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Hi guys, welcome to the first sneak of the month.

This incoming build 0.81 will be the last before my vacation, so let's focus on what's coming between events and fixes.

0.81 is going to be another all girls build, but I'm gonna add the last part of Sectorial Movement, leaving you with a nice gift.

We begin with the minor things:

The quest menu got improved with a better positioning of the quests and hints, also, the icons are bigger.

Up to 10 quests will be shown, I think this is enough since it has never happened that anyone has had more than 6 in a row.

Also, the completed quests menu got fixed with the missing quests.

Now the quick hints, in game are available now the quick hints for Isabel, Hell, Jin, Mikosh, Neon and Aneko:

The only missing in the list is Maribel, she will get it as soon as I render the pic
During the livestream we found out that the Event Theater and the inventory were not working correctly in the first part of the game, happy to tell you they are fixed.

Last thing of this minor part, the renders got a new upgrade thanks to a new feature that applies a better ambient occlusion, removing the fake lights and adding the shadows were needed.

Here two renders to compare them.



As you can see, the fake model edge lighting is removed, and shadows are applied throughout the body correctly, you can easily notice this on the legs, the hair and the skirt.

Now let's show some new events incoming in this build.

First the focus girl of 0.81, Jin:

"Memories of a distant war".

Then we have back our favorite kitty, Aneko:

Back for some tests in the lab.

Last for today, a new Cleos event, let's conclude this part of the story with Zairah presentation:

With her we conclude the sneaks for today, there are still a lot to see, so until then, have a good weekend.




When it's time, enjoy your vacation you've earned it with the amazing content you've been giving us.


Jin time! Whoo!