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Hello, dear patrons! Here's a photo dump from the morning of the shoot.

(There's not much from the afternoon and evening, since that's when we were shooting the act and it was GO GO GO GO GO to load in the lights, set things up, warm up get dressed, shoot the damn thing, avoid melt-downs over deteriorating costumes, cool down, tear down, pack up, load out, and go home. I think I had some yogurt and a coffee at 8am, a Cliff bar at 10am, and then didn't have time to put food in my face again until 8:30pm).

There's captions on the photos for context for ya!

* * * * * [ to be continued]

[Update on conversations with the Zurich producer & European agent lady tomorrow.]


ARRIVAL! HERE WE GO. I think my face really says it all, here. This was at about 10:00am Saturday.
Some details of the beautiful Birdhaus studio
Some details of the beautiful Birdhaus studio
The wig! Styled by drag queen extraordinaire Calypso Cosmic, + Barbette biography gifted by patron Jerome! (thank you, Jerome!)
Testing out the hoop skirt (had to E6000 superglue one of the snaps back on overnight because the un-planned latex thickness stressed it)
Ready for prom ni– I MEAN, ready to put my makeup on
Laying out the costumes
Laying out the costumes, cont.
Close-up of the makeup! 1920s makeup was kept pretty simple (lucky me): a matte red lip, blush in centre of cheeks, and some thin brows
Synthetic wigs unfortunately don't allow for a natural looking hairline BUT this baby passes the "10 ft test" (looks great from a distance )
DoP & Cinematographer Tig Fong figuring out how to light the room as nicely as possible!
The lovely Arlen Aguirro-Stewart being my stand-in for lighting (I'll tell you folks all about Arlen tomorrow!)
My face at the end of the day, somewhere around 11pm. Whatever random setting spray I was using clearly pulled its weight! ha!



Talk about perseverance!!! Best start to the day you could have given yourself with all taken into account, and you had a rocking team by your side who had your back, no matter the direction you bent hahaha If you were on Avatar, you would be my favorite Bender. :D *zing* Do you know when will you receive word from Mr.Fancyeuropeagent? Side note: Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty is a super interesting book that can help with breathing when life gets overwhelming. If you look into it, I hope it helps you as it has and does help me.


Thank you for the book rec! Tomorrow's post is a little update on the Zurich front 🤞 No major information, but at least gets everyone up to speed on the little I *do* know


Catching up! So you did receive the bio, just in time, cool! Love the studio, very classy and creative at the same time.