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Hello again.

I'm back to you with more information about the OC poll for our current project Advanced Tip & Tap. 

As explained in our previous post, you can submit one of your OCs to be included in the poll we will open to the public on July 2nd. based on the number of submissions up to 3 characters will be selected to be included in the game as baristas. they will be dancing, serving or just hanging around on the stage.

As an example we have Falling Tide OC: Juni, to show you how we will include your OC to the game.

The first step is a small design adjustment. For example, Juni is a magical girl but she originally has a human appearance like we can see below.

Since the Pub Evangeline works is located in a monster's city. For Juni's appearance in the game she was transformed into a succubus like Evangeline, yet following Juni's original character traits and suggestions from Fallingtide we tried to portray her as close as possible.

After her adjustment, we will proceed to make the animated sprite we will include in the game, this sprite will appear in the game different stages, but players and NPCs will not interact with them. 

Chosen OC's will get this sprite, a character piece like the first one we show you as reward besides the OC inclusion to the game. if you have any question feel free to ask me in our Discord channel.

Until the next time.



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