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Now's your time to submit your requests for July's renders! I'll accommodate what I can and as stated and any requests can be confirmed via PM as to what can and can't be done.

Really awesome to some more requests so keep'em coming! Please refer to Welcome page™ for the guidelines and content types to aid in your requests (and remember, NSFW themes are perfectly okay!) :)

Post those requests in the comments section of this post (or PM me, that works too)! :D

REQUESTS CLOSE TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, depending on your hemisphere; west (The Americas)- east (Asia-Pacific)

As usual, there's a bit of wiggle room with that vague closing time, so focus on getting a request in ASAP. I'll let you know if it's past due. Once these requests are collected in, I'll set up a poll for the following week, IF, more than three requests are submitted.

*Meanwhile, this month's requests will be the following, by popular vote!

Theme 1 (Ridiculously Big)

"Would love to see more of Ethan and Taylor! Also curious to see how Danilo looks with a ridiculously big belly."

Theme 3 (A Sweet Ass)

"I have an idea to submit. Taylor in the kitchen wearing his barefoot and pregnant apron bent over to pick something off the floor, and looking in surprise at his baby daddy (a non pregnant Mason) who's just slapped his bare ass."

Theme 4 (Nude Beach)

"Since it's summer, maybe something like Heath and Lucas are a little 'excited'  at a nude beach."

(*Upon review, Theme 2 was disqualified as the requester did not qualify to participate in monthly requests)

Get yours in for a chance to have it done for July!

(Again, I've been a bit busy and have gotten sick recently, so as per last month, I'm still just catching up on requests and commissions! I appreciate everyone's patience <3)


Eric Boyd

Since it's summer here's a summer themed idea: A pregnant Bruce (or Dain) at the beach getting head by another equally aroused pregnant man and they've just been caught ;) (if that idea works of course)


Alexei in labor/giving birth - maybe on all fours? I just want to see him struggling to give birth.