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Hello, here is the 12th May update. We are almost there, update #13 will be the last May update. We will post it in the coming days.

Batbear - These brutish monsters can be encountered in underground caves. Most schoolers believe that they are distantly related to Goblins.

Carrion Bug - A centipede like creature that lives in the underground and creates tunnels with its acid. They are known to feast on corpses and even lay their eggs inside or next to them, so that the newly hatched bugs have something to eat.

Revealed 78 of 86 new May models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!



Nathaniel W.

Love that bugbear and hope he can get a female counterpart one day!


Thank you! The problem with female Batbear would be that they would look exactly the same except the Breasts. 🤣


You guys are on the base game this month. Such beautiful looking bases


Nice carrion! Is it May yet!?!?!


Stunning work, as usual!


Nice, I had been looking for bugbear mini's, great timing ;)


I much prefer these renders to the traditional orange ones btw.

Josh Gelinas

any plans to start grouping up the bases?


personally I loved the Orange renders. It kinda became a stylized look for your Brand, ya know?


We still have the orange renders when you look at the newest release post. Won't hurt to try new render styles though. 😃