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Hello, this is the first August update. It will be a big one to catch up on the updates I missed in the last couple of days. Please enjoy! 😃

Hammer Air Ship - A Hammership that is also available in a tactical scale (without interior and smaller).  We had to rearrange the set order (caused the update delay) to release this one just in time for the new adventure.

Astral Dreadnought - The Astral Plane is a dangerous place. Sometimes you can encounter gargantuan monstrosities like the Astral Dreadnaught out of nowhere. The nearer you are to a Portal to the Outer Planes, the more likely you will encounter an Astral Dreadnaught.

Ancient Eye Terror - Ever wondered where Eye Terrors came from? These Ancient Eye Terrors that can be encountered on a remote plane of existence. They seem to be the oldest relatives to the common Eye Terror. The interesting part is that they had arms in the past and lost them during evolution!

Mind Domina - They are related to the Mind Eater species, but their Psychic powers are much superior. They can invoke tentacle attacks that are connected to the Mother Brain they serve.

Spider Adventurer Warlock - In some planes of existence, there are sentient giant spiders that go on adventures as humans do in our plane.

Mind Eater Crew - Mind Eater that serve on an Nautiloid Air Ship. They are always looking out for fresh brains they can harvest.

Revealed 22 of ~80 new August models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!



Aaron Bono

Are you going to have it so the backpack on the spider prints as a separate piece? Then I can just print the spider and not the backpack.


Ooh, another ship for the fleet!

John Elliott

looking like another fabulous release!

Alex A

Now we're talkin'. Good to see a wide variety of poses on some of these. And the Astral Dreadnaught?! He needs to be printed BIG!


Please please please improve and add to the "slaves". Only 3 female pseudo Githyanki on the Psionic Overlords set. No Githzerai. Perhaps some "Astral Monks" and "Astral Warriors" with a greatsword would be great. Love your work guys!


Spelljammer away!


I always love seeing Beholders and beholderkin. Great job, as always




I need ALL TEH MANY MOAR BOATS. Spelljammers, sailing ships, any kind of vessel to get my players from here to there, there to here, somewhere to elsewhere. I just wish someone would make a playable Mosquito Spelljammer. THAT is what I **really** want!


that spider....I'm feeling a super whacky npc will come from this. also loving the ship having a smaller version, I printed the nautaloid shrunk down and hollowed out and now I'm thinking of making a fleet


Nice! Finally a good Anadi!!!

Kevin Walker

Great idea with the non-humanoid adventure!