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Nearly caught up, now! I noticed the last vlog I put together was about 10 minutes long ... yikes ... I know smaller, bite-sized chunks are probably better, so I did my best to split things up a little more. This vlog looks at the work from end of last week: just getting more familiar with the interior dimensions of the tower, getting specific on what shapes won't be making it into the show on Saturday (I'm looking at you, bridge...), and a few new contenders.

I thought it was difficult enough to balance on one leg and do a standing split / Y-scale. For some godforsaken reason, I have been finding it WAY HARDER to do the same thing from my knee (which I have to do if I want to do it in the apparatus, because I'm too tall, otherwise).

Back to the gulag today – 
More rubbery weirdness coming soon. 




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