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If I’m gonna do this, it has to feel like it’s something worth the work that’s going to go into it.

If I’m gonna do this, it has to be something that can live beyond Zurich (possibly) happening.

Okay, brain: what does this producer actually want? What do I know for sure?

I know that he is interested in latex. I know that he likes the VACUUM act. This is the second time now this guy has tried to get me out there to perform with his shows.

VACUUM act is kind of weird, kind of gender-bendy.
I guess whether it’s “fetish”y or not depends on who is watching.
This is a dinner cabaret, so it should be a tight, pretty traditional act in terms of there being trick sequences that build in difficulty / impressiveness. No weird slow contemporary stuff. Just a straightforward spectacle.

How can I bring all of those things together…

I thought about just choreographing a standard ‘corporate’ act in the latex catsuit that was made for the TV show.
Blah. It means nothing. There’s nothing there. If I had some handstands on canes, maybe. If I had mouthpiece in the act, sure. If overall my flexibility was maybe a step up from where it is right now, then perhaps … but as it stands, I don’t think I have enough high level technical tricks to put in there to warrant just walking out there and bending.

I considered trying something along the lines of a solo ‘creature’ act. But how will I fill the stage without Troy? That act is possible, but I don’t think it’ll have the impact I want it to have with just me, in the amount of time that I have to workshop this act. Troy’s body always had that extra WOW factor. Didn’t even have to warm up for it. It’s one of the reasons why he’s been so nonstop hireable for film & TV. That’s not me, and that’s ok – but without that, I don’t think a ‘creature act’ is going to come off as impressively as I need it to.

Another thought rattled around in the back of my mind.
What about Barbette? It whispered.
What about Barbette, I shot back. This has to be latex. This isn’t a … ohhhh. Oh – wait.


[to be continued]



LOL, you're good at keeping suspense going... Ok, you did get me quite curious about the end of the story... Tell us!!


Thanks to a little Patreon glitch you get TWO continuing instalments today ....! (Whoops, on my part! hehe). I hope today's writings satisfy your curiosity a little bit ... one more post coming tomorrow and then you shall remain in suspense again over the weekend :D