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Hello, here is the first October update. The first new set is called "Forest of Wonders" and will be about magical Forest Creatures and Inhabitants. I hope you like what we have prepared! 😃

Owlbear Baby - A freshly hatched Owlbear baby. Will you help it to find its mother?

Fey Elf Autumn - A Fey Elf representing the season of Autumn. This works perfectly with the Fey Elves we already released.

Were-Owl - A humanoid that turns into an Owl like creature when certain conditions are met.

Snapping Plant - A carnivorous plant that attacks any nearby creature. When it is active and has enough nutrition, it will chaotically multiply until the area is completely occupied with this plant.

Minotaur Adventurer - An adventurer that explores the Forest of Wonders. It wants to hunt the mythical Jabberwock Dragon.

Revealed 16 of ~80 new October models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!




This set is already worth it for the Owlbear baby


I have an army of owlbears. Really. Now it will get better.


My Satyr Cleric and my friend's Centaur Monk have adopted a couple of owlbear cubs. After we killed their mother in her den. And then when we tried to give them back to the father when he came to our camp, our Half-Elf Fighter kinda misunderstod the situation, attacked it instead of hiding and ended up knocking it into our fireplace where it burned while the cubs watched. So we're parents now.


OMG I love the owlbears . Seriously, you could get away with an entire release of just baby creatures and I would buy every one of them. Baby rust Monster? CUTE. Baby Beholder? Have fun babysitting! Baby Dragons? Who DOESN"T love baby dragons?!


<p style="color: #008600;">Oh, the forest theme is my favorite theme! I love everything you have prepared for October. Looks amazing!</p>


Owlbear Baby is so nice and cute! But perhaps Fey Elf Autumn is my favorite, she is a symbol of Autumn and autumn beauty!