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Here it is folks – the entire strange, wonderful monstrosity*. **

(*NB: I didn't end up going back and changing the little things at the start and finish I wrote about wanting to tweak, yesterday – I only now realized that if I start taking down one video and uploading another and re-sending links to Ms. European Agent and Mr. Zurich Producer that I'm liking causing far more technological confusion than is advisable at this precise moment so – screw it – the entry to the first image of the video is less of a nice gradual fade-in than my perfectionist brain wants it to be right now)

(**NB: I have ~ w o r d s ~ for you folks about what you get to watch today via the above link, and DID originally include them *with* this video.  However, after some consideration I've taken them away and changed them to tomorrow's post. [For example – no, you're not imagining things – there are a couple little 'jumps'/glitches in this recording.]

I'd like you all to have the opportunity to sit back and enjoy the fruits of all the hard labour you've been reading about / along for the ride with, with me, these past 6+ weeks, unfettered by my anxious observations and critiques [for now. muahahaha]

My self-critical commentary can wait until tomorrow, along with an explanation of the obvious [but hopefully not TOO obvious...] technical issues that arose on the weekend.)

Until then – I sincerely hope you all enjoy your first viewing of the new act.

Introducing: Le Numéro Barbette.




Le Numéro Barbette

Proof of Concept * Contortion * Ess Hödlmoser @strangewonderfulcreautre * ess.hoedlmoser@gmail.com



This was AMAZING 😍😍😍

Kerensa Woodring

That was so very cool to watch! Such control! The decor, the lighting, the music, your movement - they all work so well together. What a fabulous piece of art!