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Hello, here is the third July update. 😃

Terror Bird - These feathered carnivores are known to roam on the endless grasslands. They prey on everything that is smaller then them, which also includes primitive humans.

Caveman - The ancestors of modern Humans. Thy will become the most successful species on the planet at some point in time, but until then they have to struggle to survive.

Stone Demon - An ancient creature that predates most life on the planet. It's exposed heart is the only way to harm it. Some of the cavemen gave it the name "Goliath".

Revealed 22 of ~80 new July models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!



Nathaniel W.

Terror bird is awesome! Now to learn how to kitbash a model onto that saddle!


If you are willing to learn, you can take any stl into blender and give it an armature. Use the armature to deform the model and make it straddle the mount and position the rest of the body as you see fit, and then export as an stl. You'll need to do all of this on a model with out supports, and you'll have to add them once your done.


Is it just me or does the second caveman look like his spine doesn't line up?


That was my first thought too! Lol, they look awesome


Is that...the Shrike?

Jon Parker

War chickens!


Not sure about the cavemen, but the rest are great. (I think I'd probably like them better with beards - they seem very clean-cut for people unfamiliar with the concept of metal, never mind razors.)


Cave Women?


They all look really well. That stone demon though! It can be painted for earth, ice, lava and I’m sure many other ideas.

Jason DeGonia

Those cavemen really need a make-over. so different in style compared to the rest, they look cartoonish and incomplete. Not your best.


Hell yeah, love chocobos. That stone demon looks badass too.

Akihisa Futjimoto

Awww birdis! Just what I need for my "D&D Gothic 1 Campain for the Scavengers". Nice work. 😄


Thats no Terror Bird... thats a majestic Chocobo <3 *Chocobo theme plays in my head*

Michael Abraham

I agree, they are way too smooth, not faces and body. They didn't have manscaping back then lmao

Dwayne Hinton

i have to say that the terror bird/chocobo/giant rooster with the saddle is hands-down my favorite! BECAUSE, ever since I saw the rooster riders from malifaux - i've been looking for something that could pass as a giant rooster ... there shall soon be a cavalry of those bad boys~!


Not sure about the Terror Birds. I thought that they had elbows & that the front limbs were more akin to forearms rather than wings.