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Hello, it is time for our sixth March update. But before that, the pre-supported February models (sets 15 & 16) are done and online. Thanks to our Patron Tucker for his amazing contribution to the community! You can download them from the release post:


So, now that the pre-supports are done, we should go on a whaling adventure, shall we? 😃

Whaling Ship "The Huntress" - "Who needs canons when you can have multiple ballistae?"  - Captain Ahathid   | The whaling ship has playable interior and it can be printed on a standard resin printer!

Props for Whaling Ship - Included are boats with and without flat bottom and a giant Ballista that should be useful on different settings.

Captain Ahathid - The ruthless captain of "The Huntress" that got obsessed with hunting the Apocalypse Whale.

Apocalypse Whale - Legends say, that this ever growing leviathan will one day be so big, that it will devour all life on the planet. With a little (bad) luck, it can be encountered near Inferno Island.

Revealed 34 of ~80 new March models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!




Might need to extend the whale's base forward so it doesn't fall over.


This is awesome (I think I'm repeating myself). The ship is just what I need. I'd really like to see more of the crew of Captn Ahabitid.


Woah! I love the design of the Apocalypse Whale. The patterns look like flames, were you imagining it as somewhat of a part fire-creature?


As minor as it may seem, the Ballista is the star of this update - a scalable Ballista is a key missing item for many kits on the market, and it will fill that gap nicely. I Have a project that will require a huge number of them (~40), so, many thanks! the addition of another ship is great, too. variety: the spice of life.


That base is Gargantuan size. Any bigger and it will get unpractical to print. I would suggest adding some weight under the base and/or making the whales head hollow. That should prevent it tipping over.


I would actually love to create a crew for him. Sadly time is pressuring to move to the next set. Maybe in the future though.


The idea was to add a second layer of skin because it grows so fast. If you are going to paint it, I would suggest contrasting colors for the inner and the outer skin. You can of course interpret the outer skin as fire as well. But fire on a creature that lives in the sea is difficult to explain. Of course you can always say it is because of magic. 😃


I am a big ship nerd so having one every few months is a necessity. 😃 And I am glad you like the ballista. We actually want to make a few more siege weapons but it needs to be in the correct set.


That ship and the whale are amazing! Can't resist..must have!!!! As for siege weapons...for the future? I could use an Undead version of a ballista/catapult or something like that. Maybe made of bones and flesh and rotten wood?

Darryl Dennis Sandell

Nice, we get a ship:) Now I can have an opponent to pit against the ship in your other set:) Will we be getting an Ishmael type character as well:)


Beautiful sculpts! Love them!


Champ! I'm always really appreciative of the presupported stuff, thankyou! Next month is shaping up to be... er... Epic lol


I'm always a sucker for more ships.


Oh that ship is beautiful. I liked the first one, but this one...I don't know, she just speaks to me!


Do we have a discord to talk about printing and painting the models? I've started printing some of the Fey Woods sculpts and have had a few failures.

Colin St George

Have also encountered failures printing the half-orcs, gnomes and panthers. Pancake tentacles, legs, arms, etc. Normally have 99% success with pre-supported EPIC models. Anyone else having problems with the pre-supported Fey Woods models? (I print using Anycubic Photon and printed other models after these failures with no problems so setup is OK)


"Pancakes" mean under-supported most of the time. I would suggest adding a few extra supports on places where it looks like it would need some. I will talk with Tucker (pre-supporter) about that and get it fixed as fast as I can. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Will The ship be added to MMF 🤔 ?😊