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Hello, the December release is ready for download. Please get the sets from the following links. The pre-supports (thick supports) are already included in the download link. We will add the thin pre-supports as soon as they are ready.

This release (December) will be provided through MyMiniFactory on the 8th January!

New Sets 37, 38 & 39 + Throwback Set 16 + Welcome Set 7:

MyAirBridge Mirror - Month is over. You can get these older files from MyMiniFactory!

Dropbox Mirror - Month is over. You can get these older files from MyMiniFactory!

Google Drive Mirror (pre-packed zips) -  Month is over. You can get these older files from MyMiniFactory!

This Months 20% Discount Code for MyMiniFactory is: *Old Code Deleted


HD Render Images of all the sets released so far:


Hope you enjoy our releases so far. We will do our best in the future also! For feedback and questions, you can comment or send me a message. 😃

Thank You!




It's the most wonderful time of the year! Cheers and happy holidays to you and the team!


Simply amazed each month! Truly Epic models! Thank you.


i would like some fluffy sheep please XD


This is by far the best value of any patreon out there

Kyle Bentley

I'd be happy with a release of all farm animals, but adding in some fantasy equivalents would be even better!

Tahara Sylvanfair

Love these! We need baby pigs, baby cows, baby horsies with mama horsies, sheeps, goats, chickens, hay .... I could keep going O.o


verry happy that i'm a patreon ! so much mini's at mini price ! thx a lot


Ummm I think this is great but will you be releasing the castle and all of its parts in unsupported individual files? I have an ender-3 that I use for terrain like this massive castle but the only way I am seeing that you can get each of the parts as separate is the supported files, which sadly won't work for my fdm. I think maybe some of the files for the castle itself weren't there yet


Hello Jason, just download the files that are not pre-supported for that. 😃 https://i.imgur.com/sPnrhZV.png


Can we get the castle keep and gate divided into more files? They are bundled as such a large grouping in the stls..


Love this round. Remind me….are these 28mm or 32mm?


is anyone else having trouble or has had problems downloading from myairbridge? from other patreons i have no problems with it just this page.


ive been having issues with airbridge across the board the past 2 months with everything, when airbridge is up it rocks if something goes wrong it hits a large area


I am having issues finding each piece of the castle as well. I see 3 large stls labeled separate but they are all the pieces in 1 stl not separated for printing.


Yea it looks like they meant to split the designs up but never did


We did split them in multiple files. Maybe there was an issue while downloading them or the upload wasn't finished yet. Please check the folders in the download link. The files are there. https://i.imgur.com/MQ4cvhu.png


Agreed the walls are split correctly except there is no gate stl. The issue myself and the other commenter are speaking on is the castle itself and the base. I will re- download tonight and send a screen shot of issue if it persists


As I stated I will re download again tonight and see if it is all there. Currently it is not


The files are in the download link. It probably just hasn't downloaded at your end which doesn't mean that they are not there. You can click the link and see the files without downloading.


That picture on imgur is extremely blurry but from what I can tell it is the files only for the wall itself


This one shows all the gate files. It is in the "Gate" folder. https://i.imgur.com/dQhV1xs.png And the image is a high resolution PNG file. It shouldn't be blurry.


As stated I will redownload this evening and look


Are these in 28mm or 32mm scale?


Hello, everything is in a 28mm scale. If you want 32mm, you can get that by upscaling the models to 114% on your slicer.


Well. Tried to download for the first time. I can get to 99%, but never gets farther. What is the trick?


I need to pay close attention to what's upcoming. I just bought the Blue Dragon and here it is. Though, I will say, I am super looking forward to the presupported for it, as my last attempts of supporting it myself have failed.


Hmm you could try to download in smaller folders. Or alternatively you could wait until the Dropbox or Google Drive mirror links are ready.


Hello Ryan, if you can message me with your MMF username and when you bought the blue dragon, I think we can find a way to compensate you for the double model. 😃

Steven Crawford

Are Thin supports coming for November, or December?


I'm totally confused. We get to download these on the 2nd...with airbridge.. which...never seems to work for many of us, But...really, we have to wait a week until we can really download them with something other than airbridge (cuz..ya know...for many of us you can never get past 99%)


Both. We had issues with the November thin supports but they are ready and uploading right now.


Hello Sean, only 3 people reported issues with MyAirBridge until now. If downloading everything together is making issues on your end, please try downloading in smaller batches. For example try downloading one set first and see if that works for you. I tried downloading sample models from MyAirBridge and there is no issue on my end. So I have no idea where the problem may be.


The castle looks to have all the pieces now - thanks.


When will Google Drive files be available?


I'm having trouble with the dropbox files, once the download completes and i try and open/unzip the files, windows says that the is invalid and that the folders are empty, this happens with all 4 zip folders, this has happened twice now (tried redownloading) any suggestions? trying the MyAirBridge link now


Did MyAirBridge work better for you? You could also try downloading in smaller batches from Dropbox.


Just wondering, why are the google drive folders about half the size of some of the airbridge ones, are files missing, or does google compress better?

Saúl Wiscovich Torres

I havent checked but do the myminifactory files also have the presupported files?


Yes they have. Only the older sets (older then #22) miss the pre-supports on MMF but those will be updated in the future.


I can't seem to find the stone base for the wizard tower, is it not included in the wizard tower file folder ?


I re-downloaded from dropbox and there it was. I used airbridge originally.


Hi! I am new to the Epic miniatures and can't wait to print those great minis! I have a question though: since I'm also a noob regarding 3d printer, I get for some minis (Eye Tyrant for example) an error in lychee saying "10 holes detected in the object. Object has structural errors". Should I repair the mini or is it "normal" ?


I dont know exactly what issue this is but bringing it into 3dbuilder on windows 10 and using the fix tool may help. If there are errors 3dbuilder should automatically highlight the model in red and the option to fix it should be there.


Thanks ! I used the "Repair" option on Lychee and printed the mini ! Came out perfect :)

Steven Crawford

No luck with the thin supports again, eh? :(


I am having trouble right now with getting the files, always something that ended up corrupt when downloaded the files. Took me 3 downloads to make castle unzip without problem, though think problem is on my side. But as far i gather we get these files on MMF too right? (since i got last month on there). Is there any advantage in downloading off patreon compared to waiting on being shared on MMF? Just good to know for future if i by end of month sitting with download trouble again.


I'm starting to disbelieve in having thin supports provided.


Hello Nua, do all 3 of the download links result in errors on your end? Maybe downloading the files in smaller batches would solve your problem? And yes, we do monthly MMF distribution of the files. The only difference in downloading from here and from MMF is that the older sets don't have pre-supported files on MMF yet. So if you use the pre-supports, I would recommend downloading them from Patreon. You can download everything else from MMF when you need them.