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Hello, time for the 3rd May update. Comments and Feedback are welcome. 😃

Grizzly Bear - You can fight them or you can ride them. Nothing is more intimidating then if you ride a Bear into battle! If you paint them white, you can make them Polar Bears!

Green Knight - A protector of Nature and a hobby Bard in one person!

Revealed 21 of ~80 new May models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!




i dont know how you guys keep topping yourselves each months its awesome


Oooo. Will you make a rider specifically for riding the bear? will you set it up that a rider will fit on any of the releases mounts? One of the hardest thing for me to find is quality riders that can cross fit on other mounts.


Thank you! Having fun in creating a world full of Monsters and Adventures is the reason why we can keep up the quality I think. 😃


Hello Mark, a rider is not planned for now. The main reason why we make mounts is that the DMs can give them to their players. Having a dedicated rider mini would only be useful in very specific situations but would require a lot of sculpting work. We think it is better to spend that time in creating more unique models. For now at least. 😃




Nice. Iorek Byrnison would certainly approve!

Yann Taniou

The fishing bear, perfect for diorama.


I've designed a large base (50mm) for large mounts with a slot for a 25mm mini as the rider. Nothing fancy or anything but I'd be glad to put it up on Thingiverse if there's interest.

Josh Gelinas

Any thoughts on slamming together a base/basing pack? You guys have made so many great ones but they're all over the place


The bear(s) is awesome! I hope you do something similar with other animals, I'd love to have an armored wolf 😁

Benoit Michaux

Kisley players will love those bears ! :)


I'm very much in favor of more armored/saddled animals. Thank you guys!

Sean John

I audibly went f*ck yeah when I saw the bear. Dope releases so far.

John Elliott

got the ... Bear Necessities!

Robert Haddon

Yeah, love the bear. I’ll take all the critters you can come up with



Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

The variety you provide is stellar. Wonderful to behold.