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Hello patrons! After a lovely rainy morning visit with my old pal Maui here, I’ve cooked up this overdue update post for us. Here we go!

Thank you guys so much for your kind words last week about Tournelle du Soleil– it brightened my day each time a new one popped into existence and makes me feel motivated about taking that whirlwind first draft into a polished direction later this year.

I'm in the homestretch of my stunt contract on Frankenstein. I'm in rehearsals every day, and prepping my body and mind to be ravaged by a couple weeks of dirty night shoots. I have so much to write about from this contract once it's done. It's going to require digestion, reflection, and a slow approach.

  • Today, I'm filling you in on what's been happening on my end while you've been reading Tournelle du Soleil, what's coming up in the immediate future, and what I'm looking at for later in the year.

  • Tomorrow, you'll be getting another post from me about some conscious changes I'm going to try out with this Patreon to help me shoot for my goals this year.

  • Later next week, I'm going to be reaching out with (1) some polls! and (2) a comment box link to request some testimonials from anyone happy to offer little blurbs or sound bytes that I can share on my website, socials, and future-backs-covers-of-future-books.

  • A SLOW CIRCUS: BARBETTE printing/publication progress report is coming your way too (exciting!), along with some polls so I can get your feedback on what happens here.

Without further ado, here's the nitty-gritty of my state of my chaos, a Pandemonium Progress Report!


✵ In a couple weeks I'll be starting to rehearse and re-familiarize myself with VACUUM for a one-off performance here in Toronto on May 10th, a cabaret hosted by friends of mine who are Halloween enthusiasts that want a creepiness contingent injected into the decidely un-gothic sunshine and tulips of early summer. I'm excited to get back in the Danger Balloon!

✵ Getting the second (rather delayed) volume of THE INTERVIEWS zine out into the world (and running another social media push for new patrons, like I did last time! existing patrons who've been here for the past 3 months are gonna get their free copies too, just like last time). Moving forward / for Year 2 and onward, I'm going to shift to a single-issue publication with everyone's interviews in one volume. It's better that way.

✵ Creeping back onto social media (I took 3 months off by accident... whoops. It's been good for me, though! More on that tomorrow ).

✵ Writing and firing off a couple of grants to help me try to navigate the middle-future [see below]


✵ I'm heading back to Montréal mid-May for another big push towards my technical and professional goals in circus. Lots of training in aerial straps, ballet, and contortion. There'll also be lots of revisiting and re-vamping BARBETTE with the clarity that time-away from a project brings.

✵ July: it's looking like I'm going to get to present BARBETTE at a cabaret in Montréal! The Complètement Cirque festival is running during this time period and the city is going to be alive with shows and visiting artists. I'll offer more details on this as we get closer to it.

✵ Mid-July: I'm heading back to Ireland to teach at the https://irishaerialdancefest.com/ for the first time & share BARBETTE there, too. Aisling ni Cheallaigh, Jenny Tufts, Rachel Strickland, and Alec Stoddard are going to be there too – a most powerful panoply of prodigious, prestigious Patreon creators gathering in one place, indeed! ;)

THE (NOT-SO) DISTANT FUTURE (fall / winter)

Jenny Tufts recently mentioned that November is National Novel Writing Month, and let me tell you, my interest IS PIQUED. That's all I'll say about that for now.

✵ I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but one of my longer-term goals is to begin trialling long-form, durational performances of VACUUM. Specifically, I want to try to get these into art museums and galleries. I've got pretty minimal connections in that corner of the art world, but it's on my mental vision board (should I make a real-life vision board? do any of you do that? do you like it?)

✵ I want to start dabbling with film photography – to play with an old, casual medium for creative cross-pollination, as well as to start exploring creating images that I can combine with some of my writing projects here. I've got my hands an a 50-year-old Polaroid SX-70 and a more modern little fujifilm instax for instant-gratification, as well as a classic manual film camera in the form of a very old Yashica.

Do I have any idea what I'm doing? No. Can I remember the aperture/iso calculations that I learned in my Grade 10 photography class half a lifetime ago? Nope. Do I know how to use a light reader? Also nope. Am I going to waste a bunch of rolls of film? Probably. That's okay. (advice welcome!)

Okay folks, let me leave it there for now. You'll hear from me again soon (tomorrow!). Have a strange and wonderful rest of your day (or night). XO - s.



Emmanuel·le Fontaine

Hi Ess, an answer to your not so distant future questions : * real life vision board does help indeed but it's only the last step of a more complex marketing strategy usually (you're asking the right questions). Without the strategy you might end up with an art project mood board. Which is nice and useful but might not help you with your long term plan. Marketing is usually mistaken with communication but what marketing really does is analyzing the market structures politically, sociologically, regarding risk taking, regarding potentiality and regarding the own strategy of the current market actors to detect where your goal/offer and skills can fit/be useful (...) within the existing institutions. * whaaat you have an SX70 ?! that little jewell of a Polaroid was my absolute best friend 12 years ago when "the impossible project" bought back the Polaroid engineering rights (but not the process that allowed the pictures to develop in the light... Which made shooting with an SX back then absolutely technical and difficult but amazingly fun and the result gorgeous !). I can't wait to discover your own artistic approach of such a brilliant tool. I'm also in the process of mixing bookbinding, photo, writing, reading, insights etc but I chose a much more contemporary approach this time. I bought a Zoemini printer 🤷‍♂️. It's less fun on the technical/process part of photography (and less unpredictable too) to be honest but I had another reason this time. Anyway, again can't wait to discover what you'll do with that fantastic tool. Opening and closing my SX70 used to feel like magic to me... ✨ . I hope it does too for you. I hope this helps. Take care. Emmanuel.le


Wow! So many exciting things happening for you!! I must admit, your big boy jumps series was absolutely a (small) factor in deciding to support you here - it brought me so. much. joy to follow along, and start noticing the little nuances of posture and placement and what goes into skill-building a body, as well as your wonderful and hilarious voiceover commentary. Stoked to hear and see what you've been up to and what you'll be getting up to, and thrilled that you have some amazing things coming up 💜


Ah, this is so wonderful! I can’t wait to see it all unfold! You’re a massive inspiration to me. I am on the spectrum. By you sharing your perspective: it has granted me the gift of seeing someone similar to myself accomplish things that I once thought were impossible. Representation is so very critical and being able to come along with you on your journey has shown me that it can be possible for me too. Thank you.


thanks so much for sharing that, Mandi! I'm sitting on a little pile of footage from my first classes back this week and will be sharing them soon – makes me happy if these silly videos are fun for everyone to follow along with ... it's motivating, too! So, thank you!


I tried typing a million heart emojis and then when I hit "Reply", Patreon just compressed them all down into a single one! hahaha - so..... "<3" x 1,000,000 !!!!