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Ahoohoo, happy Friday! We've got a few updates, reminders, and a lovely little tease for something mega cool that's coming next week 👀

Adding the Patreon-Exclusive Fireside Feed to Spotify

  • We’ve been testing it out for a while and can finally shout about it publicly: You can now add your private Fireside Feed to your Spotify account! This means that if you use Spotify for podcasts, you can get both the main public feed and Fireside Feed right there in the platform. Many other podcast apps also allow you to combine multiple feeds into unified playlists, like Overcast, Pocketcasts, etc, but now Spotify does as well. For instructions on how to add your private RSS into your Spotify account, click riiiight here.

Patreon Recommendations

  • Patreon has added a new feature that allows Patreon artists to “recc” each other! We love this! Check out our About page where you can see the other Patreon artists we recommend. You might recognize our first two: The Griffon’s Saddlebag (who designed the art and stat blocks for the magic items in Arc 1 of the Wizard the Witch and the Wild One), and Transplanar, a really, really good looking and generally fantastic video AP, that we think you’ll love.

Interlude #2: The Clearing

  • We have recorded and are now scoring and editing our second interlude, to debut this September between Arcs 3 and Arc 4! Should you miraculously survive the remaining episodes of Arc 3 (it’s INTENSE and WILD, folks) you’ll be treated to what can only be described as the exact opposite of our first interlude, Twelvebrooks. In “The Clearing”, all new characters will take you far into the past of Umora, to a place made of danger, blood, and light, a place you have not, or wait..maybe you have (?) been before. God, we love being mysterious.

WBN Summer Remix Competition Deadline

Upcoming Merch

  • We hinted at upcoming merch during our birthday livestream, and more things are picking up steam and taking shape as we speak! WATCH THIS SPACE, and get excited!

And what we have in store for next week ... Can you guess?  👀

  • Something witchy this way comes ...


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