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Hello, here is another October update. Please enjoy! 😃

Draconic Wyvern - Many people mistake this wyvern as a dragon when they see it. But it misses some key features of a dragon, like for example the front limbs. And you can tame and mount one of these Wyverns, which you never could with a pride dragon!

Cloud Giantess - A Giantess that lives high up in her sky fortress. She may or may not have a goose that lays golden eggs.

Seraphim Angel - Six winged angels that are believed to be the most powerful of the different Angel races.

We also added a variation of the Heartless Angel without the hole. No renders yet though.

Revealed 26 of ~80 new October models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!



Alex A

Some beautifully designed models there. And thank you for giving us "non-hole-punched" versions of the heartless angel. Some REALLY good models in this set. I LOVE that you're doing lots of dragon/drake models with various poses. I'd take this every single month... one cannot have too many dragons. REQUEST: the draconic wyvern that is up on his tail, breathing fire/smoke - is it possible to get that model WITHOUT the breath weapon going off? It's a great pose and I never print the breath weapon stuff as it kinda "gets in the way".


Love the giantess (secret fact: I use armored and well dressed giants as primarks in my own around 30000 or 40000 universe). And the heartless Angel with a heart, makes for an adventure to return the heart of the angel. Oh, need this release, need to write the adventure, need to unpack and tune my New printer. Ouch.


Thank you for your kind words Alex! You are right about the Dragons. We try to include one in the set whenever possible. 😃


Finally! been waiting all day for this, frantically refreshing my email lol. I reallreallyreally like the wyvern, and the rest are also awesome!

Rob Leonard

I really like each of these sculpts...very nice job. And thank you so much for doing an alternate version of the heartless angel...much appreciated and thanks for listening. :)

Nyobium Games

hey! this is amazing! I understand you cannot say it but I will say it: Game of Thrones Dragons!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Lisa Kellogg

Thank you for the holeless heartless angels


I’ve been looking for cloud giants all month, and haven’t found a single one that I like well enough until now. Does this mean that there will be male cloud giants? I haven’t been able to find a single male cloud giant sculpt that I like either. Love the angels without the holes, thank you!!!

Joey D

Awesome, thanks for the hole-less angel versions! :D As a side note, what is the thing on the right side of their neck (wraps around from front to back) ?


Really appreciate you all for considering our feedback, Ya'll are awesome =)

Alistair Oakley

I love all these sculpts, but the responsiveness to feedback is also a big reason why this is my favourite Patreon!


Fantastic sculpts, as usual. Thank you for listening to feedback and including the 'whole' versions of the angels, shows what pros you guys are


Wow, these are incredible. How about a male Cloud giant?


LOVE the wyvern. Gonna echo everyone else and say thank you for listening to the feedback on the Angel. You guys rock!


Dang, can't wait for October