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Hello, first I wanted to thank you all for being such amazing Patrons! Because of your support we can work independently and be as creative as we want! Thank you!

I am making this post to ask you about your preferences in Miniature themes. This is not to choose the coming themes, in fact we have everything planned until December. This is more of a general guideline of what themes we should consider.

For example we tried a Steampunk themed release in July. Did you like it? Would you see more like that?

You can also discuss this on our Discord if you want to: https://discord.gg/npVQ69DN

If you have any other suggestion that is not mentioned below, please feel free to comment it. 😃


Robb Nunya

I'd love to have a pack of monsters for classic modules all in one place. Say, like a Keep on the Borderland pack with some individual flair possibly.


I could currently use some superhero themed minis and modern city terrain,

Hannah Galloway

Similar to above comment, a pack with ‘classic’ DnD monsters would be fun


Spelljammer stuff would be awesome! I'd also love to see some more steam punk


Zombie Pirates!


I’d love a townsfolk/city folk set if you get the farm set or city set through. Or some cool royalty if you get the castle set through. Non combat town/city npc’s are under produced and under rated considering how useful they are at a table. I might use a big set piece monster once but I’ll use a good black smith, butcher, tanner, guard, etc every single campaign.


A lot of these sound great! For Lovecraft, would love to see some 1920s style people to go along with the monsters. For demons, maybe some different classes of tieflings.


Demon Lords are hard to come by!


Egypt is always welcome! How about some gods like Anubis, Isis, Bast. Some Egyptian warriors too! I have lots of mummy warrior sculpts so would love to see some normal human Egyptian warriors instead.

Brian Robbins

Different character and NPC classes for Lovecraft/Victorian. Also vehicles buildings, interior props (bookcases, furniture, carpets, books, etc )


Thank you for the suggestion Robb. Something like this has sadly IP issues. We can't make a set for explicitly "Keep on the Borderland" for example. All we can do is to make a set with a similar theme, in this case it would be "Castle" I think. 😃


Wild West / Revolutionary pack would be awesome! I feel like there's an untapped vein of potential with Americana folklore in RPGs. It would be awesome to see models for creatures like a Chupacabra or Hidebehind, or to see a character like Paul Bunyan.


I would love **seated** townsfolk. Weird to always have everyone standing in a tavern. It's an odd request, but there are so few options. A few drunkards laying down on table ls would also be good. Maybe some gambling hall terrain? I would like things like dead town's guard or soldiers that match the style of living ones for murder mysteries or stealth scenarios.


More beast people to go along with some of the ones you've thrown in in the past like the rhino guys, warthog guys, etc.


Thank you for the suggestion! We definitely have Modern and Sci-Fi themes in mind and we plan to integrate them in our monthly release schedule without interrupting the fantasy stuff. 😃


I would like to see African and other less represented cultures in themes, but in a way to show we are not primitive. Think something like what Marvel managed to do with Wakanda.


I picked other because I would love some stuff that would print nicely in clear resin. Water Weirds, Elementals, Oozes, living metal, etc.


Thank you for the suggestion Hannah! We made something similar with set #13 and we would love to do it again. The problem is that we need a lot of classic monsters that would not fit into another theme. For example, we could include a sphinx in the classic set, but that would mean one less interesting model in the Egypt/Desert set.


I'd love to see some modern day adventurers. I play call of cthulhu and typically play modern themed adventures so being able to print out some modern day people would be awesome


Thank you for the suggestions James! I have the same experience on the lack of standard NPC models.


Other: FAMILIARS AND WILDSHAPES!!!! Pleeeease, nobody does them.


Thank you for the suggestions Sara! For everything other than Lovecraft Monsters, we already have a specific plan. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Connor, we will try to include at least one demon lord in our demon themed releases. 😃


Monguls including yurts,yaks and a chieftain wagon with the yurt assembled, Scythians, Celts with chariots


Thank you for the suggestions Brian! For everything Victorian other than Lovecraft Monsters, we already have a specific plan. 😃


Gnomes! Give the lil guys some love <3


Thank you Timothy! I would definitely be interested in Wild West themed stuff. My only concern is that it would include guns and therefor only be useful in very specific scenarios.

Michael Abraham

no more Lovecraft things!!!! Lol there have been I think at least 2 Lovecraftian themes, and there are several other Patreons including Void Realm that do nothing but Lovecraft creatures / Lore. For me its a waste of a month when there are so many other themes you haven't even done yet. I would love to see a set with town characters performing jobs, but with different character races and species. Also more dungeon / Underdark creatures that are useful in campaigns, and Expand dinofolk characters/ different races

John Larkin

Man, all of the above? All the options are good!

