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Now's your time to submit your requests for April's renders! My asset collection has substantially improved, and may be able to get into some more detailed and specific requests! I'll accommodate what I can and as stated, any requests will be confirmed via PM to what can and can't be done.

The bigger has been growing a bit more, so I'm hoping some greater patron participation from the silver and gold tiers! Will April Requests finally be the moment to have a round of votes going? That's all up to you :P Please refer to Welcome page™ for the guidelines and content types to aid in your requests :)

Post those requests in the comments section of this post (or PM me, that works too)! :D

REQUESTS CLOSE THURSDAY-FRIDAY, depending on your hemisphere; west (The Americas)- east (Asia-Pacific)

There's a bit of wiggle room with that vague closing time, so focus on getting a request in ASAP. Once these requests are collected in, I'll set up a poll for the following week, IF, more than three requests are submitted.

Meanwhile, the January request is courtesy of gatoverde225 and bkgmba! Two requests will follow similar themes from the previous month, while a third will be a laboring character from behind -- with some swollen milk-filled pecs :)

Get yours in for a chance to have it done for April!


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