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Hello, it is time to vote for next months throwback set again.

You have the following 4 options to choose from:

# 15 - Fey Woods - Full of magical creatures and forest encounters!

#16 - Mythical Desert - Perfect for desert themed adventures!

# 17 - Inferno Island - Explore a volcanic Island with all of its wonders and dangers!

# 18 - Divine Dynasty - The kingdoms of the East have many wonderful adventures waiting for you!

Here you can find HD images of our models if you want to have a closer look:

Thank you!



I just started a Dark Sun campaign. That desert set is too perfect.


This is the first time I've already got them all, its not fair for me to vote


I have the entire catalogue, so I'll wait to see some comments and throw my vote in for whatever is wanted.


I just need 15 and 16 because I became a patron one with 17-18 ;)


17 has another ship, would be nice for pirates to have a target, But i want the first two sets more, will hope that we are really just voting order.. and that the losers will be Dec. like SEPT/OCT. I love the retro release loyalty reward. Will keep me here when i cut back the Campaigns i follow in a month or two.


I vote for all :)

John Elliott

Since I have every set released, I'll vote for my favorite of the listed in hopes others that don't already have it, can enjoy it as I do.

Kevin Walker

All of them...eventually. But 15 & 16 just because they butt up against 14 (last month) and it is easier to keep track of them if they are in conjoined blocks. :)


15 and 16 are all I need now I'm pretty sure. Had to go with 16 though as I love the desert theme !

Barry Chapman

I also agree. #15 & #16 fills in a void nicely. :)


All? Lol I mean, I only voted for two but I’d be happy with any!


I have conferred with my co-DMs, and everyone wants a different one. So uuuh, fine either way?


It feels bittersweet that I don't care to vote because I've now got all sets you've released, but it has been such a treat to throwback sets each month.


What about set #12? Did I miss that one recently in my downloads or has it not been a throwback? Been a member since March of this year and am only missing 12/15/16 so am pumped to almost have the full catalogue!


Hello Jesse, Set 12 is to small to be a throwback set of its own. I wait for an opportunity to combine it with another set that is also not so big. 😃


See it this way, since you cached up with the past releases, you can now focus on the new sets entirely. 😃


I want #16 for the sand worms. I've just gotten into Dune.


was really hopeing to see set #9 in october maybe we will see it soon