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Ahoi adventurers! I heard you are looking for a way to get to the "New World". As chance would have it our ship, "The Menace", is on a voyage to that place. 

Payment you ask? No thing as payment required if you hire as part of the crew! You will even get a part of the loot for your services. On this remote port you may not get an opportunity like this again for a long time. So what do you say? 


Hello, it is time to show you a part of the second new set for September, "The Pirates Voyage"!

The pirate models are all finished. We are currently working on a ship model ("The Menace") and various props. It turned out that designing a ship is much harder then we anticipated. We will somehow manage it though.

The models are still unnumbered since the Set 05 is not fully finished yet.

Set 06 - Pirates Voyage:

  • Pirate Captain Exploring (Medium)
  • Pirate Captain Battle (Medium)
  • Pirate Captain Hook (Medium)
  • Pirate Quartermaster Map (Medium)
  • Pirate Quartermaster Battle (Medium)
  • Pirate Quartermaster Treasure (Medium)
  • Pirate Sailing Master Navigating (Medium)
  • Pirate Sailing Master Dueling (Medium)
  • Pirate Sailing Master Gambling (Medium)
  • Pirate Boatswain Sword Battle (Medium)
  • Pirate Boatswain Climbing (Medium)
  • Pirate Boatswain Land Ahoy (Medium)
  • Pirate Cutthroat Torch (Medium)
  • Pirate Cutthroat Sword Dance (Medium)
  • Pirate Cutthroat Daggers (Medium)
  • Pirate Gunner Rifle (Medium)
  • Pirate Gunner Leaning (Medium)
  • Pirate Gunner Gambling (Medium)
  • Pirate Marauder Drinking (Medium)
  • Pirate Marauder Shooting (Medium)
  • Pirate Marauder Veteran (Medium)
  • Pirate Striker Pistols (Medium)
  • Pirate Striker Sitting (Medium)
  • Pirate Striker Veteran (Medium)

 A quick suggestion for Game Masters, don't allow Paladins for this Adventure. 😉 

As always, comments and feedback are welcome and thank you for your support!

Preview Images:

Thank you!




Looks great! what would be cool is to have a few bits like flintlock pistols, cutlass, maybe a spyglass...? Also a parrot to add to a shoulder or two would be cool!


Thank you! We haven't looked into modular models yet. I am not sure if we will manage to do it on this release since we still have lots of work, but we will think about it. 😃