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Hello, since August is almost over, we need to start thinking about the October models and we want to hear your opinion.

Here are the options:

1. Arctic Nights - This Set would contain Monsters that you encounter on Arctic Regions. Monsters in this Set can be Yetis, Frost Giants, Winter Wolfs and so on.

2. Spawns of Dracula - This Set would be themed after Vampires, Werewolfs, Frankensteins Monster and so on. Think of "Castlevania" and the "Curse of Strahd".

3. Monster Mayhem - This set would mostly contain monstres that are similar to classic DnD monsters like Beholders, Owlbears, Purple Worms, Umber Hulks and so on.

4. Restless Graves - Since October is the month of Halloween, we wanted to give you an Undead option. This Set will contain a bunch of new skeletons, zombies, ghosts and so on.

We will eventually do all of the above at some time. Please feel free to comment with monster suggestions for each option. 



Anything Lovecraftian is great. Also I have a hard time finding spirits/banshees/ghosts/etc.


We LOVE the Lovecraftian lore. The truth is we almost would have done a Cthulhu for September but I resisted the temptation since it deserves its own Set. We will definitely consider this in future polls though.


Oh man a thing that would be amazing is like a mini set of biblically accurate angels, they are so terrifying and I could easily see it used for a horror themed game!


I honestly think you gotta go undead with Halloween for October. But notice how evenly the voting is split. So do all the things. Do the standard monsters, we all need more of the usual suspects we’d find in a crawl. Same with the Gothic! Characters to fit within a Strahd or derivative campaign. And winter is coming with Icewind Dale. If your next few months are already decided, is that so wrong?


We will do them all at some point. In what order is the question. And we don't want to decide the release of several months with just one poll. We already got awesome suggestions like Lovecraft mythos and biblical angels. 😃


That is an awesome suggestion. If you have links to some reference images, send them my way with a message. 😃

Bill Dennis

Yes Castlevania I have converted a bunch from sotn to 5e


i went with the undead option only because it us halloween themed. id really love to see a monster mayhem. theres so many awesome classic monsters in the manual to go through.


We would like to do a monster mayhem too. I think there is a possibility to combine 1 & 3 to one release and 2 & 4 to one release since they are so similar. But we will wait for the poll results before making the final decision.


Currently in a heavy Vampire themed homebrew would love to see some Vampire or werewolves to add to my collection


We will definitely do a vampire themed set at some time, maybe in November. It looks like the arctic and classic monsters are winning October. 😀


i would like to see a few thing that i haven't seen any ware else. i have made references to other patrons an no one has put them on the plate , yet. 1) Kid adventures /squires /apprentices/towns folk playing or what not or learning there magic craft weather good or bad. 2) something with a bit of adult flair? tytan troll minis did a witch set ware one was a little exotic/nsfw. that option would be great on some male an female minis alike. lol I mean trolls don't wake up an care about putting pants on. 3) all the different Genasi Races. 4) magic effects like partially teleportation.


Hello and thank you for the suggestions! I will comment on each point you made. 1) We will do a townsfolk set for sure. They will be doing there daily jobs though. Maybe we could include a few kids playing. 2) We are avoiding adult themes right now. Not because we are against it, but because it doesn't fit our style. Yes, a troll with pants may not make much sense, but there is the option to always add some fur to hide stuff. 3) Genasi are definitely possible. We will think about making a set of elementals, genies and genasi. 4) I think some magic effects are not meant to be displayed as miniature models. Partial teleportation for example is so situational and so difficult to make look good, the effort is better spend making a totally new model instead. If you have more ideas, feel free to share them with us! 😀


Just voted for Dracula, I love the Undead and the Wolves.


Thank you for the vote. The Dracula Set will be done on November. When we started sculpting the October Set, the "Arctic Nights" Set was leading.


Love these EPIC Miniatures. Would love to see some constructs done by you guys. I need some metal good and bad bois in my game.