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Hello, it is time to vote for next months throwback set(s) again.

But before we start, for all of our new Patrons, this months (August) models are available in this release post:


If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments or with a message!

We will give you 2 throwback sets in September, so you only have the following 2 options:

#10 - Sons of Midnight + #11 - Ruins of Madness - Perfect for any Lovecraft and/or Desert themed games!

#14 - Last Rebellion + #06 - Pirates Voyage - You can help the Catfolk to get their freedom from the tyrannical rule of the Human king or you can go on a voyage with an amazing crew of Pirates!

Here you can find HD images of our models if you want to have a closer look:

Thank you!



Oh, rebellion and pirates... that will be, for me, perfection.


Tough choice. I really want those pirate prints but I know my D&D game is going to get a lot more mileage out of Sons of Midnight and Ruins of Madness.

Alex A

Um... I have ALL of the stuff you guys have released... so... um. Anyway. Vote cast. :)


We are thinking more and more about making a new pirate set in the future too. Love some pirate adventures. 😃


That it is a tough choice means we chose the correct sets for the poll this time I think. 😃


Come on pirates! Also a big yes to more pirates! Also want me some Pegasi :)

Nick Adegite

I love pirates but sons of midnight has some choice minis

Hannah Galloway

Pirates and Pegasus, no contest here!! Hope that combo wins!


Gonna be running some Ghosts of Salt Marsh next month, would love some pirates!


will these be presupported? i have most these older set but not the presupported versions.

Akihisa Futjimoto

Not wanne brag but I think I got all of those. :D


Pirates! I can’t find my pirate ship file! It was going to be my first big print. So working on the Viking one instead


I feel a little bad. This poll interests me a lot, a lot more than the legislative ellections of my country. Here we have a win-win situation. On the other poll, not quite sure who wins.


Either way we're all winners!!!


OMG, I need a pirate ship.


Castle of terror next month please.

Mark Cornell

Those monkeys are cool. If you do another pirate theme, please do some more pirate monkeys


Castle Terror is really cool...maybe my favorite (ummm, second favorite). The supports are atrocious though.


10 & 11 would complete my collection.

Steven Crawford

Honestly either of those would be great - but if it means you're going to be doing supports for #06 Pirates, then yessss please!

Darryl Dennis Sandell

Please, #10 and #11, otherwise it may be a year before we see them. #14 will still (as far as I know) be a choice next month, but I feel we will lose out if #10 and #11 is passed over again.


My buddy is going to DM CoC for the first time next month... He would love it if 10+11 wins!

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Every month I love Epic Miniatures more than the month before. Great artwork and fantastic verity. Thanks guys.


Either my players fight some cultists or skme pirates. Either way sounds like a win!


Oh, pirates and evil queens losing pace...


(Well, I will power up my Cthulu corsairs space mereens... and make a battle royal with mummy models)


10 and 11 as those are the ones you have not had as throwbacks recently


As a new patron, I'm more interested in #10 and #11. The models just look so cool!


Hello Kenneth, every set we released until know is pre-supported. If you have missed to download some, you can write me to get them. 😃


You are not alone there. Polls where you vote really can make a difference just feel different. 😃


Hello Steven, we already have set 06 pre-supported. If you have that set but miss the pre-supported version, you can write me a message. 😃


Will Juile be adding her own verison of supports to all the flashback models or just the new releases?


Someday I'm gonna get that pirate ship.

Gzus iza Juggalo

Both are awesome, but a coffin with teeth? That's hilarious and I need one now!


Was really hoping to get my hands on that Yellow Dragon model - it looks great!


Sonds of Midnight + Ruins of Madness!


I'll throw my preference for eldritch horrors at this. Less generally practical but alot more fun to paint in my opinion.


Well, here come the eldritch horrors... Anyway, we win.


I am 1000% more likely to use a random eldritch monster than a pirate, and I didn't plan on using any cat people either, so 10+11 all the way for me.