Gzus iza Juggalo

Other: I'd love to see Native American lore, God's and Monsters. Could be from any Native cultures around the world. Just in America the Native tribes and people's had beautiful, in depth, and endless creatures of nature, from the skies, God's, otherworlds.


Thank you for the suggestions Dave! For the sitting townsfolk, should the chairs be included? I can see a use in both versions.


Thank you for the suggestion Benjamin! Beast People are definitely something we will always find space in our sets. 😃

Michael Abraham

How about a dark fairy tale month? Like Grimm tales but much much darker.......


Thank you for the suggestion Zooty! Wakanda would fit more in a sci-fi themed release I think (which we have plans for).


Thank you for the suggestions! Slimes, Oozes and similar monsters are in our Radar. I am not sure how much people would appreciate a set only with those though.


In a perfect world, Lovecraft, aquatic, steampunk, and dinosaurs - but modular so we can print different arms/legs/heads/accessories for some of the models to customize them.

Dwayne Hinton

going by that logic, there are patreons that do nothing but "jobs" such as the patreon stl miniatures


What about manifested nighmares? Seasonally themed fey? Alternate types of elementals?


Thank you for the suggestion Kip! The question is if it would be justified to make a full set with those.


All about the City Theme! Maybe some familiars with it?

Dwayne Hinton

i'm not sure if it gets darker than grimm's fairy tales... cinderella's stepsisters cut off their toes to fit into the slipper, the wolf devoured granny and was gruesomely chopped up by the woodsman, i'm not sure if any of their fairy tales had a happy ending or was NOT super gruesome and gory


In my opinion Gnomes are one of those themes that would need to be mixed with another theme to fill a set. 😃


Thank you John! We will eventually do all of them at some point. The question is which themes are the most popular with out Patrons. 😃

Kevin Walker

Apocalyptic types - mutants - subjects of magical experiments, extra-planar warping of Prime Realm. Humanoid and beast base - extra arms, extra head, wrong limbs on the wrong base creature, added antlers.

Kevin Walker

Also Anamorphic types.


Planning a steampunk game rn and would love to sea this


No one is doing any kind of Modern/Super hero (generic) STLs


Thank you for the suggestion Scott! We haven't experimented with modular models yet but it is on our list. 😃


With seasonally themed fey, do you mean something like the Eladrin? If so we have plans for them in the Elf themed set. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Kevin! We have something similar in mind for a Sci-Fi theme (which is totally separate from our monthly fantasy models) 😃


Hello John, those would fit more in a Sci-Fi/Modern themed set. We have plans for something similar but it is completely separate from our monthly fantasy themed sets.


All the above really but if I was forced to choose in order spelljammer, pirates, city and then sky !

Bill Bennett

How about desert-themed elves? That's something I haven't seen done. You could have camel cavalry and giant desert reptiles for monster units. Perhaps a mix of fantasy/black powder weapons. Lots of possibilities.


Dimensional theme(s) focusing on planes of existence. Ex. You’ve made elementals, which would count as chaos realm. You could make creations found in other dimensions. Such as drones from the realm of mechanus , or slaads from chaos. Etc.


When looking for an airship, I am specifically looking for one that would pass as a regular sailing ship for most of the game but then opens up to its full airship capabilities later in the game. I want to see the look of surprise on players' faces when the ship they've had for sessions and sessions suddenly takes new form.


It would be cool to see a pack with spell effects. It be awesome to have a selection of spiritual weapons, fire spheres, walls of various elements, and maybe even some area effects like web or entangling vines.

Jonathan Woodbrey

A pack with simple plain animals would actually be nice! I've found tons of monsters, baddies, and morphed creatures. But something like plain forest animals for use with druid wildshape and other things would be awesome!


