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Heya patrons,

As you read (view) today's instalment, I'm likely biking towards my fitting with Michael Slack and Marianne Thibeault (it's scheduled for 10am). Hopefully I'll have some beautiful sneaky photos from the fitting to share with you all during next week's instalments.

In the meantime, I thought you might enjoy me being sweaty and struggling along in the meagre 2.5" heels that have nonetheless introduced heretofore undiscovered levels of stress and difficulty in my performing ability (translation: contortion is effing hard in heels).

Roberto has been working really hard to show me how to have ~*~*~clean lines~*~*~* and elegant arms and all manner of things like that, so that we can trick everyone into thinking that I'm some kind of performer I'm not in the first part of the act*. I'll share these online elsewhere eventually, but I thought you folks might enjoy the sampling of me learning how to look mOrE gRaCeFuL, and practicing some of the tricks making their way into the choreography.

(*I don't mean that in a self-deprecating way, I mean it literally: the start of the act comes across more as a burlesque sort of vibe and there's no giveaway of cool contortion tricks until after another costume reveal! So, we. need people to believe I'm the kind of effortlessly glamorous vintage strip-tease afficionado that took 2 decades of jazz or ballet classes and owns legs that know how to cross and turn out just so..... y'feel me? ;) )

[ to be continued]






Every day, I'm amazed... Just told Rachel this morning how fascinating this ongoing "Barbette" endeavor is....