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Hello, here is another August update. Please enjoy! 😃

Purple Worm - Gargantuan, purple worms that dig holes and tunnels in the underground caverns. They surface really rarely, but when they do, adventurers are advised to get away from that location as soon as they can.

Grell Mother - Also known as a "Grell Patriarch", these Grell are bigger then their usual "Soldier" castes. Be careful not to end as their next meal when you encounter one!

Bugbear - These humanoid creatures are related to Goblins, but are larger and stronger then them. Usually chaotic evil in alignment, there were rare cases of a Bugbear becoming an "Hero".

Nebula Dragon - A mysterious dragon that can travel between planes. They are very intelligent and they love to visit spelljammer ships they encounter during their travels.

Revealed 46 of ~80 new August models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!




The purple worm poses are very nice!


Do we have models for the smaller "soldier" grell? I couldn't find any in my catalog. If not, it would be great if we could get a few! they have been on my with list for a long time.