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Hello it is time for another update. 

Lava Crocodile - You can find these creatures resting near volcanos and absorbing the heat. If you have to travel through volcanic terrain with heavy package, you should tame a few of them as pack animals! Be careful, they may spit lava on you though.

Marid - These water elemental Genie live on the coasts of Inferno Island and are in a constant war with the Efreeti that they share the island with.

Some color suggestions for the Marid:

Revealed 16 of ~80 new March models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!



John Elliott

These are fantastic! Can't wait to paint these!


You know ... about 80 models at that quality is unbelievably awesome.


Thank you! We do our bests every month to ensure the highest sculpting quality we can possibly squeeze out. 😃


I just love the lizard, and the Marid is just beautiful. These can be used/painted in different themes. Love it.


The lizard is amazing! The only slight disappointment is that there isn't a standard attacking pose for him. The one on a rock looks like he's either running away or growing at something above, the pack one has got a great pose, but, not really usable as a wild encounter. I realise I just sound like a moany grumbly arse, - sorry for that. I love the creature, and those poses are great, it's just I don't think any of them are quite right for a tabletop encounter. I don't suppose I could be rude enough to ask for a version of the pack one without the pack on it's back could I? The Marid looks amazing too - really tempted to get some clear resin to print the water around her.

Marc Hutsebaut

Loving the models every time and own about two thirds of the range, I think. One thing that keeps bothering me though, and I say this with the utmost respect, is your trademark orange presentation. If I may be brutally frank, I think it does your sculpting a disservice, as (again, to me) the renders seem to prove. There is something about the shadows and the overall murkiness that actually made me hesitate to become a patreon for a while. I had to print a few models to convince myself to look "through" the orange. Anyways, I get that it makes you stand out from the mostly grey presentations out there, but I just figured I'd let you know. Other than that, kudos all around!


I hope there is an efreet to complete the four genie this month. Love how there are female version of them.


Hello Stephen, thank you very much for the feedback! We know that there is no attacking pose. Everything we tried didn't work, mostly because of that long tail. The attacking poses looked to undynamic and were not convincing. I will see if the pack animal pose without the baggage will work. 😃


Hello Marc, I totally understand you! We are aware that the orange renders are not for everyone. Why we are continuing with it has 2 reasons: 1. It gets recognized easier as "Epic Miniatures" with one glance 2. We want our back catalog to have the same render style We could archive point 1 with other render styles too. The problematic part is point 2. If we would change our render style now, we would have to render almost 500 models again. That would take tons of time we currently don't have. We may eventually change the style in the future though when we have more supporters. 😃


With the elementals this and next month, I would love to see a Kelpie model.