Firstly, I think you should consider adding a table prop to each collection. Something fitting of the theme but a tangible prop for the whole table rather than a mini or scatter terrain. Examples could be an orrery for a steampunk vibe, a multi-part tiara or crown, etc. Kobolds, Golbins, Orcs, Gnolls, and Hobgoblins for various climates like desert, snow, swamp, and jungle. 3D printing gives us the luxury of not using the same generic models for all settings so we should capitalize on it with unique models for unique terrain and these are creatures you could fight anywhere. Scum and Villainy - dedicated to all the bandits, sneakabouts, ladies of the night, and men about town. Plant creatures that could fit in most forests, fey, swamp, etc like the blights, fungus, spores, myconids, flower monsters, assassin vines, thorny vines, forrest/jungle walls and spell effects The dwarves and gnomes of the Underdark. A gnomish clockwork theme similar to the prior gear/steampunk releases but with more emphasis on Tolkien-type fantasy than victorian-type fantasy. Non-human mutants such as halflings, elves, dwarves, gnomes, giants, and more all warped by chaos or cosmic evil or other vile magic


Something way underrepresented in minis I think is Polynesian/Islander themed stuff. I’m using a mishmash of pirates and jungle minis for my Maori DnD campaign, but there’s so much to draw on from Polynesian cultures and art that I’m surprised there isn’t more out there. That’s my vote for “other” :)

Tahara Sylvanfair

I'm running sea faring adventures and would love more pirates and ships! Zombie pirates. Pirates like the ones from Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean. More regular crew. About to paint your pirate ship from December. My players will love it. :)

Darryl Dennis Sandell

Pop culture theme, similar to what papskiles (I probably spelled that wrong) and others like TJ studios have done. Would love to see your take on some popular stuff, maybe some not touched upon like Babylon 5 or highlander:)


I would love a regular animal theme such as bears, gorillas, panther, dogs, snakes, alligators/crocodiles, both normal and oversized. Could also mix in some ice age mammals like sabertooth cats, cave bears, etc.

Jonathan Dang

NPC villager version of some of your themes, like Asian villagers, Orc villagers, etc. etc.


More votes for farm theme! Come on, folks, turn swords into plowshares!


Actual City not village stuff.


I'd really like to see more player characters. Players need minis too not just monsters.


Weird West theme...zombie cowboys, Indians, and miners. Ghost town, giant scorpions, rattlers, wendigos, bandidos and the like...check out deadlands, shadows of brimstone, Wild west exodus for good ideas on the genre...thanks for the opportunity to have input...Jim

Michael Abraham

how about a farm theme but with farmers raising monsters? Fae creatures, Cockatrice instead of chickens, Wereboars instead of pigs, Minotaurs instead of cows etc.... lmao

Kyle Bentley

I'll second Weird West. It could easily be combined with regular wild west and farm sets to give something for everyone. Some normal (and fantastical) livestock would be really useful for a lot of games.


for Steampunk: more fantasy oriented


I wouldn't mind seeing you take a wack at Sci-Fi Mech themed stuff. Lancer is pretty popular. It would be really nice to seem some Lancer inspired mechs on the market.


I'd love to see a Deadlands Green: post apocalyptic western sci-fi theme. its niche but useable potentially for so many rpgs


I want and need desert stuff. Im running a longterm game in a desert. I want more quality resources for it!

Dwayne Hinton

THIS is something i don't think i have any of... and i have tb of stl files... so this is definitely a theme not easily found (if at all) on patreon, mmf, minihoarder, cults, etc

Sean John

Regular animals and more options for PCs would be good. Or anything that gives us an Atropal :D

Akihisa Futjimoto

Hiho, note before reading: Im aware how badshit stupid this could be, but our D&D group is realy about the rule of cool and having fun. Soooo... since months im looking for charakter models for my charakter idear: Its an cracken jungling, who got a mindflayer tadpole in his head but "won" the "fight", sord of. He got dumped as an failed experiment. He has no idear of speach, cultur or like anything but the hate for mindflayer. So his motivation is to gaver power and pay them back (its a cracken so he is evil from "nature"). The idear is to make him an artificer/mage who combines summoning a bunch of eldritch looking monsters and machines (also an idear for Models - corrupted steampunk mechs for 5e). He has no spell book to take care of but instead only learns spells by consuming the brains of over mages who know the spell. The artificer comes from his first victim. A gnome who explored some underwarter caves in a diving suit, that he now uses (filled with water) to walk on land. He will grow with more levels and will need bigger diving suits. He also cant hear or speak in the suit. For communication i have to discripe to the over players a picture that them can see in theyr minds, let them interpret it and what he wants to tell them. (We will see how fast this will get annoying ^^") So now to my problem: I need some diffrent diving suits Minis: A gnome one, a normal human sized one and some bioshook "big daddy" looking things. I hope this gives you some inspiration and you can help me. :P Have fun. ^^


I liked the little bit we for for Aliens.


