the cow is included

Air Mephit - Another set, another Mephit that fits the Theme.

Angelic Dragon - Model #2500 is the rare Angelic Dragon. It has feathers instead of scales. Scholars discuss if it is even related to dragons to begin with.

Wind Genasi Female - This Half-Genie has total control over the element of Air. It can fly and always has some gusts surrounding her body.

Justicia - The Angel of Justice descended to the mortal realm to proclaim her Judgement upon humanity.

Angel Female - A female angel that descended with Justicia to guard her. The music she plays on her harp is mesmerizing to anyone who hears it.

Angel Male - A male angel that descended with Justicia to act as her enforcer. His swords will cut anyone with evil intend.

Flying Rabbit - A small creature that flies using its ears as wings. You can find it everyone on the Justice Hills.

Harpy Beast - A primitve Harpy that lives on the Justice Hills. It primarily hunts Flying Rabbits and Winged Deer, but it won't say no to some humanoid adventurers as well.

Cloud Giant - A Giant that lived on top of the Justice Hills until Justicia descended. Now he is angry and looks for a new home. He may hire some adventurers to get his home back.

Half Angel Paladin - A paladin that is descendant of an angel with a human. This forbidden love created a being with immense power. For now he is on the side of the light, but the angels fear a time when he may fall and cause destruction upon the mortals.

Winged Deer - A deer that lives in the Justice Hills. There are stories on how the prey like these deer magically evolved wings to escape the predators. It was possible because of the natural affinity to the Air element in this area. The evolution worked and only a handful of predators remained that could adapt to this change.

Heavenly Guard - The Heavenly Guards are large humanoids that get created by powerful Holy beings. No one has ever faced these foes and lived long enough to see what is under their masks.

Griffin - These winged beasts are one of the few natural predators that remain on the Justice Hills. They can be tamed by humanoids with good hearts and be ridden by them to battle.

Animated Angel Statue - Angel Statues that got animated by Justicia to protect her domain on the Justuce Hills. These statues don't talk, don't feel pain nor need rest and follow every order without questioning.

Copper Dragon - The last one of the five metallic dragons finally is here! They are the pranksters under the Dragon-kin and love to joke with people that share their humor. -We made young, adult and ancient poses for them as with all the other metallic and chromatic dragons.

Revealed 49 of ~80 new November models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!




Thank you! Our goal is to have a big variety of models so people can find everything they need in one place. 😃


This was totally worth the wait. So many amazing models in this set


These are great! Excited for the new website!

Jul Fouchereau

Wahooo i love heavenly guard

Josh Gelinas

so much good stuff next month!


<p style="color: #008600;">Hey guys! These miniatures are all so amazing! Just great designs. This is a worthwhile job!</p>


Getting excited already.


I really like this airborne creatures and entities set, even more than your previous sets. Thanks


Justice with the fangs and wings.. intense

Robby Livaudais

So excited! Glad to finally have some griffins in my repertoire. I'm hopeful that armored one gets some rider variants....!