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Hi friends! I’m hard at work in the final stages of getting ISSUE 2 out to you! Check it out — I got ✨fancy✨ and added a couple QR codes inside this issue so people can just hold their phone over the page and check out the video after they read the stories/essays! I feel very clever. 😉

Ive sent a preview of the text to Marco Motta, who heartily approves (pretty important 😅); I’m relieved and happy. It’s nerve wracking to write about someone else’s art! Let alone be a white writer writing about a Black artist’s work (which deals with racism and racialized violence) ... I really didn’t want anything to come across like I was re-interpreting Motta’s work; just amplifying the beautiful and powerful work he’s already put out there in the world.

So ... success!

I’ve finalized the inside layout, crossed my T’s and dotted my I’s, and have sent the whole whack off to the printer (trying to save myself 4 hours at Staples with some newfangled online witchcraft. Cross your fingers for me it works 😬)

I’m anticipating having my paws on paper by middle of next week at latest, and then they’ll be in the mail (!!!!!) for you higher-tier friends, and I’ll be posting the digital copy here for $5 tier and up patrons! ☺️

I have a circus friend doing the Spanish translation for me which should be done by end of next week, and then I can make those available on my site. If any of you would like a Spanish copy as well as an English copy, let me know ahead of time so I can delay mailing your issue by a few days and send them together.

Marco Motta has selected a Spanish non-profit (ASNUCI) for the profits of this zine to go towards; they provide humanitarian aid and support to migrant workers living in shanty towns in the Huelva province — these folks are at a greater risk of COVID exposure and have recently been the target of xenophobic and racist violence (people lighting their shelters on fire .... sometimes with them still inside 😐😠).

If I sell all the copies I’m printing (beyond your copies, I mean!) we’ll be able to raise about $1500.00 CAD! So keep your fingers crossed that this does well (and tell your friends! 😉)

More updates soooon!

Stay strange & wonderful! ❤️



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