For the Sky Theme, I'd like to see smaller craft as well as the big ship.

Jonathan Stockwell

Love to see Skypunk and more player races from eberron. Gnomes and Halfling are under done it seems as well.


I wanna see some love for the Grung/frogfolk

Red Knows Rain

Agree with the mashups. Steampunk + Skyships, air pirates and so forth. The Weird (X) genre would also be great. Weird West, Weird Knights. :-)


Perhaps a a western theme - along the lines of Shadows of Brimstone?


I'm always hoping for Planescape stuff. Slaadi, modrons, Daemons, things a little different than we often see.

Joshua Rosenblum

Undead Armies of the World! Mesopotamian. Mesoamerican. Indian/Hindu. Slavic. Japanese. Chinese.


Pleeeeease catfolk monks. Males, females, old, young... Tiger based, please!


I would really like to see some Slaadi, planning to make big use of them in my Campaign. Particularly Slaad tadpoles and maybe some partially transformed people, or Blue and Green Slaadi that just changed still wearing a few torn human garments from pre transformation.


I would really like to see some celtic/fey stuff. I don't think anyone has anything related to celtic mythology. Think of the small mischievous fey such as boggles, puca, spriggans, redcaps, celtic barrows as well as celtic heroes like cú culainn,


(Cant scroll down when editing for some reason) cerridwen, the wild hunt, stonehenge and menhirs... there is so much stuff that no-one has done before!


I second some regular animals. A flying wolf or a six-legged goat is great, but sometimes I want a regular goat or wolf :3


It's rare for a patreon PC to be exactly what a player has in mind though. IME, player characters are best made using heroforge or eldritch foundry.


Ancient Greek

Michael Abraham

Yes to Underdark, there were a few dark elves a few months back but we really need to expand underdark


star wars type stuff


Thank you for the suggestion Austin! We will definitely do another Steampunk themed set in the future.


Thank you for the suggestion Eric! I will definitely have a look into some dimensional themes. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Joseph! I thought about spell effects too, but in my opinion it would fit better as an extra set instead taking space in a regular release. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Jonathan! That is definitely something we consider doing at some point. 😃


Thank you for the list of suggestions Brian! About the table prop, we plan something like that already. I noted your other suggestions on my list. Thank you! 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Scott! We would love to do this but there is a lack of monsters that would fit the Polynesian theme and we don't want to only use generic monsters. I am actively looking for monster reference though. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Tahara! We will definitely make more ships and Pirates in the future. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Darryl! The thing with pop culture stuff is that it needs to fit the fantasy theme. Highlander would work for example but Babylon 5 is more Sci-fi. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Eli! We have something similar planned, but we will make it an extra set instead of taking space from our regular releases.


Thank you for the suggestion! We already have plans for Sci-Fi themed stuff, but it will be separate from our regular releases. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Neil! We have more desert models planned for the near future. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Akihisa! Diving suits are definitely possible in a steampunk release I think. I have noted it on my list. 😃


Thank you Roddy! We want to make more Sci-fi stuff but separate from our main fantasy releases. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion! Do you have a reference for smaller crafts that would work in a fantasy setting?


Thank you for the suggestion Michael! We have a Frog Tribe in set #22, but we plan to make more in the future. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Antar! If we do western, we will definitely include some fantasy elements and monsters. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Vesparo. Those are definitely on our Radar for the future releases. 😃


Thank you for the suggestion Edwin! For modern and Sci-fi themed stuff, we already have some plans which is separate from our monthly fantasy releases. 😃


Dieselpunk would be fun, too.


A set of vanilla human bandits with some more unconventional ones sprinkled in would be cool


Retro Sci-fi. Think Star Trek or Buck Rodgers type of stuff.

Michael Abraham

what about Northern set with eskimos . Killer whales, beluga whales, polar bears, walrus, then you could also do walrus men, were polar bears, Eskimo huts props and scatter, boats, fisherman, frost giants, ice trolls, dire wolves, giant bald eagles, Inuit carvings / totem poles , dog sled team, giant otters. ice dragon, theres alot you can do


If you go inuit, then the monsters should be from Inuit mythology as well... What you suggest now is a weird mix of Inuit NPCs with Norse monsters (trolls, giants, dragons).


Would love to see more love for models inspired by real-world histories or mythologies that aren't european, japanese, or egyptian; would love a persian, west-african, or south-asian inspired release. I think it's a very untapped well of ideas!

