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Enough time has passed to reveal another secret:

Okay guys, this peek will be about the future house improvements and other two stuff.

 It's more a description of what might come, so I await your opinion on it.

Since the core will now be usable, you can use it with the help of Tailé to obtain not only rooms for future arrivals, but also something special.

Probably not in this patch for what happens to Tailè in this incoming events, but soon it will be available .

The idea is simple, giving special rooms to spend the time with the girls, some of this could be for example the swimming pool.

 But here lies the problem If we think about a "room with water" to enjoy with the girls, there could be a lot of different possibility, also already in game.

One of this could be the onsen, after someone clean and repair what needs to be fixed in the dojo,  but that's probably more like a "spa", more than a real swimming pool.

Also, when this new room will show up, where are they going to be placed?  This right now is the navi:

Thinking about making it more bigger doesn't seems like the right idea.

So there are right now different possible solution:

First solution, the one that I don't really like, enlarge the navi.

Second solution, use the portal to add the new rooms, but that would go against the logic, since in that goes only the stuff outside the house or shortcut.

Third solution, use the core room itself, like a place that is capable of changing shape, like the handling room.

Fourth solution, use some rooms as passages for the new rooms, like to go the swimming pool you use the living or the garden, but the main problem will be if players remember where are the new rooms, since in the navi nothing is showed.

Tell me in terms of accessibility which would you prefer Reconnecting to 'rooms with the same function', I'm gonna show you what the in-game pool might be.

One could be this one:

The second instead this one:

Probably the second one is better because it has some decorations similar to the garden I had also another idea, like upgrading the room of the girls to do more stuff inside, like this for Cleos:

However, the whole thing would start to be too much and too dispersive That's all for the house upgrades, now the second topic is going to be about the numbers of the girls

Change of plans regarding this last topic from the secret peek, at the moment I have decided not to limit myself with anything as far as the main story is concerned

Since I have been cutting out too many things lately, I would not like to keep doing it to shorten the time.

The more girls arrive at the end of the journey, the less time they will need to work and more time the others will get to work.  Now, last thing is some kind of surprise I will show you two things, be free to speculate

Secrets are over, see you next time.




I think option 4 could be ah option but to make it a little bit better maybe you could add ah little icons that could be as ah tipps so we know where to find that rooms. On the other hand maybe option 1 could be good because some good point on it will be that the game would look like there is a more of content in the house to do if you know what i mean and then it would be eassier to find the new rooms. Dont jugde me i know you dont like option1 but i would prefer it bec of that aspects. I know option 1 would mean ah lot of work but like i said i would prefer it so. Anyways i wish you a good day man and stay healthy 🫶💙


Yep, enlarge it could be the easiest way, but it's gonna take half screen at some point, so probably option 3 or 4 are the way to follow


For navigation, I think it would be safe to use your 4th option, considering how much of this sort of navigation is already present in the game. That said, it could be prudent to rename some of the icons to represent sections of the house instead of individual rooms, which might make it more clear as to what rooms are where. The individual rooms could then be nested in an additional map accessed by choosing each house section. Alternately, would it be possible to add to the top of the navi menu a "PAGE # of #" set of buttons with arrows to change between them? That could eliminate the issue and I'm betting simpler than "nesting" the nav system. Or would it be feasible to replace the current navi tiles with a house floorplan that could function similarly to the main world maps? I do see how this could lead to more navigation menu nesting, but I think people might like to be able to visualize the layout a bit. I know I would. Regardless, I'm super excited to see where this goes and what you choose.