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A question about Upscaling...

  • Yes, it's already good. 17
  • No, they're not good, and it would be nice to release an uncompressed version. 3
  • Well... whatever, I already think it's good as it is, hehe. 14
  • 2024-07-03
  • 34 votes
{'title': 'A question about Upscaling...', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes, it's already good.", 'votes': 17}, {'text': "No, they're not good, and it would be nice to release an uncompressed version.", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Well... whatever, I already think it's good as it is, hehe.", 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 3, 23, 20, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 34}


I was testing some things here and there, so I wanted to get your opinion. Do you think it would be a good idea to upscale the images in the main game and release an uncompressed version, or do you feel the image quality is already good? 



Honestly it's good as is, but if you wanna upscale it you should. Just be aware that it means the size goes up