Christen Sowards

Planar theme might be cool. A couple of the more esoteric monsters and races would fill out a set fast.

Dennis O'Brien

I'd like to see the City set with 'monsters' trying to fit in. The ogre cabby, pulling a hansom cab, the goblin city guard (nicknamed Nobby), and city menaces like a cobblestone golem and thieves/beggars.


Roman Theme


I think that you should keep track of what Artisan Guild and Titan Forge do and make sure to not repeat it. Pretty much everyone that 3D prints minis has those guys already. Artisan Guild overdoes Elves and Dwarves; while I love both of those, I just don't have a need for a 30th Elf guild lol. You guys had an entire Fey set which is totally awesome (and I can't wait for it to be on throwback, because I missed it by a month!) but I haven't found a whole monthly Fey set from any of my other Patreons and I have subscribed to 4-10 patreons each month for a year and a half. That uniqueness of the Fey set is what makes it so coveted. It's unique, but it's also very usable on the tabletop. I think that that is your greatest strength and what sets you guys apart: each of your sets is highly usable for a D&D game and it seems like you intentionally focus your efforts in that direction. So, I would say this in summary: do something that hasn't been overdone already and stick to your strengths (D&D usability).


The Spelljammer Nautiloid was what pulled me into this Patreon and I've always wanted a Hammership. For me personally I think some tactical sized spelljammer ships that could be used on a 1-inch hex map would be amazing and I don't think anyone else is doing that. The same would be true for historical ships for D&D and SciFi ships for Traveller, Star Wars RPG, and Starfinder.


I would also like to see a Tesla vs. Edison deathmatch steampunk set.

Chris F

I'd mentioned it in a message, but I'd love to see some life sized pieces of game props, like keys or coins or dragon's teeth or medallions (or the Pandora's box :) ). The whole lovecraftian genre gives you pretty much an unlimited range from idols to knives to coins to keys to jewelry to work with, and using life sized pieces during the game has worked out well for me in the past. Random idea, I know, especially considering the patreon name, but since I clicked "Other" I figured I'd comment :). Fire monsters would be cool since I finally found some decent red resin, and frankly I'd love to see your guy's idea of a skinwalker from the cowboy set.

Nick Holt

Maybe some kind of "cursed village" scenario? I'm thinking werewolf, witch, monster hunter, villagers, maybe an evil pied piper, devil worshippers, Midwich-Cuckoo-Style kids, some demonic props like a cursed book / altar, a cute cottage or two for people to cower in etc. etc. Maybe not everybody's cup of tea.......but I guess Adventurers / DMs might also appreciate some cool NPC minis and backdrop too


I'd like to see a more Industrial era Magitech set, something in the region of the Gods are Bastards, Nanoha, Phantasy Star Online or The Red Star. Or I in places Outlaw Star, Cybuster or Aura Battler Dunbine (The Spirit Warriors in Spelljammer are an example here). Pistol Grip Wands, Staves with coolant vents and power crystal magazines, Gunblades and post renaissance clothing and uniforms. 1920's Gangster Mindflayers, Trenchcoated wizards with Artdeco staves, that sort of thing


Other thems : halflings




"science experiments gone wrong" would be fun. Like, Mad scientist trying to create the ultimate warrior accidentally creates abominations similar to dead space. I think you already have a frankenstein's monster and such set so this might just be an expansion of that.


Skeletons (and undead in general) have been done many times, but what is underrepresented are skeletons/zombies/whatnot of non-human origin. Elf, orc, dwarf, rat/cat/lizardfolk, etc. etc.


You mean humanoid kitsune or animal kitsune? If the former, you could grab the anuki lady from this month and stick some extra tails on it. If the latter, maybe look for models of that one pokemon?


I mean humanoid Kitsune. Maybe with different numbers of them tails😊


Other, a set that is just 3 positions of each playable race in D&D 5e including official books other than the PHB.


Would definitely like to Dieselpunk-esque minis


I voted, for the other part, I can't find slaves rebelling with chains and weapons, see some fantasy type armor or pieces of armor.


Original Superhero


You did state right in the poll description box about already having lots of Lovecraftian choices, but what is hard to find is investigator PC miniatures that are not Mansion of Madness copies especially females.


I'd love to see some "hireling/armed peasants" minis. I play a lot of DCC, and finding minis that fit that "pot helmet, lid shield, wood axe" ascetic is surprisingly hard