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Hey there, you strange and wonderful patron!

Popping in briefly once more amidst preparations for Paris and the Pompidou to tell you that Patreon introduced a new feature a few weeks ago called "COLLECTIONS", in which creators can group their posts together into organized clusters.

No longer shall you have to tire your thumbs scrolling endlessly through years of my writings or curse at the clumsy tag system if you want to find some older gems! Navigate to the 'COLLECTIONS' tab easily at the top of my Creator page and peruse those newly-organized posts in chronological order.

You'll find the following Collections now organized for your viewing pleasure. Whether you're a member of the old guard here, or a new patron, I hope you'll find this as satisfying to easily navigate now as I do!

Barbette 2023 - Essays and the links to the (still private for now!) video documentation of Le Numéro Barbette (my 8-minute aerial straps act)

Atelier Barbette - In the mood for some bite-sized videos instead of long form writing? All TWENTY (yep, 20) Atelier Barbette vlogs are now here in chronological order for your viewing pleasure

Barbette Essays (Fall 2022) - Long form writing from the first year of my 2-year Composite Grant from the Canada Council for the Arts; the bedrock upon which Le Numéro Barbette was built!

Early Barbette (2021) - Essays and video links to the contortion-based proof of concept I first created around Barbette, during the pandemic

VACUUM (essays & vlogs) - Collected writing and video from the research and creation of my dark little baby, VACUUM. This project was the result of a Research & Explore grant from the Canada Council for the Arts in 2020. The trailer for this act is over 4 million views on Youtube now (*exploding head noises*)

SLOW CIRCUS: VACUUM - See how I brought my big beautiful coffee table book to fruition! The next instalment (SLOW CIRCUS: BARBETTE) is in development and I'm hoping to be launching the pre-sale for it in late November if I can get all my ducks in a row.

Gender Diaries - Every so often I catch my breath between circus and film projects and share some essays or reflections on experiences specific to transitioning and gender identity. If you're looking for the deeply personal stuff, you'll find it here and nowhere else. I trust you with the information, confessions, & admissions contained therein.

Early Excerpts: MOULIN ROUGE - I wrote three chapters of my experiences on a Winter 2019 contract with duo contortion partner Troy James at this infamous Parisian cabaret. I've got all my notes and drafts on this particular adventure and hope to circle back to finish the story -- but for now, you've got these old teasers to pick through

France À Un Incroyable Talent – Short stories from Winter 2019 when Troy and I were preparing to compete in the first round, and then finale, of LFAUIT

Updates Archive – Fancy a walk down memory lane? These updates go wayyy back to 2020 and are organized chronologically from newest to oldest.

I'll be continuing to add new collections as time goes on – enjoy!
XO ess



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